Pension Coverage 2024
Of workers aged 20 to 69:
67% have pension coverage of some form (outside of State Pension)
By age group
- 75% aged 55-69
- 59% aged 25-34
- 27% aged 20-24
By pension type
- 69% occupational pension only
- 21% both
- 11% personal pension only
Employees who are part of their employer's pension scheme:
- 69% defined contribution
- 26% defined benefit
- 4% hybrid pension
Auto Enrolment (AE)
Of employees aged between 23 and 60 with no occupational pension:
- 78% where their employer does not offer one, would stay in AE scheme
Main reason for not having a pension:
- 43% never got around to organise it/will do at future date
Of workers who don't have a pension:
- 52% expect to rely on the State Pension