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This chapter covers where people work. Most data is obtained from census, looking at what industries people work in and also those who work from home. Data on discrimination in the workplace comes form the equality module of the Labour Force Survey. 

Number of people aged 15 years or older in the work place by sex and year
Number of people aged 15 years or older in the work place by sex and year
Number of people aged 15 years and over in the labour force by broad industrial group and sex
Number of people aged 15 years and over in the labour force by broad industrial group and sex
Number of people aged 15 and over in work who mainly work from home by sex
Percentage change since last census of number of people who mainly work from home by sex and place of usual residence
Distance to workplace by sex
Distance to workplace in kilometres by sex, county and age group
Persons aged 18 years and over who have experienced discrimination in the workplace
Percentage (%) of persons aged 18 years and over who have experienced discrimination in the workplace by sex and year