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The following Research Microdata Files (RMFs) are available to researchers subject to meeting criteria as set out in the Policy on access to Research Microdata Files:



 Annual Services Inquiry (ASI)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier


 Annual  CSO



 Retail, Transport and Storage,

 Food & Accommodation,

 Information & Communication,

 Services, Turnover, Stocks,

 Capital Assets, Personnel Costs,

 Value Added Tax, Exports,

 Imports, Employment, Location

The purpose of the Annual Services Inquiry (ASI) is to provide grossed estimates of  the principal trading aggregates for all enterprises in the retail, wholesale, transport  and storage, accommodation and food, information and communication, real estate,  professional, technical administrative and other selected services sectors.

The statistical population consists of all enterprises wholly or primarily engaged in  distribution and services. The principal variables are Turnover, Stocks, Capital Assets, Personnel Costs, Value Added Tax, Purchases, Employment, Location, Exports, Imports.

 Link to Methodology

 ASI email:



 Access to Finance (ATF)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2010, 2014

 Ad hoc  CSO


Constraints on the availability of finance, how these constraints may be changing, the need for finance in the future and the sources from which businesses would wish to obtain this finance.

The purpose of this survey is to examine

(a) where there may be constraints on the availability of finance

(b) how these constraints may be changing

(c) the need for finance in the future and

(d) the sources from which businesses would wish to obtain this finance.

 Link to Methodology

 ATF email: 



 Building and Construction Inquiry (BCI)

 Years Available     

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2008 - 2020

 Annual  CSO




 Building and Construction including Construction   of Buildings, 

 Civil Engineering and Specialised Construction   Activities.

 Turnover, Stocks, Capital Assets, Personnel Costs,

 Gross Value Added and Employment.                                                                                                                                                      

The purpose of the Building and Construction Inquiry (BCI) is to provide grossed estimates of the principal trading aggregates for all enterprises in the building and construction sector.

The statistical population consists of all enterprises wholly or primarily engaged in building and construction.

The principal variables are Turnover, Stocks, Capital Assets, Personnel Costs, Gross Value Added, Purchases and Employment. 

 Link to Methodology

 BCI email: 



 Business Expenditure on Research and Development (BERD)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier


 Biennial  CSO



 Detailed information on research and   development   expenditure;                                                                          

 Sources of funds for research and development   expenditure;                                   

 Detailed information on research and  development   personnel;                                                    

 Recruitment of researchers;                                                                                                

 Research and development collaboration.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

The biennial Business Expenditure on Research and Development (BERD) Survey of enterprises measures the research and development expenditure, human resources and other research and development related topics for enterprises in Ireland.

The survey is designed to be a census of all enterprises that are believed to be engaged in research and development activities in all business sectors of the economy.

 Link to Methodology

 BERD email: 



 Business Register 

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2008 - 2020

 Annual   CSO



 Corporation Tax Registrations,

 Income Tax Registrations,

 P35 employment,

 Corporation Tax Returns,

 Income Tax Returns,

 Enterprise, Business, Corporation                                                                                 

The Business Register is a register of all enterprises that are active in the State. There is no lower size limit, but for practical reasons, Business Demography data is based on enterprises that are registered with the Revenue Commissioners.

The Business Register is maintained using quarterly files of VAT, employer, Corporation Tax or Income Tax registrations, plus quarterly files of VAT activity, and annual P35 employment, Corporation Tax, and Income Tax returns.

All Revenue registrations that are active in the previous period are matched to the Business Register, and new enterprises are created for any registrations that are not already on the BR. All enterprises on the Business Register that are active on one of the Revenue sources during the reference year are included in the Business Demography figures for that year.

 Link to Methodology

 Business Register email: 



 Census of Industrial Production (CIP)

 Years Available 

 Periodicity  Supplier


 Annual  CSO




 Gross Value Added,

 Purchases, Stocks,

 Capital Assets,

 Employment and Earnings

The Census of Industrial Production comprises two separate but closely related annual inquiries, namely:

(i) the Census of Industrial Enterprises covers those enterprises which are wholly or primarily engaged in industrial production

(ii) the Census of Industrial Local Units which covers all industrial local units. The statistical population covers all Enterprises wholly or primarily engaged in industrial production from 1991 onwards from a survey size of 3,800 enterprises. The principal variables are Turnover, Gross Value Added, Purchases, Stocks, Capital Assets, Employment and Earnings.

