Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
The 26th census since 1841 was carried out on the night of Sunday, 03 April 2022 (Census Night) in accordance with the Statistics (Census of Population) Order 2020 and in order to facilitate the EU requirements arising from the implementing legislation associated with Regulation (EC) No. 763/2008 on population and housing censuses.
While the census is conducted on a de facto basis, meaning that it counts all persons present in the State on Census Night, the POWSCCAR dataset excludes those persons who were not usually resident in the State at the time of the census. This effectively entails that temporary visitors to Ireland are not included in the dataset.
The 26th census was originally scheduled to take place on the night of Sunday, 08 April 2021. Following advice from the CSO, the government decided in September 2020 to postpone the census for approximately one year owing to the ongoing difficulties arising from the Covid-19 pandemic.
For the purposes of census enumeration, the State was divided into 6 Census Liaison Areas, 46 Regions, 466 Field Districts and 5,100 Enumeration Areas. Census Enumerators were assigned to these Enumeration Areas and, during the five weeks before Census Night, delivered census questionnaires to all dwellings that were expected to be occupied on Sunday, 03 April 2022. Each address within an Enumeration Area was recorded as either occupied, unoccupied or not suitable for habitation.
The collection of completed questionnaires took place between Monday, 04 April and Friday, 06 May 2022.
The data in this report is based on the information handwritten on the census forms. After collection, the census forms were returned to CSO where they were scanned to capture and digitize the handwritten information. This digitized information was then processed to prepare it for publication.
Anonymised census records relating to persons at work, students and children who were enumerated and usually resident in the State are available to bona fide researchers for the purposes of research on commuting patterns etc. Where the application is granted, the researcher will be signed up as an Officer of Statistics.
POWSCCAR data is only available to bona fide researchers who are approved by CSO and signed up as Officers of Statistics. All appointments as an Officer of Statistics are for one year. Should the research require, a new application can be made for additional period(s) of one year. All material proposed for publication which has been derived from POWSCCAR must be approved in advance by CSO.
Application to access POWSCCAR microdata must be made using the microdata application forms on the CSO Researcher Online System for Applications (ROSA) where details on the Research Microdata File (RMF) Policies are also available.
Where the application is approved, all researchers accessing the data will be required to sign a declaration making them Officers of Statistics under the Statistics Act 1993, agreeing to be bound by the confidentiality provisions of the Act. There are severe penalties under the Act for divulging confidential data.
For further information on the data content, please contact:
Census Enquiries Section
Central Statistics Office
Swords Business Campus
Balheary Road
Co. Dublin
Phone: (+353) 1 895 1300
E-mail: census@cso.ie
For further Researcher Online System for Applications (ROSA) or maps, please contact:
Researcher Coordination Unit
Central Statistics Office
Ardee Road
Dublin 6
Email: rcu@cso.ie
For further information on Digital Boundaries or maps, please contact:
Tailte Éireann Surveying (Public Office)
Phoenix Park
Dublin 8
D08 F6E4
Phone: (+353) 1 802 5300
https://www.tailte.ie/ or https://osi.ie/contact-us/
The Place of Work, School, College or Childcare Census of Anonymised Records cover persons who were enumerated and usually resident in the State on Census Night. Persons enumerated in both private dwellings and communal establishments were included. The file specifically excludes visitors who indicated they were usually resident abroad in Question 7 on the census form.
The category student/child covers persons aged 0 to 14 years and persons aged 15 and over who indicated they were students by ticking box 5 on Question 28 on the census form which requests the person’s present principal status.
The location of the Place of Work, School, College or Childcare was coded for each person on the basis of the reply to Question 36.
Where the person ticked box 1 or 2 on Question 36, the Place of Work, School, College or Childcare was automatically defaulted to W/M (W=Works mainly at or from home; M=No fixed place of work).
It should be noted that the value ‘W’/Works mainly at or from home in the variable POWSCC_Location was determined by the means of travel (Question 19) and place of work/school/college/childcare (Question 36).
The employer/school name and address were matched against organisation names and addresses on the An Post GeoDirectory. In the case of workers, where the coder could not find an exact match, they coded to a near match on the same street or in the same town as the address on the form. This may have resulted in unusual patterns at low levels of geography such as small areas, but these anomalies should even out at higher geography levels. In the case of students, only an exact match was accepted for the school or college.
