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This indicator refers to the percentage of persons at risk of poverty and those in consistent poverty.

At Risk of Poverty Rate 

The at risk of poverty rate is the share of persons with an equivalised income below a given percentage (usually 60%) of the national median income. The rate is calculated by ranking persons by equivalised income from smallest to largest and then extracting the median (middle) value. Anyone with an equivalised income of less than 60% of the national median is considered to be at risk of poverty. 

Consistent Poverty

The consistent poverty measure looks at those persons who are defined as being at risk of poverty and experiencing enforced deprivation (experiencing two or more types of deprivation).

An individual is defined as being in consistent poverty if they are

  • Identified as being at risk of poverty and
  • Living in a household deprived of two or more of the eleven basic deprivation items (these items are listed in the deprivation indicator in this hub)
Poverty rates by age group and year
At risk of poverty rate (%) of persons by age group and year
Consistent poverty rate (%) of persons by age group and year