This chapter examines the details relating to stalking with fear of sexual violence experienced in the last 12 months. This data is based on replies from those aged 18 and over.
Stalking means persistent, unwanted actions like following you, waiting for you, contacting you by phone, text and/or social media, that are against your wishes or imply threats. This survey was specific to the topic of sexual violence. As stalking involves a wider scope of unwanted behaviours incorporating aspects of domestic violence or coercive control, the question on stalking focuses on where a person feared that they were at risk of sexual violence. Hence this variable is described as stalking with fear of sexual violence. See the Background Notes for further details.
Please note that as the survey ran from May to December 2022 that the 12-month period spans May 2021 to December 2022 depending on when the respondent completed the survey. This period did include varying levels of COVID-19 restrictions both nationally and internationally.
The demographic breakdowns provided are based on the information given by the respondent when the survey was collected, and so may not necessarily accord with their demographic profile when the sexual harassment took place (for example, they may have had a lower educational level when the sexual harassment occurred but have a higher educational level now when engaging with the survey).
Nationally, 3% of adults reported experiencing stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months. The majority (96%) of those who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence reported that it was one person and this was most likely to be male (92%). The most prevalent perpetrator for this type of stalking was a stranger, with almost three in ten adults (29%) who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence experiencing it with a stranger. Most people who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months disclosed to someone about the experience, with seven in ten (70%) adults doing so. They were most likely to tell a friend (74%) followed by a family member (49%).
of those aged 18-24 years
experienced stalking with a fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months
Source: CSO Ireland, Sexual Violence Survey 2022 – Sexual Harassment
Key findings for experience of stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months:
- Women experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months at a higher rate (4%) than men (1%). Overall, 3% of adults in Ireland experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months. See Table 5.1.
- Young adults (those aged 18-24) reported experiencing stalking with fear of sexual violence at a higher rate (7%) than older age groups, for example 3% of those aged 35-44 reported experiencing this type of stalking.
Table 5.1 Experience of stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months, 2022
Key findings on details of experience of stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months:
- The vast majority (96%) of those who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence reported that it was one person involved in their experience in the last 12 months. Further, for those who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence, 3% of adults shared that they had more than one perpetrator in the last 12 months (which may be as part of the one experience or in more than one experience). See Table 5.2.
- The majority of adults, who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence, reported that the perpetrator was male with 92% of adults identifying this. This information was based on those cases where there was one perpetrator involved in the stalking with fear of sexual violence experience – those where multiple perpetrators were present were not asked this question in the survey. Women who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence reported that the perpetrator was male in almost all cases (98%). See Table 5.3.
- Almost three in ten adults (29%) who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence experienced it with a stranger. Almost a quarter of adults (24%) who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence, experienced it with a friend/acquaintance. A further 23% of adults noted that it was a partner/ex-partner who was the perpetrator of the experience. The least prevalent perpetrator was a family/member/relative, with 3% of adults selecting this. See Figure 5.1 and Table 5.4.
| Nature of relationship with perpetrator |
Partner /ex-partner | 23 |
Family member /relative | 3 |
Friend /acquaintance | 24 |
Someone at work | 11 |
Stranger | 29 |
Other | 8 |
Table 5.2 Experience of stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months by number of perpetrators involved, 2022
Table 5.3 Experience of stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months with only one perpetrator involved by sex of perpetrator, 2022
Table 5.4 Experience of stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months when there was only one perpetrator involved by nature of relationship with perpetrator, 2022
Key findings for experience of disclosure of stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months:
- Seven in ten (70%) adults who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months disclosed to someone about the experience. Almost three quarters of women (74%) who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months disclosed to someone. See Table 5.5.
- Adults who disclosed their experience of stalking with fear of sexual violence were most likely to tell a friend with almost three quarters of adults selecting this (74%). Half of adults (49%) who disclosed their experience of stalking with fear of sexual violence told a family member. See Table 5.6.
- Almost one in five adults who disclosed their experience of stalking with fear of sexual violence (18%) disclosed to the police.
Table 5.5 Those who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months by whether they ever disclosed a stalking experience, 2022
Table 5.6 Those who experienced stalking with fear of sexual violence in the previous 12 months and disclosed to others by who they disclosed to, 2022