 Link to Methodology

 CIP email: 



 Census of Population – Disability (COPDIFF)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2011 and 2016

 Ad-Hoc  CSO




 Sex, Age Category, Marital Status,

 Disability, General Health, Ethnicity, Nationality,

 Education Level, Education Ceased, Field of Study,

 Place of Birth, Carer Hours, Means of Travel,

 NUTS3 Region, occupation, Industry and other   variables 


This dataset pertains to both the 2011 and the 2016 Census of Population figures.

The census figures in this dataset relate to the de facto population.

This Research Microdata File includes a number of key variables which give insight to the Sex, Age, Education, Occupation, Nationality, Disability, Education, Place of Birth alongside other variables for persons present in Ireland on the 24th of April 2016 and 10th April 2011. 


 Link to Methodology

 COPDIFF email: 



 Census of Population from an Environment Perspective  (COPENV)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2011 and 2016

 5 yearly  CSO





 Census of Population,

 Central heating,

 County, Dublin Postal District,

 Household Type,

 Period of Construction,

 Water Supply,

 Waste Water                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

These RMF files are at a household level combining data from the 2011 & 2016 Census of Population onto the same observation.

The purpose of the file is to allow researchers to analyse environment-relevant Census questions such as central heating fuel in the context of socio-economic questions such as type of building, principal economic status, type of dwelling, etc.

There are three RMF files:

· Private households that were occupied on both the 2011 and 2016 Census nights

· Private households that were occupied on the 2011 Census night but not 2016

· Private households that were occupied on the 2016 Census night but not 2011

 Link to Methodology

 COPENV email:



 Census of Population and Gas Networks Ireland meter data (COPGNI)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 Once Off

 Once Off  CSO




 Natural Gas,

 Meter Connection                                                                                                                                                                 

This RMF file combines meter information from Gas Networks Ireland with Census of Population characteristics.

A distinction is made between whether a household is connected to the gas mains.

The distance of the household from the mains pipeline is included in the RMF file.                                                                                                                       

 Link to Methodology

 COPGNI email: 



 Census of Population – 2011 and 2016 Census Integration (COPINT)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2011 and 2016

 Ad-Hoc  CSO



 Sex, Age Category, Nationality,

 Age Education Ceased, Level of Education,

 Household Type, Nature of Occupancy,

 Place of Birth, NUTS3 Region,

 Relationship, Occupation, and other variables. 

This dataset pertains to both the 2011 and the 2016 Census of Population figures.

The census figures in this dataset relate to the de facto population.

This Research Microdata File includes a number of key variables which give insight to the Sex, Age, Education, Occupation, Nationality, Place of Birth alongside other variables for persons present in Ireland on the 24th of April 2016 and 10th of April 2011. 

 Link to Methodology

 COPINT email: 



 Census of Population 2011 and 2016 (COPNDA)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2011 and 2016

 Ad-Hoc  CSO




 Sex, Age Category, Marital Status,

 Disability, General Health,

 Ethnicity, Nationality,

 Education Level, Education Ceased,

 Field of Study, Place of Birth, 

 Carer Hours, Means of Travel,

 NUTS3 Region, Occupation,

 Industry and other variables.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

This dataset pertains to both the 2011 and the 2016 Census of Population figures.

The census figures in this dataset relate to the de facto population.

This Research Microdata File includes a number of key variables which give insight to the Sex, Age, Education, Occupation, Nationality, Disability, Education, Place of Birth alongside other variables for persons present in Ireland on the 24th of April 2016 and the 10th of April 2011.  

 Link to Methodology

 COPNDA email:



 Census of Population 2016 (COPNESTED)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier


 Ad-Hoc  CSO



 Sex, Nationality, Age,

 Level of Education, Field of Study,

 Place of Birth, County, Disability, Health,

 Occupation, and other variables. 

