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Labour Force Participation

Labour Force Participation

This section looks at the  International Labour Orgainsation (ILO) participation rate of men and women. The Participation Rate is the number of persons in the labour force expressed as a percentage of the total population aged 15 or over. This differs from the Employment Rate which is the number of employed aged 15 to 64 expressed as a percentage of the total population aged 15 to 64. The data comes from the Labour Force Survey. 

ILO participation rate (%) of persons 15 years and over by sex
ILO participation rate (%) of persons 15 years and over by sex
Labour force participation rate (%) of persons aged 25-64 years by education level and sex
Labour force participation rate (%) of persons aged 25-64 years by educational level and sex
ILO Participation Rate (%) by Age group and Sex
ILO Participation Rate (%) by Age and Sex