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Products on the CSO Work Programme were divided into the following six main themes with twenty seven associated sub-themes. Also included are the main Corporate publications produced during the year:

People and Society

Contained within this theme are statistical products all about people and the society in which we live. This theme is further divided into eight sub-themes and covers Population and Migration; Births, Deaths and Marriages; Crime and Justice; Social Conditions; Health; Information Society; Education; Housing and Households.

Population and Migration

Head of Division: Cormac Halpin & Diarmuid Reidy (Census); Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis); Brian Ring (Administrative Data Centre); Kieran Culhane & Declan Smyth (Statistical System Coordination)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 11

Number of Products produced in 2020: 11

All statistical products listed on the work programme in 2020 were produced on time.

Births, Deaths and Marriages

Head of Division: Brian Ring (Administrative Data Governance & Analysis)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 10

Number of Products produced in 2020: 10

All statistical products listed on the work programme in 2020 were produced on time.

Crime and Justice

Head of Division: Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 7

Number of Products published in 2020: 7

All statistical products listed on the work programme in 2020 were produced on time

Social Conditions

Head of Division: Gerard Reilly (Income, Consumption & Wealth); Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 2

Number of Products produced in 2020: 10

New products produced but not listed on the work programme 2020:

Social Impact of COVID-19

Social Impact of COVID-19 on Women and Men

Social Impact of COVID-19 June 2020: A Snapshot of Experiences and Expectations in a pandemic

Social Impact of COVID-19 by Age Group

Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey June 2020 Measuring Comfort Levels around the Easing of Restrictions

Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey August 2020: The Reopening of Schools

Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey November 2020: Perceptions and Expectations around Christmas and International Travel

Social Impact of COVID-19 Survey November 2020 Well-being and Lifestyle under Level 5 Restrictions


Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis); Kieran Culhane (Statistical Systems Coordination Unit); Brian Ring (Administrative Data Governance & Analysis)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 9

Number of Products produced in 2020: 15

New products produced but not listed on the work programme 2020:

Irish Health Survey - Main Results

Irish Health Survey - Persons with Disabilities

Irish Health Survey - Carers and Social Supports

Employment and Life effects of COVID-19

COVID-19 Insight - Profile of COVID In Ireland

Analysis of Underlying Cause of Death Data, Including COVID-19

Occupations with Potential Exposure to COVID-19

Product not produced:

Cultural Thematic Report

Information Society

Tara Davis (Business Statistics Analysis & Results); Kevin McCormack (Sustainable Development Goals & Indicator Reports); Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 2

Number of Products published in 2020: 4

New products produced but not listed on the work programme 2020:

Impact of COVID-19 on Virtual Life

Impact of COVID-19 on ICT Usage by Households


Head of Division: Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis); Kieran Culhane (Statistical System Coordination)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 3

Number of Products published in 2020: 3

Housing and Households

Head of Division: Kieran Culhane (Statistical System Coordination); Gerard Reilly (Income, Consumption & Wealth); Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis); Declan Smyth (ISS Coordination Horizontal Reports)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 6

Number of Products published in 2020: 6

New product produced but not listed on the work programme 2020:

Tenure and Households in Ireland 2016-2019

Product not produced:

Household Budget Survey was suspended as a result of COVID-19.

Labour Market and Earnings

Statistical Products measuring employment/unemployment, the flow of jobs and persons, industrial disputes, earnings and labour costs are included in this area. The theme is subdivided into two sub-themes Labour Market; Earnings.

Labour Market

Head of Division: Edel Flannery (Labour Market & Earnings)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 9

Number of Products published in 2020: 11

New products produced but not listed on the work programme 2020:

PUP/TWSS/LR Weekly Series

Labour Market Insight Series

Labour Force Survey Bulletins

Impact of Selected COVID-19 Income Supports on Employees

Products not produced:

Foreign Nationals: PPSN Allocations, Employment & Social Welfare Activity

Job Churn


Head of Division: Edel Flannery (Labour Market & Earnings)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 7

Number of Products published in 2020: 5

Products not produced:

Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources

Public/Private Sector Pay Analysis

Business Sectors

Statistical Products measuring all aspects of the Business Economy using short term statistics and longer term structural statistics. This theme is further divided into seven sub-themes and covers Agriculture; Construction; Industry; Multisectoral; Services; Tourism and Travel; Transport.


Head of Division: Donal Kelly (Agriculture, Transport & Tourism)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 15

Number of Products published in 2020: 15


Head of Division: Tara Davis (Business Statistics Analysis & Results),

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 4

Number of Products actually published in 2020: 4

All the statistical products schedule to be produced in 2020 were published.