This dataset pertains to a nested 10% random sample of the 2016 Census of Population for those born in the years between 1945-1961 only.

This Research Microdata File includes a number of key variables which give insight to the Sex, Age, Education, Occupation, Nationality, Place of Birth, Month of Birth, Health and other variables for persons present in Ireland on the 24th of April 2016. 

 Link to Methodology

 COPNESTED email: 



 Community Innovation Survey (CIS)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier


 Biennial  CSO



 Product innovation,

 Turnover from new to market and new to firm   product   innovations,

 Process innovation,

 Ongoing and abandoned innovation,

 Innovation expenditure,

 Innovation co-operation,

 Innovation competitiveness,

 Organisational Innovation,

 Marketing Innovation,

 Employee educational qualifications.

The Innovation in Irish Enterprises survey (previously known as Community Innovation Survey (CIS)) of enterprises measures the level of innovation activity among enterprises in Ireland.

The survey covers industry and selected services sector enterprises with 10 or more persons engaged.

 Link to Methodology

 CIS email: 





 Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources (EAADS)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2011 - 2022

 Annual  CSO 




 Gross annual pay, Weekly pay, 

 Sex, Age, Region of residence,


 Economic Sector, 

 Public / Private sector status 


The EAADS RMF is a 10% sample of the Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources (EAADS) dataset, which is produced annually by the CSO based on Revenue’s employee tax data.

For years 2011-2018 the employee tax data used for the EAADS came from employer end of year returns, P35, submitted to Revenue. Since January 2019, Revenue has operated real-time reporting of payroll; “PAYE Modernisation" (PMOD).

EAADS analysis from 2019 onwards is based on the more detailed employee tax data provided by Revenue’s PMOD system. The EAADS RMF is a 10% sample of the final EAADS dataset, to which various restrictions and exclusions have been applied, as outlined in the Survey Background Notes.


Link to Methodology

 Equality email:  



 Employment Analysis of Maternity and Paternity Benefits (EAMP)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier


 Ad-Hoc  CSO 




 Maternity Benefit

 Paternity Benefit

 Parent’s Benefit

 Gross Pay


 Region of Nationality

 Economic Sector

 Public / Private sector status



A key objective of First 5, A Whole-of-Government Strategy for Babies, Young Children and their Families 2019-2028 is that “parents will be assisted to balance working and caring to contribute to optimum child development and to best suit their family circumstances”.

Following discussions with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the CSO agreed to explore the potential of linking administrative data from Revenue and the Department of Social Protection, with CSO-held datasets to provide information on the areas of maternity and paternity benefits.

Background  notes included in the latest release provide further detail on the data sets and analytics: 

Background Notes - Employment Analysis of Maternity and Paternity Benefits 2019-2022


Link to Methodology

 Equality email:



 Earnings Hours and Employment Costs Survey (EHECS)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2008 - Present

 Quarterly  CSO 




 Weekly earnings, 

 Hourly earnings, 

 Hours, Labour Costs, 

 Employment, Job Vacancies.                                                                                                                                                             

The Earnings and Labour Costs release is published based on data collected by the quarterly Earnings, Hours and Employment Costs Survey (EHECS).

The EHECS collects data on earnings, labour costs, hours, employment and job vacancies from enterprises with three or more employees in the NACE Rev 2 Industrial Sectors B–S inclusive.


Link to Methodology

EHECS email:



 Equality and Discrimination Survey

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2004, 2010, 2014 & 2019

 Ad-hoc   CSO 




 Equality, discrimination, race, religion,

 social status, sexual orientation, 

 membership of traveller community,

 discrimination in the workplace,

 discrimination in social settings,

 discrimination when looking for work,

 discrimination in education,

 discrimination accessing  health services,

 discrimination accessing public services,

 discrimination using public transport.                                                                                                                       

The Equality and Discrimination survey focussed on discrimination based on the ten grounds set out under Irish Law, and experiences of such discrimination -

In the Workplace;

Looking for Work;

In places like shops, pubs or restaurants;

Using services of banks, insurance companies or financial institutions;


Obtaining housing or accommodation;

Accessing health services;

Using transport services;

Accessing public services and

Any contact with An Garda Síochána.

