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Romanian Nationals: 29,186

In April 2016 there were 29,186 Romanian nationals usually resident in Ireland. The Romanian population increased by 69 per cent between 2011 and 2016. With a population growth of 11,882 persons between 2011 and 2016, this was the greatest increase in population size seen among all ten non-Irish nationalities profiled.

Table 5.1 Population Usually Resident by Nationality and Census Year

It's a Fact

  • 69 per cent of the Romanian population was Orthodox. 1 per cent of the State described themselves as such, with one third being Romanian nationals

Place of Residence

16,808 Romanian nationals were living in Dublin city and suburbs, this accounted for 58 per cent of the Romanian population usually resident in Ireland. As seen in Figure 5.1, the Romanian population was mainly based around Dublin suburbs and commuter towns.

Figure 5.1 Proportion of Romanian Population Usually Resident in Ireland by Electoral Division, 2016

Age and Sex

In April 2016, 75 per cent of the Romanian population was aged 38 years and younger, compared with 54 per cent of the usual residents in the State. Furthermore, only 6 per cent of the Romanian population was aged 50 years and older. In comparison, 30 per cent of the State's population was aged 50 years and over.

The age breakdown of the Romanian and State populations can be seen by clicking an option below:

Table 5.2 Population Usually Resident in the State by Nationality, Average Age, and Census Year

The average age of the Romanian population usually resident in Ireland increased by less than 1 year between 2011 and 2016, from 29.6 years to 30.5 years.

Economic Status 

Retired, unable to work or other economic statusStudent or pupilLooking after home/familyUnemployed Persons at work
State - 20167042624155553030342940061970728
Romanian - 201682413372044342617134
Romanian - 20114861119152536678057

While the population increased between 2011 and 2016, the proportion of Romanian nationals aged 15 years to 64 years remained relatively unchanged. However, the proportion of Romanian nationals at work increased from 54 per cent (8,057 persons) in 2011, to 69 per cent (17,134 persons) in 2016, compared with 53 per cent for the State in 2016. The unemployment rate among Romanian nationals was 17 per cent (3,426 persons), while the census national unemployment rate of the State’s population in 2016 was 13 per cent.

It's a Fact

  • 64 per cent of all Romanian nationals aged 15 years and over at work belonged to the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled social class groups combined
  • Comparably, 32 per cent of the State population were in the same groups.

Industry and Occupation

Table 5.3 shows the top three broad industrial groups for the Romanian population at work and usually resident in Ireland in April 2016. 20 per cent of Romanian nationals who were at work were in the accommodation and food services industry (3,494 persons), the greatest number of Romanian nationals in any one industry. Kitchen assistants and chefs within this industry accounted for 9 per cent of all Romanian nationals at work (5% and 4% respectively).

11 per cent of Romanian nationals at work were in the construction industry (1,808 Romanians). This was the highest proportion of all nationalities profiled. Within this industry conveyers of building materials, general labourers, and other elementary construction occupations were prevalent among Romanian nationals.

Table 5.3 Population Aged 15 Years and Over, at Work, by Nationality and Broad Industrial Group, 2016
At Work17,1341,970,728
Accommodation & food services20%6%
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and cycles12%13%
Administrative & support services11%4%

Table 5.4 shows the top three broad occupational groups for the Romanian population at work and usually resident in Ireland in April 2016. 5,418 Romanian nationals who were at work were in elementary occupations (32%), significantly higher than the proportion of the State in the same occupational group (9%). A further 18 per cent of Romanian nationals who were at work were in skilled trades occupations (3,085 Romanians).  In both cases, these were the highest proportions of all nationalities profiled to be in these two occupational groups.

Table 5.4 Population Aged 15 Years and Over, at Work, by Nationality and Broad Occupational Group, 2016
At Work17,1341,970,728
Elementary Occupations32%9%
Skilled Trades Occupations18%14%
Process, Plant, and Machine Operative Occupations & Transport10%7%

It's a Fact

  • 20 per cent of all Romanian females at work in April 2016 were cleaners and domestics


Almost 60 per cent of Romanian nationals living in Ireland were aged between 25 years and 44 years old in April 2016 (17,258 persons). The proportions of Romanian nationals at each level of education largely mirrored that of the population of the State in the same age group.  

Postgraduate degreeThird level degree/professional qualification or bothUpper secondary, technical, vocationalLower secondary, primary, no formal education, not stated

Marital Status

It's a Fact

  • The Romanian population had the highest proportion of married persons among all nationalities profiled. In April 2016, 55 per cent of Romanians aged 15 years and over were married
WidowedSeparated (inc. divorced)Married (inc. same-sex civil partnership)Single
Romanian 2811493135779414

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