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Press Statement

Census of Population 2022 Results - Profile 2 Housing in Ireland Kildare

CSO press statement,

Housing Stock increased by 11% from 80,158 to 88,997 in Kildare

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (27 July 2023) released Census 2022 Profile 2 – Housing in Ireland. Profile 2 presents a comprehensive picture of the housing landscape in Ireland in April 2022. This press release highlights some of the main changes for Kildare. A full list of county press releases is available.

Statistician's Comment

Commenting on the results, Brendan Murphy, Statistician in the Census Division, said:

The results show that the housing stock has increased between 2016 and 2022 in all counties. Nationally, home ownership is falling as the number of households living in rental accommodation increases. There has been an increase in the number of households with people aged 65 or over renting from a private landlord between Census 2016 and Census 2022 in the country as a whole and the number of vacant dwellings counted in Census 2022 fell since 2016. However, this is a point in time measure (vacant on census night, 03 April 2022), and included short term vacancy (dwellings for sale, for rent, renovation, owner in nursing home for example). This Profile also provides data on characteristics of our homes such as how they were heated, whether they have smoke alarms or any renewable energy sources being used.’’

(For more on census definitions of vacancy see Editor’s Note below).

Results for Kildare

Housing Stock

Between April 2016 and April 2022, housing stock in the county grew by 11% from 80,158 to 88,997. The number of vacant dwellings decreased by 1% from 4,560 to 4,528 and the number of holiday homes rose by 33% from 152 to 202. Nationally, the housing stock grew by more than 5% from 2,003,645 to 2,112,121. The number of vacant dwellings fell by almost 20,000 (-11%) to 163,433 and the number of holiday homes rose by 8% from 62,148 to 66,956.

It is important to note that a dwelling classified as vacant for census purposes does not necessarily imply that it is available for re-use. Census vacancy is essentially a point in time measure which may be different to other reported measures of vacancy which may focus more on longer term vacancy. For more information on the census definition of vacancy, please see Editor’s Notes below.

Housing Tenure (Owners and Renters)

In April 2022, 58,898 of homes were owner-occupied in Kildare, compared with 52806 in April 2016. The number of homes owned with a mortgage or loan increased by 6% from 30,295 to 32264 since Census 2016 while the number of homes owned outright (without a loan or mortgage) increased by 18%, from 22,511 to 26,634. Homes rented from private landlords showed a 2% decrease from 12,629 to 12,339. Nationally, 66% of homes were owner occupied. Some 531,207 homes were owned with a mortgage or loan, while almost 680,000 homes were owned without a mortgage or loan, which was up 11% from 2016. More than 330,000 homes were rented from a private landlord, an increase of 7% since 2016.

There was a significant increase of 83% (up to almost 17,000 households) in the number of over 65s renting from a private landlord in the State. In Kildare, the number of homes rented in the 65 and over age group was 560 (which was a 74% increase). In the 60 to 64 age group, it was up 72% compared with 69% nationally.

Census 2022 shows that by the age of 30, more than half of householders in Kildare owned their own home (with or without a mortgage or loan). Nationally this age was 36. This age, which marks the changeover between home ownership and renting, has been increasing over time, up from 26 years in 1991, 27 years in 2002, 28 years in 2006, 32 years in 2011, and 35 years in 2016.

Rent Increases

Renters have continued to face large increases in the amount of rent they pay. Between the 2016 and 2022 censuses, the average weekly rent paid to a private landlord in Kildare in April 2022 was €283, which was a 36% increase on 2016. The average weekly rent paid to a private landlord (at national level) rose to €273, up €73 (37%). This was more than double the rate of increase (17%) between 2011 and 2016.


Many properties classed as vacant in the census may only be vacant for a short period of time and for a wide variety of reasons including homes for sale, rent, new build or renovation, owner in a nursing home, etc.  However, there were more than 880 dwellings classed as vacant both in the 2016 and 2022 censuses in Kildare, which could be an indication of a longer-term vacancy status. Nationally the figure was just under 48,000.

The Census definition of a vacant dwelling is a point in time indicator taken on census night which in these cases means that the dwellings were vacant on the census nights for both 2016 and 2022. (For more information on the census definition of vacancy, please see the Editors notes below).

Data from New Household Questions

Census 2022 included new household questions on the number of working smoke alarms and how we use renewable energy sources in our homes. Kildare had 2,442 homes with no smoke alarms. Homes with solar panels amounted to 7,282 which was 9% of occupied dwellings in the county. Nationally, almost 72,000 homes had no smoke alarms and 119,300 or 6% of occupied homes had solar panels fitted.

Editor's Note

Vacancy Definition:

  • The definition of a vacant dwelling used by Census is: A dwelling is classed as vacant by census enumerators if it is unoccupied on Census night, is not used as a holiday home and is not usually inhabited by occupants who are temporarily absent at the time of census. A dwelling being classified as vacant for census purposes does not necessarily imply that it is available for re-use.
  • The Census definition of a vacant dwelling is a point in time indicator taken on Census night as to whether the property was inhabited or not on Sunday 03 April 2022. Census vacancy should not be used as a measure of long-term vacancy nor compared directly with vacancy figures produced by other sources which may use different definitions or methodology. A dwelling could be classed as vacant if it is unoccupied because it is up for sale, under renovation, or because it is an uninhabited rental property. The Census vacancy definition has been used over several censuses which enables comparisons over time.
  • Holiday homes are not part of the vacant dwellings count.
  • Dwellings under construction and derelict properties are also not included in the count of vacant dwellings. Dwellings which are classified as under construction for the census are not yet habitable as they are missing one or more of items such as their roof, windows, or doors. Derelict dwellings are not habitable because they are run down, boarded up, or generally in a poor state of repair. Our FAQ on Vacant Dwellings has more information.
  • The housing stock is defined as the total number of permanent residential dwellings that were available for occupancy at the time of census enumeration. In this report, the housing stock consists of permanent private households (inhabited by both usual residents and visitors), holiday homes, vacant houses or apartments, along with dwellings where all the occupants were temporarily absent on Census night. However, communal establishments, temporary private households (e.g. caravans and mobile homes), along with dwellings categorised by the enumerators as being derelict or under construction are excluded from this definition. 

Other Information:

  • The census took place on Sunday, 03 April 2022. The census population figures relate to the de facto population which means everyone who was present in the State on the night of Sunday, 03 April 2022. The de facto population includes those who do not usually live in the State but were in the State on Census night. It excludes those who do usually live in the State but who were temporarily absent outside of the State on Census night.
  • Profile 2 is the second in a series of eight themed reports on Census 2022. The remaining profiles are listed below and will be published between 31 August 2023 and 19 December 2023:
    • Profile 3 - Households, Families and Childcare
    • Profile 4 - Disability, Health and Carers
    • Profile 5 - Diversity, Migration, Ethnicity, Irish Travellers, and Religion
    • Profile 6 - Homelessness
    • Profile 7 - Employment, Occupations and Commuting
    • Profile 8 - The Irish Language and Education
  • Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS), which are statistics produced for a range of geographical levels from State to small areas, will be published in September. You can view the full Census 2022 Publication Schedule at the following link: Census 2022 Publication Schedule.
  • A briefing on Profile 2 - Housing in Ireland is available which includes a full presentation and a number of short audio files in English and Irish on the key results.
  • Census 2022 FAQ is available.
  • An infographic has been published for Census 2022 Profile 2 Housing in Ireland. Contact if you require the infographic in a particular format.
  • Definitions – Please see Background Notes.


Kathleen Goulding (+353) 1 895 1413
Tony Downes (+353) 1 895 1319

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