Link to Methodology

 Equality email:  



 Growing Up in Ireland (GUI)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 Longitudinal Study commenced in 2008

 N/A   CSO 



 Health, Education,

 Cognitive Development,

 Socio-emotional Development,

 Civic Participation,

 Family Social Class,

 Neighbourhood Characteristics    

Growing Up in Ireland (GUI), the national longitudinal study of children provides scientifically robust, policy relevant data to help inform effective service provision and policy development to support children and families. 

GUI is funded by the Government of Ireland and is managed as a partnership between the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Intergration and Youth (DCEDIY) and the Central Statistics Office (CSO)

 Link to Methodology

 GUI email:



 Household Budget Survey (HBS)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier


Every 5 years    CSO



 Household Expenditure,

 Household Income,

 Household Composition

The main purpose of the HBS is to determine in detail the pattern of household expenditure in order to update the weighting basis of the Consumer Price Index.

Since it is important not only to study the level of total expenditure, but also to learn the way in which expenditure varies with the income level of a particular household, in size, composition and other social characteristics, detailed particulars on these topics are also collected.

The sampling frame is taken from all occupied private households from the Census of Population.

 Link to Methodology

 HBS email:



 Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier
 2013, 2018 & 2020   Every 3 years   from 2020  CSO


 Assets and Liabilities of Private Households

The main aim of the HFCS is to gather micro-level structural information on Euro area households’ assets and liabilities.

The survey also collects additional information in order to analyse the economic decisions taken by households.

The sampling frame is taken from all occupied private dwellings from Census of Population 2016 with an achieved sample size of 6,020 households in 2020.

 Link to Methodology

 HFCS email: 



 Information and Society Statistics - ICT - Enterprises (ICT - Enterprise)

Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2013 - 2019 

 Annual  CSO



 Level of internet usage,

 Types of connection to internet,

 Reasons for using the internet,

 Sales and purchases via the internet.

 Collection of information on ICT usage by enterprises

 Link to Methodology

 ICT – Enterprise email: 



 Irish Health Survey (IHS)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2015 & 2019

Every 6 years from  2019   CSO




 Irish Health Survey

 European Health Interview Survey 

The Irish Health Survey was collected under Regulation (EC) No 1338/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on Community statistics on public health and health and safety at work. The Irish Health Survey was designed in line with the third wave of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS).               

The collection of the data under the aforementioned European Regulation implies that harmonised data can be obtained across the European continent. The Irish Health Survey can be divided into three fundamental components. These are the European Health Status Module (EHSM), the European Health Care Module (EHCM), and the European Health Determinants Module (EHDM). The survey fulfils the need for public health policies to obtain reliable data on health status, health care usage and health determinants. 

This survey was carried out as a module of the General Household Survey (GHS). The GHS is a national survey that place takes place three or four times each year. The survey usually has a core of common demographic questions that are always asked (e.g., age, sex, education, etc.) plus one or more specific sets of survey questions that will change each year. 

The reference period for the survey is 2019.  Data collection began in Q2 2019 and, to achieve a sufficient number of responses, data collection finished in Q1 2020 (as agreed with Eurostat). This sample includes data from each of these quarters. A single individual, aged 15 years or older, was randomly selected from each household.

The data may be subject to future revision and may also be subject to sampling error. Great care should be taken when interpreting small cell sizes. 

 Link to Methodology

 IHS email: 



 Irish Industrial Production by Sector (PRODCOM)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 1997 - 2021

 Annual  CSO


                                                                                 Industrial Production                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

PRODCOM is an annual survey of the value and volume of products produced by industrial enterprises in Ireland and sold during the reference year. The survey covers all industrial enterprises with three or more persons engaged which are wholly or primarily engaged in industrial production and industrial services in the Mining, Quarrying and Manufacturing industries.

