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Ireland's Trade with the UK

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In 2018, there were 27,074 enterprises who imported goods from the UK. This accounts for 85% of all importing enterprises. For almost 10,900 enterprises, the UK was the only country from which they imported goods, and these comprised 18% of the total value of goods imports from the UK.

There were 7,024 enterprises exporting goods to the UK in 2018.  This represents 79% of all exporting enterprises. Of these 7,024 firms, there were 3,378 who exported exclusively to the UK, which accounted for 16% of the total value of exports to the UK.

UK trade only38.0920162381597
Partial UK trade41.1141181777176
No UK trade20.7938655841227
UK trade only34.3278409627926
Partial UK trade50.9687785514004
No UK trade14.703380485807

Go to Exports to the UK by Economic Sector