The coordinates of the matched building were geocoded to geographical boundaries. In 2022, places of work, school, college or childcare in Northern Ireland were coded in the same way using the Pointer address database. Where the person indicated a work, school or college address abroad, these records were coded to a specific code to indicate that the person was working outside the island of Ireland.
The coded records relating to persons within households were anonymised by stripping off all identifiable information such as name, address and Eircode and by recoding variables where the number of categories could lead to the identification of an individual when combined with other information on the record. Statistical disclosure methods were also applied to POWSCCAR as they have been to all published Census 2022 data.
POWSCCAR Structure and Content
For persons who were usually resident in the State on Census Night but were enumerated away from their home, it is not possible to produce household or family characteristics. In this case, the variable will be populated with a 'U' for unknown.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) puts stringent requirements on data processing organisations such as the CSO to protect the personal data of individuals and undertakings. One of the key principles of the GDPR is data minimisation which specifies that only a minimum amount of data should be given.
The following variables are available upon request with a specific case required for each:
1. Year_built
2. Cars_or_vans
3. Citizenship_student
4. Religion_student
5. Able_to_speak_english_student
6. Marital_status
7. Highest_level_ed_parents
8. Family_unemployed_parents
9. Childcare hours
Table 1 - Variables in the Anonymised Place of Work, School, College or Childcare microdata file and the classifications used
Variable | Label/Notes | Values | Variable populated for students (Persons aged 0-14 or Q28=5) | Variable populated for workers (Q28=1) | ||
WSI_IND | At work, school or college indicator. | S=Attending school, college or childcare (i.e. students/0 - 4 year olds included) W=At work (i.e. workers) |
YES | YES | ||
POWSCC_Location | Place of work, school, college or childcare location | IE=POWSCC in Republic of Ireland NI=POWSCC in Northern Ireland 98=POWSCC Overseas H=Home School M=Mobile worker(Q36) W=Works mainly at or from home(Q36) B=Place of work, school, college or childcare address blank or uncodeable |
YES | YES | ||
Residence_NUTS3 | NUTS3 code of usual residence | See “POWSCCAR_2022_Codes.xls” | YES | YES | ||
POWSCC_NUTS3 | NUTS3 code of place of work, school, college or childcare | See “POWSCCAR_2022_Codes.xls” | YES | YES | ||
Residence_County | Administrative County of usual residence | See “POWSCCAR_2022_Codes.xls”. | YES | YES | ||
POWSCC_County | Administrative county of place of work, school, college or childcare | See “POWSCCAR_2022_Codes.xls”. | YES | YES | ||
Residence_CSOED | CSO Electoral Division code of usual residence | See “POWSCCAR_2022_Codes.xls”. This has details of the ED codes and names. | YES | YES | ||
POWSCC_CSOED | CSO Electoral Division code of place of work, school, college or childcare - Ward Code in Northern Ireland | See “POWSCCAR_2022_Codes.xls”. B=Place of work, school, college or childcare blank or uncodeable M=No fixed place of work(Q36) W=Works mainly at or from home(Q36) H=Home schooling |
YES | YES | ||
Residence_Area_Type | Area type indicator for rural or population of town of residence. | Area type indicating the total population of the town of residence based on the 2022 census. See “POWSCCAR_2022_Codes.xls”. | YES | YES | ||
POWSCC_Area_type | Area type indicator for rural or population of town of residence. | Area type indicating the total population of the town of place of work, school, college, childcare based on the 2022 census. See “POWSCCAR_2022_Codes.xls”. | YES | YES | ||
Residence_Town | CSO town of usual residence | See “POWSCCAR_2022_Codes.xls”. Further information is available on the Census 2022 Urban Boundaries and Built Up Areas webpage of the CSO. | YES | YES | ||
CSO town code of place of work, school, college or childcare. Settlement code in Northern Ireland. |
