Sexual Violence Survey 2022 – Sexual Harassment
- 50% of those aged 18-24 experienced sexual harassment in the last 12 months.
- 15% of women experienced inappropriate physical contact in the last 12 months.
- 50% of men who experienced sexual harassment in the last 12 months did not disclose their experience.
- 3% of adults experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence in the last 12 months.
Sexual harassment is defined in this survey as unwanted behaviours that a person may have experienced in their daily life in the last 12 months, which made the person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. Stalking with fear of sexual violence is defined in this survey as persistent, unwanted actions that a person may have experienced in their daily life in the last 12 months, which made the person fear they were at risk of sexual violence. See the publication for further details.