Manufacturing | Construction | Information & Communication | Other | |
2013 | 26.9742111774731 | 2.41974444633659 | 18.4391418442585 | 52.1669025319318 |
2014 | 28.3637852797616 | 3.25283873448479 | 18.6705108448022 | 49.7128651409514 |
2015 | 37.8209062028104 | 2.95145867340377 | 16.8560175886712 | 42.3716175351146 |
2016 | 36.5557316284051 | 3.6559930803385 | 15.2667392329305 | 44.521536058326 |
2017 | 34.7796539086054 | 4.32529962159501 | 16.5553157863117 | 44.3397306834879 |
2018 | 34.8386250717599 | 4.17629004024747 | 18.7831954745426 | 42.20188941345 |
2019 | 33.9185486820709 | 3.97874819042448 | 19.6790218893163 | 42.4236812381883 |
2020 | 34.6830349439216 | 3.89218896408067 | 22.272067175814 | 39.1527089161837 |
2021 | 34.7154553876562 | 3.76859282122568 | 24.5274564310567 | 36.9884953600614 |
2022 | 35.4644614378218 | 3.69636847424087 | 23.3276927521132 | 37.5114773358241 |
Manufacturing | Construction | Information & Communication | Other | |
2013 | 31.4601439719685 | 2.64153230954676 | 24.4921210557566 | 41.4062026627282 |
2014 | 33.6384909270789 | 3.85162347333158 | 24.8182251317588 | 37.6916604678307 |
2015 | 38.180308427894 | 3.82672283764849 | 23.7464007045111 | 34.2465680299464 |
2016 | 37.4951869948449 | 4.8916050721425 | 20.0685356579379 | 37.5446722750747 |
2017 | 34.865634223758 | 5.85642488081214 | 21.4610674799452 | 37.8168734154847 |
2018 | 34.655778685954 | 5.64657657836605 | 24.3591747910887 | 35.3384699445913 |
2019 | 34.2682552050954 | 5.31115384423465 | 24.1092327556053 | 36.3113581950647 |
2020 | 33.3435413574151 | 5.51958508850596 | 27.6974293808516 | 33.4394441732274 |
2021 | 32.2387771532215 | 5.25698040618672 | 30.5194101674315 | 31.9848322731602 |
2022 | 30.7891396167066 | 5.24726192700871 | 29.5705788688566 | 34.3930195874281 |
Manufacturing | Construction | Information & Communication | Other | |
2013 | 20.9310506911929 | 2.12096608455795 | 10.2849570914028 | 66.6630261328464 |
2014 | 21.509038941445 | 2.47468773034881 | 10.6812456961335 | 65.3350276320727 |
2015 | 37.4328471601232 | 2.00640561037041 | 9.41623205288922 | 51.1445151766171 |
2016 | 35.5177183009034 | 2.29075343090748 | 9.96118788561298 | 52.2303403825761 |
2017 | 34.6892320358773 | 2.71507973459323 | 11.3961435434542 | 51.1995446860753 |
2018 | 35.0313272310065 | 2.62675221712319 | 12.906660100001 | 49.4352604518694 |
2019 | 33.5640493610503 | 2.6280816500193 | 15.1880940949857 | 48.6197748939447 |
2020 | 35.9969116809918 | 2.29591561763274 | 16.9504611127236 | 44.7567115886519 |
2021 | 37.1838725362331 | 2.28516982853651 | 18.5554891602792 | 41.9754684749512 |
2022 | 39.9091459170061 | 2.22198182834181 | 17.3927731700931 | 40.476099084559 |
Figure 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 display the 2013-2022 time-series of some notable sectors of the economy. To allow for greater comparability the percentage contribution made by each sector to the current price total is shown.
In 2022 whether measured by Output, Intermediate Consumption or GVA, Manufacturing was the biggest sector of the economy. Information & Communication was the second biggest sector. These two sectors dominated and combined they comprised 59% of Output, 60% of Intermediate Consumption and 57% of GVA across the economy in 2022.
These figures also illustrate differences in the relative composition of Output across sectors. In 2022 Construction Output, Intermediate Consumption and GVA was respectively 10%, 17% and 6% of Manufacturing.
The Other category in the figures above are total Output less Manufacturing, Information & Communication and Construction.
Table 7.1 provides a detailed 37 sector breakdown of Output, Intermediate Consumption and Gross Value Added at current prices for 2022.
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