See “POWSCCAR_2022_Codes.xls”. Town code of address of place of work, school, college, childcare. Code of the towns and B=Place of work, school, college, childcare address blank or uncodeable M=No fixed place of work(Q36) W=Works mainly at or from home(Q36) H=Home schooling |
YES | YES | ||
Residence_Small_Area | Small area of usual residence | Small areas are the lowest level of geography for the compilation of statistics. | YES | YES | ||
POWSCC_Small_Area |
Small area of place of work, school, college or childcare. Datazone code in Northern Ireland. |
Small areas are the lowest level of geography for the compilation of statistics. B=Place of work, school, college, childcare address blank or uncodeable |
YES | YES | ||
Fuzz_East_250 | 250M Grid Square Easting –ITM | The location of place of work, school, college or childcare has been apperoximated to the centre of the 250M X 250M grid square in which the place of work, school, college or childcare is located. | YES | YES | ||
Fuzz_North_250 | 250M Grid Square Northing – ITM | The location of place of work, school, college, childcare has been approximated to the centre of the 250M X 250M grid square in which the place of work, school, college or childcare is located. | YES | YES | ||
Resident_Persons | Number of usual residents in the household | Where there are 5 or more usual residents in the households=5+. | YES | YES | ||
Resident_Students | Number of usually resident students in the household | This is a count of the number of usually resident students in the household (i.e. persons falling within the scope of this file) where the person resides. Where there are 3 or more usually resident students in the household=3+ | YES | YES | ||
Resident_Workers | Number of usually resident workers in the household | This is a count of the number of usually resident workers in the household (i.e. persons falling within the scope of this file) where the person resides. Where there are 3 or more usually resident workers in the household=3+ | YES | YES | ||
Year_Built | Year that the household accommodation was built | 01=Before 1919 02=1919 – 1945 03=1946 – 1960 04=1961 – 1970 05=1971 – 1980 06=1981 – 1990 07=1991 – 2000 08=2001 – 2010 09=2011 – 2015 or later 10=2016 or later *=Not stated C=Communal Establishment U=Unknown |
NO | YES | ||
Nature_of_Occupancy | Nature of occupancy of household accommodation Purchaser/Owner Occupied combines the following categories: 1-Owner occupied with mortgage or loan 2-Owner outright Rented incl. free rent combines the following categories: 3-Rent 4-Live here rent free |
This indicates the nature of occupancy of the households accommodation in which the person resides. 1=Purchaser/Owner occupied 2=Rented incl. free rent *=Not stated C=Communal Establishment U=Unknown |
YES | YES | ||
Cars_or_vans |
Number of cars or vans available for use in the household. |
1=One 2=Two 3=Three 4=Four or more 5=None *=Not stated C=Communal Establishment U=Unknown |
Household_Composition |
Household composition. |
1=Single person 2=Lone parent with at least one resident child aged 19 or under 3=Lone parent with resident children but none aged 19 or under 4=Couple with at least one resident child aged 19 or under 5=Couple with resident children but none aged 19 or under 6=Couple with no resident children 7=Other households U=Unknown |
Highest_level_ed_parents |
Highest level of education completed to date by one or both parents. Completed secondary or lower combines categories: 1-No formal education 2-Primary education 3-Lower secondary 4-Upper secondary 5-Technical or vocational qualification 6-Advanced Certificate/Completed Apprenticeship Completed third level or higher combines categories Third level: 7-Higher Certificate 8-Ordinary Bachelor Degree or National Diploma 9-Honours Bachelor/Professional qualification or both 10-Postgraduate Diploma or Degree 11-Doctorate (Ph.D) or higher |
1= Completed secondary or lower (NFQ 1-6) 2= Completed third level or higher (NFQ 7-10) *=Not stated U=Unknown |
NO |
Family_unemployed_parents |
Unemployed parents indicator |
0=No parent unemployed 1=One parent unemployed 2=Both parents unemployed U=Unknown |
NO |
Sex |
Sex |
1=Males 2=Females |
Five_Year_Age_Group |
Age group |
