Over half of adults (52%) aged 25-69 reported participating in lifelong learning (formal and/or non-formal education) in the last 12 months
One in ten adults (10%) aged 25-69 participated in formal education in the last 12 months
Almost half of all adults aged 25-69 (48%) received some form of non-formal education in the last 12 months
Over half (54%) of adults aged 25-69 reported participating in at least one informal learning activity in the 12 months
Over six in ten (64%) of 25-34 year olds reported participating in lifelong learning compared to 35% of 55-69 year olds
Regionally Dublin reported the highest participation in lifelong learning with 59% of adults aged 25-69 participating compared to 40% in the Border area
Employed persons aged 25-69 were more likely to have participated in lifelong learning than those who were unemployed (62% versus 35%)