The survey does not cover the following sectors and products:
• products of coal and lignite mining
• coke and refined petroleum products

Link to Methodology

 PRODCOM email: 



 Labour Force Survey (LFS)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 1998 - Present

 Quarterly  CSO



 Labour market,

 Employment, Unemployment,

 Labour market participation,

 Status of Employment,

 Industry of Employment,

 Job occupation. 


The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a continuous nationwide survey of households in Ireland, primarily designed to produce quarterly labour force estimates that include the official measures of employment and unemployment in the state in accordance with International Labour Organisation (ILO) concepts and definitions.

LFS replaced the Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) from Q3 2017. The original QNHS (re-labelled LFS) series from Q1 1998 to Q2 2017 has been adjusted to enable comparability with the new LFS for a number of headline indicators. The new LFS series is available from Q1 1998 to present. The total sample is 32,500 households per quarter, with response rate of almost 40% (2023 Q2)

Key variables are ILO status (employed, unemployed etc.), industry of employment, job occupation , status of employment, duration of unemployment etc. Indicators are published by a range of classifications including sex, age, nationality, region of residence and highest level of education attained.

 Link to Methodology

 LFS email:



 Labour Market Analysis - (Job Churn)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier







 Job creation rate,

 Job destruction rate,

 Job churning rate

The purpose of Job Churn is to explore the dynamics in business employment – the flow of jobs and persons between firms and within and between sectors.

This database product is derived solely from administrative data sources in other Government Departments (Revenue and DEASP) using a methodology adapted from research literature in this area.

Job Churn contains both information employees (individual level data) and employers (enterprise level data).

Link to Methodology




 National Employment Survey (NES)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier
 2007 - 2010   Yearly  




 Mean and median,

 Hourly earnings,

 paid weekly hours.

The National Employment Survey (NES) is a sample survey of employers and employees with a particular focus on earnings data.

The availability of the characteristics of the employee (sex, age, educational attainment etc.) along with the characteristics of the employer (economic sector, size etc.) allows detailed analysis of the structure of earnings.

 Link to Methodology

 NES email: 



 National Travel Survey (NTS)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier
 2021   Censal & Intercensal 




 Travel behaviour; mode of travel;

 purpose of journey; alternative mode of travel;

 travel time; duration of journey;

 journey distance; passenger mobility;

 sustainable travel; active travel;

 walking; cycling; ev; electric vehicles;

 road safety; collision; type of road collision                                                                                          

The National Travel Survey (NTS) is a household survey on the travel behaviour of respondents. The information collected includes the following:

  • number of journeys made;
  • reason for making each journey;
  • mode of transport used;
  • the duration of each journey;
  • distance travelled;
  • Facilitators and inhibitors to the use of public transport;
  • Frequency and use of walking and cycling as a mode of transport, and facilitators and inhibitors to these modes of transport;
  • Electric vehicles and
  • Road collisions.

 Link to Methodology

 NTS email:



 Outward Foreign Affilate Statistics (OFTS)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier
 2010-2021  Annual 





 Foreign Affiliates

 Multinational Enterprises

Outward Foreign Affiliates Statistics (OFATS) covers the activities of Irish multinationals abroad.

The purpose of the survey is to allow analysis of the sectoral and geographical composition of the affiliates controlled by Irish multinationals.


 Link to Methodology

 OFTS email:



 Place of Work, School or College Anonymised Records 2011- 2016 (POWSCAR) 

 Place of Work, School, College or Childcare Anonymised Records 2022 (POWSCCAR)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2006 , 2011, 2016 & 2022

 Every 5 years   CSO









The Place of Work, School or College Census of Anonymised Records relate to persons at work and students in school or college, their place of residence and their place of work, who were enumerated and usually resident in Ireland on Census Night.

Persons enumerated in both private dwellings and communal establishments were included. The file specifically excludes visitors who indicated they were usually resident elsewhere abroad in Question 7 on the census form.       

Please note in the 2022 POWSCCAR RMF children aged 0-4 years olds are included and there are additional variables relating to new questions asked in Census 2022.

