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People and Society

2024 Publications

Smart Technology 2024 Go To Release
Teicneolaíocht Chliste 2024 Go To Release
Household Digital Consumer Behaviour 2024 Go To Release
Household Digital Consumer Behaviour 2024 Go To Release
Internet Coverage and Usage in Ireland 2024 Go To Release
Rochtain agus Úsáid Idirlín 2024 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Quarter 2 2024 Go To Release
Cionta Coireachta Taifeadta Figiúirí bliantúla amhail R2 2024 le hais R2 2024 Go To Release
Population and Migration Estimates 2024 Go To Release
Meastacháin Daonra agus Imirce Aibreán 2024 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Q1 2024 Go To Release
Cionta Coireacht Taifeadta Figiúirí bliantúla R1 2024 le hais R1 2023 Go To Release

2023 Publications

Household Budget Survey (HBS) 2022-2023 Go To Release
Suirbhé Buiséid an Líon Tí 2022-2023 Go To Release
SILC 2023 Poverty Indicators by Health Status Go To Release
Táscairí Bochtaineachta i bhfianaise Stádas Sláinte Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálaí Maireachtála (SILC) 2023 Go To Release
Well-being 2023 – Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2023 Go To Release
Modúl SILC ar Fholláine 2023 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Victims 2023 and Suspected Offenders 2022 Go To Release
Coireacht Thaifeadta Íospartiagh 2023 agus Ciontóirí Amhrasta 2022 Go To Release
Marriages 2023 Go To Release
Póstaí 2023 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Q4 2023 Go To Release
Coireacht Thaifeadta R4 2023 - Cionta Coireachta Taifeadta amhail 2 2023 le hais 2022 Go To Release
Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2023 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálaí Maireachtála (SILC) 2023 Go To Release
SILC Enforced Deprivation 2023 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálaí Maireachtála (SILC) Díotacht Fhorghníomhach 2023 Go To Release
Pension Coverage 2023 Go To Release
Clúdach Pinsin 2023 Go To Release
Irish Babies' Names 2023 Go To Release
Ainmneacha Leanaí na hÉireann 2023 Go To Release
Household Internet Security 2023 Go To Release
Slándáil Pearsanta Idirlín 2023 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Q3 2023 Go To Release
Cionta Coireachta Taifeadta Figiúirí bliantúla amhail Ráithe 3 2023 le hais Ráithe 3 2022 Go To Release
Education Attainment Thematic Report 2023 Go To Release
Tuarascáil Théamach ar Ghnóthachtáil Oideachais 2023 Go To Release
Digital Consumer Behaviour Households 2023 Go To Release
Iompraíocht Tomhaltóirí Digiteacha 2023 Go To Release
Internet Coverage and Usage in Ireland 2023 Go To Release
Rochtain agus Úsáid Idirlín 2023 Go To Release
Population and Migration Estimates 2023 Go To Release
Meastacháin Daonra agus Imirce Aibreán 2023 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Q2 2023 Go To Release
Cionta Coireachta Taifeadta Figiúirí bliantúla amhail Ráithe 2 2023 le hais Ráithe 2 2022 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Q1 2023 Go To Release
Cionta Coireachta Taifeadta Figiúirí bliantúla amhail Ráithe 1 2023 le hais Ráithe 1 2022 Go To Release

