Date Last Updated: 19-12-2024
The purpose of the annual Pensions Survey is to provide reliable annual estimates of supplementary pension coverage (outside of the State Pension) in the State. The survey meets national demands for annual estimates of overall supplementary pension coverage and pension types.
Not applicable
Not applicable
All individuals living in private households
All private households
The State
Since 2018, the survey has been carried out on an annual basis in the third quarter of the year, using the Labour Force Survey (LFS) survey instrument. Prior to 2018, a pensions module was previously carried out in Quarter 4 2015 and also in Quarter 4 2009 as a module of the QNHS (Quarterly National Household Survey) (the LFS replaced the QNHS at the beginning of Quarter 3 2017).
Not Applicable
NACE Rev 2 - classified by divisions
The Pensions Survey includes not only persons in current employment (ILO labour force classification), but also persons not in current employment (ILO) but did have previous employments. The survey is asked of one person per household. The achieved overall sample in the 2024 survey was 7,679, and of this, there were 5,796 persons in employment aged 20 to 69 years.
ILO status (employed, unemployed etc.), industry of employment, occupation of employment, status of employment, hours of work (part time/full time), size of firm in which the respondent is employed/self employed, etc. Indicators are published by a range of classifications including sex, age group, nationality, hours of work (part time/full time), size of firm in which the respondent is employed/self employed.
Government Departments, in particular Department of Social Protection, Pensions Authority, Pensions Commission, research centers and universities, media and general public.
Central Statistics Office
Social & Demographic Statistics
Maureen Delamare
Lisa O'Donovan