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Household Internet Connectivity

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In 2019, 91% of households have an internet connection, an increase of two percentage points since 2018. Data for 2019 indicates that fixed broadband is the most common type of internet access in the household (84% compared with 47% using mobile broadband). Note that more than one type of internet connection may be used in households. See Tables 2.1 and 2.2.

Table 2.1 Percentage of households with internet access, 2018 and 2019

In 2019, almost all households with dependent children have internet access. This compares with just 77% of households comprised of one adult with no dependent children. See Table 2.1 and Figure 2.1.

Household composition20182019
1 adult no dependent children71.7577
2 adults no dependent children87.4291
3 or more adults no dependent children97.2195
1 adult with dependent children97.7298
2 adults with dependent children99.0999
3 or more adults with dependent children99.3197

Fixed broadband connection is highest in the Dublin region at 92%, compared with the Border and Midland regions, at 71% and 69% respectively. See Table 2.2 and Figure 2.2.

There is a notable difference in fixed broadband connection between deprivation quintiles. Fixed broadband connection is most common for households in the Fifth quintile – very affluent deprivation quintile at 95%. For households in the First quintile - very disadvantaged deprivation quintile, 80% have fixed broadband connection, and three quarters (75%) of households in the Second quintile – disadvantaged deprivation quintile have a fixed broadband connection in their home.

Mobile broadband internet connection is most common in households with internet access in the lower deprivation quintiles, with internet access in the First quintile - very disadvantaged and Second quintile - disadvantaged deprivation quintiles both at 56%. By comparison, mobile broadband connection for households in the Fifth quintile - very affluent deprivation quintile is just 42%. See Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Households with internet access classified by type of internet access, 2019

Type of internet accessFixed broadbandMobile broadbandNarrowband connection
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In 2019, of the 9% of households with no internet access, 52% reported that the reason for no access was that they Do not need internet. Just over four in every ten (42%) reported Lack of skills as a reason for not having household internet access. Access costs too high and Equipment costs too high were cited by 10% and 9% of households respectively as the reason for not having a household internet connection, while 8% stated Privacy/security concerns and 7% reported Broadband internet not available in the area. Note that more than one reason may have been selected by respondents. See Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 Percentage of households without internet access classified by reasons for not having household internet access, 2019

Reason for not having internetDo not need internetLack of skillsAccess to internet elsewhereBroadband internet not available in the areaEquipment costs too highAccess costs too highPrivacy/security concernsOther
Reason for not having internet52429791088

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