2022 Publications

Irish Population Estimates from Admin Data Sources April 2022 Go To Release
Meastacháin Daonra na hEireann ag Úsaid Foinsí Sonraí Ríaracháin Aibreán 2022 Go To Release
Adult Education Survey 2022 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Oideachas Aosach 2022 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Detection 2022 Go To Release
Aimsiú na Coireachta Taifeadta 2022 Go To Release
Analysis of Housing Assistance (HAP) Payment 2022 Go To Release
Anailís ar an Scéim um Íocaíocht Cúnaimh Títhíochta (HAP) Go To Release
Sexual Violence Survey 2022 - Sexual Harassment Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Fhoréigean Gnéis 2022- Ciapadh Gnéis Go To Release
Sexual Violence Survey 2022 – Disclosure of Experiences Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Fhoréigean Gnéis 2022 - Ag Labhairt faoi Eispéiris Go To Release
Sexual Violence Survey 2022 - Childhood Experiences Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Fhoréigean Gnéis 2022 - Eispéiris le linn na hÓige Go To Release
Recorded Crime Victims 2022 and Suspected Offenders 2021 Go To Release
Coireacht Thaifeadta: Íospartaigh 2022 agus Ciontóirí Amhrasta 2021 Go To Release
Sexual Violence Survey 2022 - Adult Experiences Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Fhoréigean Gnéis 2022 - Eispéiris Daoine Fásta Go To Release
Employment Analysis of Maternity and Paternity Benefits 2019 - 2022 Go To Release
Anailís Fostaíochta i ndáíl le Sochair Máithreachais agus Atharthachta 2019 - 2022 Go To Release
Marriages 2022 Go To Release
Póstaí 2022 Go To Release
Poverty Indicators by Health Status (SILC) 2022 Go To Release
Táscairí Bochtaineachta i bhfianaise Stádas Sláinte Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálaí Maireachtála (SILC) 2022 Go To Release
Sexual Violence Survey 2022 - Main Results Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Fhoréigean Gnéis 2022 - Príomhthorthaí Go To Release
Recorded Crime Incidents Q4 2022 Go To Release
Cionta Coireachta Taifeadta Figiúirí 2022 le hais 2021 Go To Release
Irish Babies' Names 2022 Go To Release
Ainmneacha Leanaí na hÉireann 2022 Go To Release
Pension Coverage 2022 Go To Release
Clúdach Pinsin 2022 Go To Release
Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2022 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálái Maireachtála (SILC) 2022 Go To Release
Relationship Between Victims and Reported Suspects for Sexual and Assault Offences, Q3 2021-Q3 2022 Go To Release
Caidreamh idir íospartaigh agus ciontóirí tuairiscithe in ionsaithe agus cionta gnéis, R3 2021 - R3 2022 Go To Release
Internet Coverage and Usage 2022 Go To Release
Rochtain agus Úsáid Idirlín 2022 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Q3 2022 Go To Release
Cionta Coireachta Taifeadta Figiúirí bliantúla amhail Ráithe 3 2022 le hais Ráithe 3 2021 Go To Release
Sustainability of Personal ICT Devices 2022 Go To Release
Ceist na hInmharthanachta agus Gléasanna Pearsanta TFC 2022 Go To Release
Smart Technology 2022 Go To Release
Teicneolaíocht Chliste 2022 Go To Release
Digital Consumer Behaviour Households 2022 Go To Release
Iompraíocht Tomhaltóirí Digiteacha 2022 Go To Release
Pulse Survey: Our Lives, Our Money - October to November 2022 Go To Release
Airgead sa Saol Laethúil: Achoimre ar Thorthaí Deireadh Fómhair - Samhain 2022 Go To Release
Educational Attainment Thematic Report 2022 Go To Release
Tuarascáil Théamach ar Ghnóthachtáil Oideachais 2022 Go To Release
SILC Enforced Deprivation 2022 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálaí Maireachtála (SILC) Díothacht Fhorghníomhach 2022 Go To Release
Pulse Survey April-May 2022 - Our Lives Outdoors: Spending Time Outdoors Go To Release
An Saol Amuigh faoin Aer: Mar a Chaitear Am faoin Aer Go To Release
Recorded Crime Incidents Q2 2022 Go To Release
Cionta Coireachta Taifedta Figiúirí bliantúla amhail Ráithe 2 2022 le hais Ráithe 2 2021 Go To Release
Population and Migration Estimates April 2022 Go To Release
Meastacháin Daonra agus Imirce Aibreán 2022 Go To Release
Our Lives Outdoors Pulse 3 Snapshot Go To Release
An Saol Amuigh faoin Aer: Achoimre Torthaí Go To Release
Covid Snapshot 2 Years On Go To Release
Dhá Bhliain den COVID-19 in Éirinn Go To Release

