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Date Last Updated: 06-11-2024

Survey Name:

Household Digital Consumer Behaviour

Survey purpose:

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Household Survey is carried out on an annual basis and collects data on households’ access to, and individuals’ use of the internet. The survey covers a range of topics related to internet penetration and the use of ICT by households and individuals, providing information on households’ and individuals’ use of the internet and other Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

Legislative Basis National:

Not applicable

Legislative Basis European:

The annual Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Household Survey 2020 contributes to the EU requirement under Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 concerning Community Statistics on the Information Society (OJ L143, 30.04.2004, p. 49).



Statistical Population:

Households with at least one resident aged 16 years and over.

Sampling Frame:

Census of Population

Reference Area:

Social Analysis and Modules

Time Coverage:

The survey asks respondents about their access to the internet usage over the previous three months, and in the case of the use of e-Government services, 12 months. The publication relates to the calendar year 2024.

Base Period:

Not applicable

Sector Coverage:

Household survey of households and individuals within the household.

Survey Size:

In 2024, the ICT Household Survey headline indicators on household internet access and frequency of usage was included in the LFS survey instrument in Q1 and Q2. The achieved sample over the 2 quarters was 14,794. All other questions on detailed ICT usage were collected in a new multi-mode data collection model (CAWI/CATI) and the achieved sample was 4.354.

Principal Variables:

The 2024 survey on ICT contains seven modules and gathers information on; A. Access to Information and Communications Technologies, B. Use of the Internet ,C. Use of e-Government, D. Use of e-Commerce, E. Internet of Things (IoT), F. Green ICT, G. Socio-demographic Background Information. The Eurostat Model Questionnaire has a core set of questions, which are asked on an annual basis. Additional modules on ICT are repeated annually, biennially or triennially. In addition, special modules or topics on new emerging concepts or technologies are also included each year. In 2024, additional modules on the Internet of Things and the sustainability of our personal ICT devices (Green ICT module) were included. The ICT Household Survey was based on the implementing Regulation (EU) No 808/2004 and the Model Questionnaire provided by Eurostat.

Principal External Users:

Eurostat/European Union, Government Departments, researchers and academia, Professional Bodies, University students, general public.

Contact Organisation:

Central Statistics Office

Business Area:

Social & Demographic Statistics

Contact Person:

Maureen Delamere

Contact Person Function:


Other Business Area Specialists:

Contact email:

Contact phone number:

(+353) 21 453 5000