Data Minimisation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) puts stringent requirements on data processing organisations such as the CSO to protect the personal data of individuals and undertakings. One of the key principles of the GDPR is data minimisation which specifies that only a minimum amount of data should be given. POWSCCAR 2022 has a standard number of variables, whereas POWSCCAR 2022 ALL Variables has 9 additional variables available. The following variables are available on POWSCCAR 2022 ALL Variables upon request with a specific case required for each:

1. Year_built
2. Cars_or_vans
3. Citizenship_student
4. Religion_student
5. Able_to_speak_english_student
6. Marital_status
7. Highest_level_ed_parents
8. Family_unemployed_parents
9. Childcare hours

Researchers should clearly specify why they require each or any of the 9 variables listed, and give a reason why these are necessary for analysis.

Any questions, please email or please visit the following webpage for further information on POWSCCAR 2022 here:



 Link to Methodology




 Personal Work Life Balance Survey (PWLB) 

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2021 - Quarter 3 

 Ad-hoc  CSO



Leave in the workplace. Barriers to taking  leave. Home/work balance. Work life balance.

Remote working.Remote working arrangements.Working remotely.

Flexible working arrangements. Awareness of entitlements.

Availability of paid leave. Availability of unpaid leave. Caring commitments. Job satisfaction. Life satisfaction. Wellbeing. Barriers to return to work.                 

Personal and Work Life Balance Survey RMF dataset contains individual level survey data on how people in Ireland balance their work, their personal lives, and their caring commitments. 

Data that are collected also include aspects such as well-being, flexible working arrangements, availability of paid and unpaid leave in employment and barriers to taking leave or availing of flexible working arrangements. 

 Link to Methodology

 PWLB email:



 QNHS Module on Household Environmental Behaviours (QNHS_ENV)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 Q2, 2014 

 Ad-hoc   CSO




 Household Environmental Behaviours,

 Energy Use,

 Waste Management                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

This RMF file combines an environmental household behaviours module with a subset of information from the main Quarterly National Household Survey. The interviews were undertaken during April to June 2014. The module focused on the environmental behaviours of households in relation to energy use, waste management, purchasing decisions, and environmental awareness. 

The RMF file contains 13,032 observations.

 Link to Methodology

 QNHS_ENV email:



 Residential Property Prices (RPP)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2010 onwards

 Monthly  CSO



 Residential property prices,

 house and apartment sales,

 household and non-household buyers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Residential Property Price index (RPP) is designed to measure the change in the average level of prices paid by households for residential properties sold in Ireland at market prices.

From 2010 onwards the RPP is based on Stamp Duty returns supplied by the Revenue Commissioners and is accompanied by a comprehensive range of additional indicators of the residential property market.

The RPP RMF files contain anonymised stamp duty data at transaction level. The data include approximate time of execution of transactions, sale price, location (county and Eircode routing key) and characteristics of property, and information on the type of buyer and seller. 

 Link to Methodology

 RPP email: 



 Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2003 - present

 Annual   CSO



 Household Income,

 Individual Income,

 "At risk of poverty" Rate,

 Rate of Enforced Deprivation,

 Consistent Poverty Rate                                                                                                

The Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) is a collection of information on the income and living conditions of different household types in Ireland, to derive indicators on poverty, deprivation, and social exclusion.

The statistical population is all private households and their current members residing in the state at the time of data.

The principal variables are data on household and individual income as well as the key national poverty indicators such as the At Risk of Poverty Rate (AROP), the Deprivation Rate and the Consistent Poverty Rate

 Link to Methodology

 SILC email: 



 SILC-2-year panel Longitudinal RMF (SILC-2)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021

 Annual   CSO



 Household Income,

 Individual Income,

 "At risk of poverty" Rate,

 Rate of Enforced Deprivation,

 Consistent Poverty Rate,


Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) longitudinal RMF covering the 2-year panel.

