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Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart

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Introduction and Key Findings

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The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Household Survey is carried out on an annual basis in the first quarter of the year. and collects data on households’ access to, and individuals’ use of, the internet. The survey covers a range of topics related to internet penetration and the use of ICT by households and individuals, and provides information on households’ and individuals’ use of the internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs).

The survey contributes to the EU requirement under Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 concerning Community Statistics on the Information Society (OJ L143, 30.04.2004, p. 49). Data in this domain is collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) and provides statistics on households’ access to and individuals’ use of the internet to Eurostat, to allow comparability with other EU countries. Eurostat also compiles EU indicators which help monitor the development and use of ICTs and help to provide a better understanding of the adoption of ICTs and the internet by households and individuals.

The survey questionnaire is based on Eurostat's annual Model Questionnaire on ICT usage in households and by individuals. The Eurostat Model Questionnaire has a core set of questions, which are asked on an annual basis. Survey questions change from year to year to reflect changes in the use of technology and use of the internet, and to obtain new, relevant information, on different topics relating to the use of the internet and technology. Additional modules on ICT are repeated annually, biennially or triennially. In addition, special modules or topics on new emerging concepts or technologies are also included each year. In 2019, additional questions relating to Internet Security and Smart Technology in the Home were included. Additional questions of national interest are also included in the national questionnaire.

The ICT Household Survey data is collected directly from private households. Questions about individuals' ICT activities and internet usage are asked only of persons aged 16 to 74 years. Institutional households, (e.g. nursing homes, barracks, boarding schools, hotels etc.) are not covered by the survey.

With internet accessNo internet access
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  • In 2019, 91% of households have access to the internet at home. See Table 2.1 and Figure 1.1
  • The main reasons stated for not having a household internet connection were Do not need internet (52%) and Lack of skills (42%). See Table 2.3.
  • In 2019, 88% of individuals were recent users of the internet (used the internet in the three months prior to interview). See Table 3.1.
  • Most adults aged 16 to 44 years were recent internet users, compared with just over two-thirds of persons in the 60 to 74 years age group. See Table 3.1.
  • Just over one in ten (11%) persons have never used the internet. See Table 3.1.
  • Finding information on goods and services and Email were the most common activities carried out on the internet by individuals (84%). The next most common activities selected were Instant Messaging at 75% and Reading or downloading online news sites/newspapers/magazines and Internet banking, both at 73%. See Table 4.1.
  • The most common type of goods or services purchased by internet users was Clothes or sports goods (51%). The next most common types of internet purchases were Holiday accommodation (47%) and Other travel arrangements (45%). See Table 7.1.
  • More than half (53%) of internet users stated that they used storage space on the internet to store files electronically. See Table 8.1.
  • Nearly one tenth (9%) of individuals who used the internet in the last twelve months, experienced Pharming (getting redirected to fake websites asking for personal information) and Children accessing inappropriate websites, while almost one in seven (15%) experienced Phishing (receiving fraudulent email messages). See Table 10.1.
  • One eighth (12%) of individuals who used the internet in the three months prior to interview, use home smart technology. See Table 11.1.

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