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Online ISSN: 2811-5724
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Annual National Accounts 2021 Tables

Table 1.2 Main Aggregates, 2016-2021

Table 1.3 Annual Percentage Changes in Main Aggregates, Deflators and the Consumer Price Index

Table 2.2 Modified Gross National Income at Current Market Prices

Table 2.3 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 2.2

Table 2.4 Modified Gross National Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)

Table 2.5 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 2.4

Table 3.1 Net Value Added at Factor Cost and Net National Income at Market Prices

Table 3.2 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 3.1

Table 3.3 Net Value Added at Factor Cost and Depreciation by Sector of Origin and Gross Value Added at Basic Prices

Table 3.4 Gross Value Added at Basic Prices by Sector of Origin and Gross and Net National Income at Current Market Prices

Table 3.5 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 3.4

Table 3.6 Gross Value Added at Constant Basic Prices by Sector of Origin and Gross and Net National Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)

Table 3.7 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 3.6

Table 4.1 Gross Value Added Components by Nace Rev. 2 A64 Sector at Current Market Prices, 2021

Table 4.2 Component Percentage Contribution to NACE Sector Gross Value Added by Nace Rev. 2 A64, 2021

Table 4.3 Breakdown of Foreign-owned multinational enterprise dominated sector and Other sectors, 2021

Table 4.4 Compensation of Employees, Wages and Salaries and Employers Social Contribution by Nace Rev. 2 A64 Sector at Current Market Prices, 2021

Table 4.5 Compensation of Employees by Income Distribution

Table 4.6 Percentage Change of Compensation of Employees by Income Distribution

Table 5.1 Gross Value Added of Foreign-owned MNE dominated sectors and Other sectors at Current Basic Prices

Table 5.2 Gross Value Added of Foreign-owned MNE dominated sectors and Other sectors at Constant Basic Prices (chain-linked annually and referenced to year 2020)

Table 5.3 Composition of Foreign-owned multinational enterprise dominated sectors and Other sectors

Table 5.4 Gross Value Added by Activity at Current Basic Prices

Table 5.5 Gross Value Added by Activity at Constant Basic Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)

Table 6.1 Output, Intermediate Consumption and Gross Value Added at Basic Prices by Sector of Origin and Gross and Net National Income at Current Market Prices

Table 6.2 Output, Intermediate Consumption and Gross Value Added at Constant Basic Prices by Sector of Origin and Gross and Net National Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)

Table 7.1 Output, Intermediate Consumption and Gross Value Added by activity at current prices, 2021

Table 8.1 Expenditure on Gross and Net National Income at Current Market Prices

Table 8.2 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 8.1

Table 8.3 Expenditure on Gross and Net National Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)

Table 8.4 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 8.3

Table 8.5 Annual Breakdown of Trade into Goods and Services at Current and Constant Prices

Table 8.6 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 8.5

Table 9.1 Domestic Demand at Current Market Prices

Table 9.2 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 9.1

Table 9.3 Domestic Demand at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)

Table 9.4 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 9.2

Table 10.1 Consumption of Personal Income at Current Market Prices

Table 10.2 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 10.1

Table 10.3 Consumption of Personal Income (except Taxes on Personal Income and Wealth) at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)

Table 10.4 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 10.3

Table 11.1 Gross Domestic Physical Capital Formation at Current Market Prices

Table 11.2 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation by Sector of Use at Current Market Prices

Table 11.3 Gross Domestic Physical Capital Formation at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)

Table 11.4 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation by Sector of Use at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)

Table 12.1 Gross National Disposable Income and its Use

Table 12.2 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 12.1

Table 12.3 Gross National Disposable Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020) Adjusted for Terms of Trade (i.e. Real Gross National Disposable Income)

Table 12.4 Household Income and Expenditure

Table 12.5 Current Income and Expenditure of Central and Local Government

Table 12.6 Savings and Capital Formation

Table 12.7 Distribution of Household Income and its relationship to Net National Product at Factor Cost

Table 13.1 Balance of International Payments: Current Account

Table 13.2 Balance of International Payments: Capital and Financial Account and Net Errors and Omissions