2021 Publications

Prison Re-Offending Statistics 2021 Go To Release
Staitisticí Athchiontaithe Príosúin 2021 Go To Release
Further Education Outcomes - Graduation Year 2021 Go To Release
Iarmhairtí Breisoideachais Bliain Cáilithe 2021 Go To Release
Vital Statistics Annual Report 2021 Go To Release
Imeachtaí Saoil 2021 Go To Release
HSE Funded Primary Care Treatments and Claims 2017-2021 Go To Release
Cóireálacha agus Éilimh Príomhchúraim arna mhaoiniú ag an FSS 2017-2021 Go To Release
Vacancy Dwelling Indicators based on Metered Electricity Consumption 2021 Go To Release
Táscairí ar Theagmhais Fholmha de réir Ídiú Méadraithe Leictreachais 2021 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Detection 2021 Go To Release
Aimsiú na Coireachta Taifeadhta 2021 Go To Release
Characteristics of Residential Property Purchasers 2010-2021 Go To Release
Saintréithe Ceannaitheoirí Réadmhaoine Cónaithe 2010-2021 Go To Release
SILC Module on Child Deprivation 2021 - Infographic Go To Release
Modúl SILC ar Dhíothacht Leanaí 2021 Go To Release
Trust Survey 2021: International Comparisons Go To Release
Suirbhé Iontaofachta 2021: Comparáidí Idirnáisiúnta Go To Release
Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2021 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálaí Maireachtála (SILC) 2021 Go To Release
Marriages 2021 Go To Release
Póstaí 2021 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Victims 2021 and Suspected Offenders 2020 Go To Release
Coireacht Thaifeadta Íospartaigh 2021 agus Ciontóirí Amhrasta 2020 Go To Release
Personal and Work-Life Balance 2021 - Job and Life Satisfaction and Barriers to Work Go To Release
Personal and Work-Life Balance Survey 2021 Main Results Go To Release
Trust Survey December 2021 Go To Release
Suirbhé Iontaofachta Nollaig 2021 Go To Release
Irish Babies' Names 2021 Go To Release
Ainmneacha Leanaí na hÉireann 2021 Go To Release
Pulse Survey - Our Lives Online - Remote Learning November 2021 Go To Release
An Saol ar Líne - Cianfhoghlaim Samhain 2021 Go To Release
Pension Coverage 2021 - Infographic Go To Release
Clúdach Pinsin 2021 Go To Release
Pulse Survey Our Lives Online - Remote Work November 2021 Go To Release
An Saol ar Líne - Cianobair Samhain 2021 Go To Release
Economic Life in Ireland During COVID-19, 2020 to 2021 Go To Release
Tionchar Geilleagrach COVID-19 ar Éirinn, 2020-2021 Go To Release
Internet Coverage and Usage in Ireland 2021 Go To Release
Rochtain agus Úsáid Idirlín i measc Líonta Tí 2021 Go To Release
Household Digital Consumer Behaviour 2021 Go To Release
Iompraíocht Tomhaltóirí Digiteacha 2021 Go To Release
Household Internet and Information Security Integrity 2021 Infographic Go To Release
Slándáil Pearsanta Idirlín agus hIontaofactht Eolais 2021 Go To Release
Educational Attainment Thematic Report 2021 Go To Release
Pulse Survey November 2021 - Our Lives Online: Snapshot of Results Go To Release
An Saol ar Líne : Forbhreathnú Samhain 2021 Go To Release
The Rental Sector in Ireland 2021 Go To Release
An Earnáil Cóiríochta Cíosa in Éirinn 2021 Go To Release
A Profile of COVID-19 in Ireland - Using Census 2016 Household Data to Analyse COVID-19 Waves, March 2020 - May 2021 Go To Release
Cuma COVID-19 in Éirinn ón 1 Márta 2020 go dtí an 12 Bealtaine 2021 Go To Release
Population & Migration Estimates April 2021 Go To Release
Meastacháin Daonra agus Imirce Aibreán 2021 Go To Release
Life at Home: Couples May-June 2021 Go To Release
An Saol sa mBaile: Lánúineacha BEALTAINE-MEITHEAMH 2021 Go To Release
Life at Home: Renters, Lone Parents and Adults Living Alone or with a Parent May-June 2021 Go To Release
An Saol sa mBaile: Cíosaithe, Tuismitheoirí Aonair, Daoine Fásta ag Cónaí leo féin nó le Tuismitheoir BEALTAINE-MEITHEAMH 2021 Go To Release
Life at Home: Snapshot of Results May-June 2021 Go To Release
AnSaol sa mBaile: Forbhreathnú BEALTAINE - MEITHEAMH 2021 Go To Release
COVID-19 Information Hub Go To Release
Mol Eolais COVID-19 Go To Release
Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey: Vaccination Attitudes and Holiday Expectations February 2021 Go To Release
Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey February 2021: Impact of School Closures Go To Release
COVID-19: One Year ON Go To Release
Bliain den Phaindéim COVID-19 Go To Release
Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey February 2021: Well-being Go To Release

