Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2021
At risk of poverty
2020: 13.2%
2021: 11.6%
Median household disposable** income
2020: €43,915
2021: €46,471
Impact of COVID-19 income supports* on at risk of poverty rates 2021
With COVID-19 Income Supports: 11.6%
Without COVID-19 Income Supports: 19.9%
Difficulty or Great Difficulty in Making Ends Meet by Household Composition
1 adult aged 65+: 10.9%
1 adult aged <65: 18.2%
2 adults, at least 1 aged 65+: 9.0%
2 adults, both aged <65: 11.6%
1 adult with children aged under 18: 38.3%
2 adults with 1-3 children aged under 18: 13.5%
*COVID-19 income Supports refer to the Temporary and Employment Wage Subsidy Schemes (WSS) and the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP).
**Disposable income = Gross income less tax, social insurance contributions, pension contributions and inter-household transfers paid.
The income reference period for SILC 2021 is the calendar year 2020
Statistics on this infographic do not reflect revisions made to population benchmarks due to the availability of Census 2022. For revised data see SILC 2023. 07 March 2024