Head of Division: Tara Davis (Business Statistics Analysis & Results);

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 10             

Number of Products actually published in 2020: 9

Product not produced:

Census of Industrial Production - Local Units, Regional and County Data


Head of Division: Tara Davis (Business Statistics Analysis & Results)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 7

Number of Products published in 2020: 9 

New products produced but not listed on the work programme 2020:

Business Impact of COVID-19 Survey

Business Signs of Life

High Growth Enterprises

Product not produced:

Exporting Enterprises in Ireland


Head of Division: Tara Davis (Business Statistics Analysis & Results); Paul J Crowley (Business Statistics – Data Collection & Services Outputs); Barra Casey (Prices)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 6            

Number of Products published in 2020: 6

The 6 statistical products scheduled to be produced in 2020 were published.

Tourism and Travel

Head of Division: Donal Kelly (Agriculture, Transport & Tourism)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 8

Number of Products published in 2020: 5 

Products not produced due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism:

Household Travel Survey Q1-Q4 2020

Tourism and Travel Survey Q1-Q4 2020

Overseas Travel March - December 2020


Head of Division: Donal Kelly (Agriculture, Transport & Tourism); Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis);

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 9

Number of Products published in 2020: 9


Statistical products measuring the economic activity of the economy. This theme is further divided into four sub-themes and covers Balance of PaymentsNational AccountsExternal TradePrices; Government Accounts.

Balance of Payments

Head of Division: John Sheridan (Balance of Payments Analysis & Dissemination)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 22

Number of Products published in 2020: 22

Government Accounts

Head of Division: Stephen McDonagh (Government Accounts Compilation & Outputs); Norita Murphy (Government Accounts Classifications)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 13

Number of Products published in 2020: 14

New product produced but not listed on the work programme 2020:

Register of Public Sector Bodies in Ireland

National Accounts

Head of Division: John Sheridan (Balance of Payments Analysis & Dissemination); Christopher Sibley (National Accounts – Integration & LCU); Norita Murphy (Government Accounts Classifications); Stephen McDonagh (Government Accounts Compilation & Outputs); Michael Connolly (National Accounts Analysis & Globalisation); Brian King (National Accounts Data Collection & Quality)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 47

Number of Products published in 2020: 47

External Trade

Head of Division: Orla McCarthy (International Trade in Goods)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 10

Number of Products published in 2020: 9

New product produced in 2020:

Profile of Trading Enterprises

Products not produced:

Trade by Enterprise Characteristics

Irish Traders and the UK


Head of Division: Barra Casey (Prices)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 11

Number of Products published in 2020: 11

All 11 statistical products due to be produced in 2020 were published as scheduled.

General Statistical Publications

Cross cutting statistical publications combining published statistics from a wide range of sources into one thematic publication.

General Statistical Publications

Head of Division: Elaine O’Mahoney (Communication & Dissemination); Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis); Declan Smyth (Irish Statistical System Coordination Horizontal Reports); Kieran Culhane (Statistical Systems Coordination Unit)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 4

Number of Products published in 2020: 6

New products produced by not listed on the work programme 2020:

COVID-19 Government Dashboard

Offenders 2016: Employment, Education and other Outcomes, 2016-2019

COVID-19 Death and Cases Series

Product not produced:

Ireland's Facts and Figures was not published in 2020. This is a promotional booklet for attendance at events and conferences, all of which were cancelled as a result of the COVIC-19 pandemic.


Statistical Products covering the rapidly expanding area of environmental statistics. This theme is further divided into four sub-themes and covers Environment Accounts; Environment IndicatorsEnvironment Statistics and Climate and Energy which was established during 2019. 

Environment Accounts

Head of Division: Gerry Brady (Environment & Climate)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 10

Number of Products published in 2020: 11

New product produced but not listed on the work programme 2020:

Fossil Fuel Subsidies 

Environment Indicators

Head of Division: Gerry Brady (Environment & Climate)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 1

Number of Products published in 2020: 1

Environment Statistics

Head of Division: Gerry Brady (Environment & Climate)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 4

Number of Products published in 2020: 5

New product produced but not listed on the work programme 2020:

Census of Population from an Environment Perspective

Climate & Energy

Head of Division: Gerry Brady (Environment & Climate)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2020: 7

Number of Products published in 2020: 8

New product produced but not listed on the work programme 2020:

Fuel Excise Clearances

Corporate Publications

In addition to the Statistical Products produced the Central Statistics Office published four corporate publications during 2020. These were:

  • Statement of Strategy 2020
  • Statement of Strategy Progress Report 2019
  • Statistical Work Programme 2020
  • Annual Report on the Statistical Work Programme 2019

Return to >>> Introduction

  • Progress Report on the CSO Annual Statistical Work Programme 2020
  • Highlights of the 2020 Work Programme
  • Innovation
  • 2020 Work Programme by Theme and Sub-theme