2020 Publications

Prison Re-Offending Statistics 2020 Infographic Crime Go To Release
Staitisticí Athchiontaithe Príosúin 2020 Go To Release
Intergenerational Transfer of Wealth 2020 Go To Release
Aistriú Maoine Ó Ghlúin go Glúin 2020 Go To Release
Vital Statistics Annual Report 2020 Go To Release
Imeachtaí Saoil 2020 Go To Release
Household Finance and Consumption Survey 2020 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Airgeadas agus ar Thomhaltas Líon Tí 2020 Go To Release
Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2020 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálaí Maireachtála (SILC) 2020 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Detection 2020 Infographic Go To Release
Aimsiú na Coireachta Taifeadta 2020 Go To Release
Marriages 2020 Go To Release
Póstaí 2020 Go To Release
Recorded Crime Victims 2020 and Suspected Offenders 2019 Go To Release
Coireacht Thaifeadta Íospartaigh 2020 agus Ciontóirí Amhrasta 2019 Go To Release
Irish Babies' Names 2020 Go To Release
Ainmneacha Leanaí na hÉireann 2020 Go To Release
Pension Coverage 2020 Go To Release
Clúdach Pinsin 2020 Go To Release
A Profile of COVID-19 in Ireland - Using Census 2016 household data to analyse COVID-19 cases from March to November 2020 Go To Release
Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey November 2020 Perceptions and Expectations around Christmas and International Travel Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Impleachtaí Sóisialta COVID-19, Samhain 2020 Meon daoine faoin Nollaig agus faoi Thaisteal ldirnáisiúnta Go To Release
Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey November 2020 Well-being and Lifestyle under Level 5 Restrictions Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Impleachtaí Sóisialta COVID-19 Samhain 2020 Folláine agus Stíl Mhaireachtála faoi Shrianta Leibhéal 5 Go To Release
Information Society Statistics Households 2020 Go To Release
Staidreamh na Sochaí Faisnéise Líonta Tí 2020 Go To Release
Educational Attainment Thematic Report 2020 Go To Release
Offenders 2016 - Employment, Education and Other Outcomes 2016-2020 Go To Release
Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey August 2020: The Reopening of Schools Go To Release
Athoscailt Scoileanna - Impleachtaí Sóisialta COVID-19 Lúnasa 2020 Go To Release
Population and Migration Estimates April 2020 Go To Release
Meastacháin Daonra agus Imirce Aibreán 2020 Go To Release
Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey June 2020 Measuring Comfort Levels around the Easing of Restrictions Go To Release
Impleachtaí Sóisialta Covid-19 (Meith 2020) Compord le Maolú Srianta a Thomhas Go To Release
Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey June 2020: A Snapshot of Experiences and Expectations in a Pandemic Go To Release
Impleachtaí Sóisialta Covid-19 (Meith 2020) Eispéiris na Paindéime agus a bhfuiltear ag súil leis ina diaidh Go To Release
Impact of COVID-19 on ICT Usage by Households January and March 2020 Go To Release
Tionchar COVID-19 ar Úsáid TFC - Líonta Tí Eanáir le hais Márta 2020 Go To Release
Employment and Life Effects of COVID-19 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Éifeachtaí Fostaíochta agus Saoil ag COVID-19 Go To Release
Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey April 2020 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Impleachtaí Sóisialta ag COVID - 19 Aibreán 2020 Go To Release

