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General Government

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The Register of Public Sector Bodies in Ireland 2020 (published April 2021) provides the basis for the preparation of Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) reporting for Ireland.  The Register lists all the organisations in the state which are considered to be “general government” bodies for the purposes of national and government accounts.  It also lists organisations which, while under public control, are not part of the general government sector.  The distinction between the general government and public sectors is explained in Chapter 2 of this publication.

The Register has been updated since it was last published in October 2020. See the Background Notes for an outline of the methodology for statistical classification decisions.

Previous releases of the Register can be seen here.

In the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), general government is one of five mutually exclusive institutional sectors within the domestic economy.  The five sectors are:

(a) non-financial corporations (S11);

(b) financial corporations (S12);

(c) general government (S13);

(d) households (S14);

(e) non-profit institutions serving households (S15).

The Register of Public Sector Bodies in Ireland covers all general government (S13) and all public corporations in the non-financial (S11) and financial (S12) sectors – see the sectors coloured orange in the following diagram.

A complete list of the Register in alphabetical order is available here P-RPB12020H1 TBL1.1 (XLS 51KB)  .

A CSV file is also available here P-RPBI2020H1 TBL1.1csv.



Domestic Institutional Sectors

Figure 1.1 Domestic Institutional Sectors

Next Chapter >> Public Sector


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