 Link to Methodology

 SILC email: 



 Simulating Welfare and Income Tax Changes on Households  (SWITCH)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier


 Ad hoc  CSO



 Household Income,

 Individual Income,

 "At risk of poverty" Rate, 

 Consistent Poverty Rate, 

 Rate of Enforced Deprivation

The purpose of the ESRI tax-benefit model SWITCH is to inform policy debate and policy choices using nationally representative data.

SWITCH uses detailed data on the incomes and other tax and welfare relevant characteristics of the SILC RMF. SWITCH simulates how households are affected by the rules of the current system, and by proposed reforms.

The SWITCH model is used for policy research by five government departments (Social Protection, PER, Finance, Health, Children and Youth Affairs) and by the ESRI.

Outputs from the SWITCH research program include independent policy research reports and papers by the ESRI team, and both in-house and public domain analyses of policy issues by Departmental officials. SWITCH outputs are also used for budget planning.        

Link to Methodology

 SWITCH email: 




 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2013 - 2021

 Monthly   CSO




 Company VAT Number,

 Trade Flow,

 Commodity Code,

 Invoice Value,

 Country of Destination,

 Country of Origin

The Trade RMF is based on extra-EU trade in goods statistics as derived from administrative data of Revenue Commissioners (via the Single Administrative Document) and intra EU trade in goods statistics which are collected by Revenue Commissioners (via the Intrastat Survey).

For extra-EU trade the statistical population is every transaction/consignment over EUR 254 from 1996 onwards.

For intra-EU trade all traders (identified by VAT number) whose annual imports exceed €500,000 or annual exports exceed €635,000 must complete the Intrastat survey. VAT returns are used to estimate the Intra-EU trade of traders who fall below these thresholds.

The number of consignments each month is approximately 80,000 including imports and exports for non-EU transactions, comprising some 5,200 importers and 2,200 exporters some of which are involved in both importing and exporting of merchandise goods.

The principal variables are date, company VAT number, trade flow (import/export), commodity code (CN), invoice value, net mass and/or supplementary units, country of destination/consignment for exports/imports respectively, country of origin for imports, statistical value, delivery terms, mode of transport, nature of transaction. The Trade RMF contains a subset of these variables aggregated to an annual level. The CSO business enterprise number is used as the unique identifier.

 Link to Methodology

 TRADE email:



 Vital Statistics (VS)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2007 - Present

 Annual    CSO



 Marriages Registration,

 Death Registration,

 Stillbirths Registration,

 Live Births Registration,

 Mortality Differentials

The data in this survey can be used to calculate natural increase which contributes to the population estimates, used in fertility analysis, mortality analysis, population estimates and life expectancy.

The principal variables for this RMF include Age of bride and groom, Previous marital status of bride and groom, Area of residence of bride and groom before and after marriage, Occupation of bride and groom, Place of marriage and Type of marriage ceremony, Date of death, Address of residence of deceased, Place of death, Cause of death, Occupation of deceased, Age of deceased, Sex of deceased, Marital Status of deceased and Birth weight, Gestational Age, Date of birth of infant, Date of birth of parents, Marital status of mother, Number of previous children, County of residence of mother, Multiplicity, Occupation of parents, Baby's forename.

Link to Methodology

VS email:



 Wholesale Price Index (WPI) including Producer Price Index (PPI)

 Years Available

 Periodicity  Supplier

 2005 - Present 

 Monthly    CSO




 Producer Prices,

 NACE Groups,

 Manufacturing, PPI, 

 Input Prices,

 Output Prices,


The industrial Producer Price Index for a sector measure, in index form, changes in prices received by Irish manufacturers for goods fully or partially produced in Ireland and sold to the home and export markets by that sector.

The WPI RMF includes microdata on producer prices collected by the Wholesale Prices survey. This survey collects monthly prices for a representative sample of products from a sample of local units in the NACE sectors 05-35.

The survey also includes data collected for the other wholesale price index series in the WPI release. These series cover prices for imported and home-produced goods sold by manufacturers and wholesale outlets for Building and Construction materials, Capital Goods and Energy Purchased by Manufacturing Industries.

 Link to Methodology

 WPI & PPI email: 


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