2019 Publications

Probation Re-offending Statistics 2019 Go To Release
Staitisticí Athchionthaithe Promhaidh 2019 Go To Release
Prison Re-offending Statistics 2019 Go To Release
Higher Education Outcomes - Graduates 2010-2019 Go To Release
Iarmhairtí Ardoideachais Blianta Cáilthe 2010-2019 Go To Release
Income, Employment and Welfare Analysis of People with a Disability 2019 Go To Release
Anailís Ioncaim, Fostaíochta, agus Leasa Shóisialaigh Daoine le Míchumas 2019 Go To Release
Vital Statistics Annual Report 2019 Go To Release
Imeachtaí Saoil 2019 Go To Release
Characteristics of Residential Property Purchasers 2010-2019 Go To Release
Saintréithe Ceannaitheoirí Réadmhaoine Cónaithe 2010-2019 Go To Release
Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) Report on Household Amenities and Access to Services 2004-2019 Go To Release
SILC Module on the Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantages 2019 Go To Release
Modúl SILC ar Leanúint Míbhuntáiste ó Ghlúin go Glúin 2019 Go To Release
Irish Health Survey - 2019 - Persons with Disabilities Go To Release
Suirbhéireacht Sláinte na hÉireann 2019 - Daoine le Míchumas Go To Release
Irish Health Survey 2019 - Main Results Go To Release
Suirbhéireacht Sláinte na hÉireann - Príomhthorthaí Go To Release
Tenure and Household in Ireland 2016-2019 Go To Release
Tionónacht agus Líonta Tí in Éirinn 2016-2019 Go To Release
Irish Health Survey 2019 - Carers and Social Supports Go To Release
Suirbhéireacht Sláinte na hÉireann 2019 – Cúramóirí agus Tacaí Sóisialta Go To Release
Social Housing in Ireland 2019 - Analysis of Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Scheme Go To Release
Tithíocht Shóisialta in Éirinn 2019 - Anailís ar an Scéim um Íocaíocht Cúnaimh Tithíochta (HAP) Go To Release
Survey on Income and Living Conditions(SILC) 2019 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálaí Maireachtála (SILC) 2019 Go To Release
Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC): Enforced Deprivation 2019 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálaí Maireachteála (SILC) - Díothacht Fhorghníomhach 2019 Go To Release
National Travel Survey 2019 Go To Release
Suirbhé Náisiúnta Taistil 2019 Go To Release
Crime and Victimisation 2019 Go To Release
Coireacht agus íospairt 2019 Go To Release
Goal 3 Good Health and Well-being Go To Release
Spríoc 3 - Dea-Shláinte agus Folláine Go To Release
Employment Analysis of Maternity and Paternity Benefits 2016-2019 Go To Release
Marriages 2019 Go To Release
Póstaí 2019 Go To Release
Irish Babies' Names 2019 Go To Release
Ainmneacha Leanaí na hÉireann 2019 Go To Release
Pension Coverage 2019 Go To Release
Clúdach Pinsin 2019 Go To Release
Urban and Rural Life in Ireland 2019 Go To Release
Saol Uirbeach agus Saol Tuaithe in Éirinn 2019 Go To Release
Measuring Distance to Everyday Services in Ireland 2019 Go To Release
Achar go dtí Seirbhísí Laethúla in Éirinn 2019 Go To Release
Information Society Households 2019 Go To Release
Population and Migration Estimates 2019 Go To Release
Meastacháin Daonra agus Imírce Aibreán 2019 Go To Release