0-04=0-4 05-09=05-09 10-14=10-14 15-19=15-19 20-24=20-24 25-29=25-29 30-34=30-34 35-39=35-39 40-44=40-44 45-49=45-49 50-54=50-54 55-59=55-59 60-64=60-64 65-69=65-69 70-74=70-74 75+=75+ |
School_Level |
This is a school level based on age to coincide with the three levels of education Primary (5-12), Secondary (13-18), Third Level (19+). 0-4 is coded to 0, not in school. |
0= Not in school (based on age 0-4) 1=Primary 2=Secondary 3=Third Level |
NO |
Religion_Student |
Declared religion of student. |
1=Roman Catholic 2=Other Religion (including no religion) 3=Not stated |
NO |
Able_to_speak_english_Student |
Highest level of speaking English where language other than English spoken at home. |
1=Very well 2=Well 3=Not well 4=Not at all *=Not applicable |
NO |
Citizenship _Student |
Citizenship student indicator. |
1=Irish 2=Other citizenship *=Not stated (incl. no citizenship) |
NO |
Marital_Status |
Current marital status Ever Married combines the following categories: 2-Married (first marriage) 3-Re-married 4-In a registered same-sex civil partnership 5-Separated 6-Divorced 7-Widowed |
1=Single (Never married) 2=Ever Married |
NO |
Usual_Residence_One_Year_Ago |
Flag indicating where the person usually resided one year ago. |
0=Different address 1=Same address *=Not stated |
Highest_Level_of_Education |
Highest level of education completed to date. See Highest_level_ed_parents for groupings. |
1= Completed secondary or lower (NFQ 1-6) 2= Completed third level or higher (NFQ 7-10) *=Not stated |
NO |
Socio-economic group The socio-economic group of persons aged 15 years or over who are at work is determined by their occupation and employment status. The SEG of students is determined by their parents or of sibling where no parent is working. Please note, SEG in 2022 is based on PSOC_10 and is not comparable to previous POWSCAR RMFs. |
A=Employers and managers B=Higher professionals C=Lower professionals D=Non-manual E=Manual skilled F=Semi-skilled G=Unskilled H=Own account workers I=Farmers J=Agricultural workers Z=All others gainfully occupied and unknown |
Industrial_Group |
Industrial group Industry is coded to over 200 detailed industry codes (using NACE Rev.2) on the basis of the name and address of the business/employer and/or the free text description of the nature of business carried on. The detailed industry codes have been grouped into eight broad groups for the purposes of this sample. |
1=Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2=Manufacturing, mining and quarrying, Electricity, Gas, Water Supply and Waste Management 3=Construction 4=Wholesale, Retail Trade, Transportation and Storage, Accommodation and Food Service Activities 5=Information and Communication, Financial, Real Estate, Professional, Administration and Support Service Activities 6=Public Administration and Defence, Compulsory Social Security 7=Education, Human Health and Social Work Activities 8=Other Service Activities *=Not stated |
NO |
Means_of_Travel |
Means of travel to work, school, college or childcare. |
01=Not at work, school, college or childcare 02=On foot 03=Bicycle 04=Bus, minibus or coach 05=Train, DART or LUAS 06=Motor cycle or scooter 07=Driving a car 08=Passenger in a car 09=Van 10=Other, including lorry 11=Work mainly at or from home *=Not stated |
Time_of_Departure |
Time leaves home for work, school, college or childcare |
1=Not at work, school, college or childcare 2=Before 06:30 3=06:31-07:00 4=07:01-07:30 5=07:31-08:00 6=08:01-08:30 7=08:31-09:00 8=09:01-09:30 9=After 09:30 *=Not stated |
Journey_Minutes |
Journey to work – minutes 5-minute intervals |
Time_depart_WSCC |
Time departing work, school, college or childcare (Question 22 on the census form). New question in Census 2022. |
00:00 - 03:59 04:00 - 04:59 05:00 - 05:59 06:00 - 06:59 07:00 - 07:59 08:00 - 08:59 09:00 - 09:59 10:00 - 10:59 11:00 - 11:59 12:00 - 12:59 13:00 - 13:59 14:00 - 14:59 15:00 - 15:59 16:00 - 16:59 17:00 - 17:59 18:00 - 18:59 19:00 - 19:59 20:00 - 23:59 |
WFH_Days |
The number of days working from home declared in Question 30. Values range from 1 to 7 days per week. |
1=1 day 2=2 days 3=3 days 4=4 days 5=5 days 6=6 days 7=7 days |
NO |
Ever work at home, Question 30 response. |
1=YES 2=NO Null=no response/not applicable |
NO |