2018 Publications

Probation Re-offending Statistics 2018 Go To Release
Staitisticí Athchiontaithe Promhaidh 2018 Go To Release
Prison Re-offending Statistics 2011 - 2018 Go To Release
Staitisticí Athchiontaithe Príosúin 2011 - 2018 Go To Release
Vital Statistics Annual Report 2018 Go To Release
Imeachtaí Saoil 2018 Go To Release
SILC Module on Wellbeing Go To Release
Modúl SILC ar Fholláine 2018 Go To Release
Household Finance and Consumption Survey 2018 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Thomhaltas agus ar Airgeadas Líon Tí 2018 Go To Release
Irish Babies' Names 2018 Go To Release
Ainmneacha Leanaí na hÉIREANN 2018 Go To Release
New Dwelling Completions Q3 2018 Go To Release
Críochnú Aonad Cónaithe Nua R3 2018 Go To Release
New Dwelling Completions Q22018 Go To Release
Críochnú Aonad Cónaithe Nua R2 2018 Go To Release
New Dwelling Completions Q1 2018 Go To Release
Críochnú Aonad Cónaithe Nua R1 2018 Go To Release
St. Patrick's Day 2018
Lá Fhéile Pádraig 2018
Happy Mothers' Day 2018
Lá na Máithreacha 2018

2017 Publications

Probation Re-offending Statistics 2017 Go To Release
Staitisticí Athchiontaithe Promhaidh 2017 Go To Release
Early Learning Care Graduate Outcomes 2013-2017 Go To Release
Foghlaim agus Cúram na Luath-óige Iarmhairtí Céimithe 2013-2017 Go To Release
Illness Benefits: Employment and Commuting Analysis 2016-2017 Go To Release
Sochair Bhreoiteachta: Anailís Fostaíochta agus Comaitéireachta 2016-2017 Go To Release
Prison Re-offending Statistics 2011 - 2017 Go To Release
Staitisticí Athchiontaithe Príosúin 2011 - 2017 Go To Release
Life Events 2017 Go To Release
Imeachtaí Saoil 2017 Go To Release
Survey on Income and Living Conditions 2017 Go To Release
Suirbhé ar Ioncam agus Dálaí Maireachteála 2017 Go To Release
Irish Babies Names 2017 Go To Release
Ainmneacha Leanaí na hÉireann 2017 Go To Release
All Ireland Hurling Final Galway v Waterford Go To Release
Craobh Iomána na hÉireann - Gaillimh vs Port Láirge Go To Release
All Ireland Camogie Final Cork V Kilkenny Go To Release
Craobh Camógaíochta na hÉireann - Corcaigh vs Cill Chainnigh Go To Release
All Ireland Football Final Dublin V Mayo Go To Release
Craobh Peile na hÉireann - Baile Átha Cliath vs Maigh Eo Go To Release
Mother's Day 2017 Go To Release
Fathers Day 2017 Go To Release
Population and Migration Estimates 2017 Go To Release
Meastacháin Daonra agus Imirce Aibreán 2017 Go To Release
The Wellbeing of the Nation 2017 Go To Release
Folláine na Tíre 2017 Go To Release

2016 Publications

Probation Re-offending Statistics 2016 Go To Release
Staitisticí Athchiontaithe Promhaidh 2016 Go To Release
A Profile of Ireland's Border Population 2016 Go To Release
Próifíl ar Dhaonra Teorann na hÉireann 2016 Go To Release
Crime 2015 Go To Release
Higher Education Outcomes – Graduation Years 2010-2016 Go To Release
Iarmhairtí Ardoicheachas Blianta Cáilithe 2010-2016 Go To Release
Further Education Outcomes – Graduation Years 2010-2016 Go To Release
Iarmhairtí Breisoideachais Blianta Cáilithe 2010-2016 Go To Release
Life Events 2016 Go To Release
Imeachtaí Saoil 2016 Go To Release
Marriages and Civil Partnerships 2016 Go To Release
Ireland in 2016 Go To Release
Household Budget Survey Go To Release
Irish Babies Names 2016 Go To Release

2015 Publications

Irish Babies' Names 2015 Go To Release
Irish Health Survey 2015 Go To Release
Vital Stats Life Events 2015 Go To Release
Training in Ireland 2015 Go To Release
Breitheanna agus Básanna 2015 Go To Release
Oiliúint in Éirinn 2015 Go To Release

2014 Publications

Vital Statistics Life Events 2014 Go To Release

2013 Publications

Vital Statistics Annual Report 2013 Go To Release
Post Primary Outcomes - Academic Years Ending 2012 and 2013 Go To Release