Multinationals: An Irish Perspective
Multinationals play an important role in the economy of many countries. Increasingly, multinationals create a physical presence in several countries around the world to maximise their global earnings.
This chapter presents statistics on the activities of the affiliates of Irish multinationals abroad and the contribution made by the affiliates of foreign-owned multinationals in Ireland. See Tables 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 at the end of this section for more detail on the data in the graphs.
- Asia (33.5%), the Americas (33.4%), and Europe (including Russia) (31.1%) each accounted for around a third of total persons engaged
- Employment in the Oceania & Polar regions (1.1%) and Africa (0.9%) combined accounted for the remaining 2.0%
For long labels below use to display on multiple lines | Persons engaged |
Europe (excluding Russia) | 370055 |
Russian Federation | 3704 |
Americas | 400732 |
Asia | 401786 |
Oceania and Polar regions | 12690 |
Africa | 11375 |
- In 2020, Irish multinationals had 1,200,342 persons engaged in foreign affiliates and generated turnover of €237.7 billion outside of Ireland
- Foreign-owned multinationals in Ireland had 457,990 persons engaged in affiliates and generated €581.9 billion in turnover
| Turnover (€ billions) | Persons engaged |
Foreign-owned multinationals in Ireland | 581.9 | 457990 |
Irish multinationals abroad | 237.7 | 1200342 |
For further information on Irish Multinationals Abroad please visit the Outward Foreign Affiliates Statistics 2020 release.
- In 2020, Irish multinationals abroad had turnover of €237.7bn, down 7.0% when compared with the €255.7bn recorded in 2019
- Affiliates in the United States (39.1%) and the United Kingdom (16.6%) accounted for 55.7% of all turnover in Irish multinationals abroad
For long labels below use to display on multiple lines | Turnover |
Netherlands | 2.9 |
United Kingdom | 16.6 |
United States | 39.1 |
Germany | 3.8 |
France | 4 |
Other countries | 33.5 |
- There were 1,200,342 persons engaged in Irish multinationals abroad in 2020, almost a 3% increase compared with 2019
- Just under 22% of all persons engaged in Irish multinationals abroad were based in the United States, while 9.7% were in the United Kingdom
For long labels below use to display on multiple lines | Persons engaged |
Netherlands | 1.4 |
United Kingdom | 9.7 |
United States | 21.6 |
Germany | 2.5 |
France | 2.2 |
Other countries | 62.6 |
- Along with the United States and the United Kingdom, there were significant numbers of persons engaged in Irish owned foreign affiliates across the globe, with 45,012 persons engaged in China, and just over 30,500 in Germany
| Persons engaged |
United States | 259000 |
United Kingdom | 116955 |
China | 45012 |
Germany | 30523 |
Spain | 29079 |
Brazil | 28064 |
France | 26243 |
Italy | 24895 |
Japan | 22982 |
Poland | 22090 |
Canada | 20894 |
Netherlands | 16265 |
- In 2020, Irish multinationals abroad in the United States and the United Kingdom generated turnovers of €93.0 billion and €39.4 billion respectively
- Irish owned affiliates in France generated turnover of €9.6 billion, while €9.1 billion was generated in Germany
X-axis label | Turnover |
United States | 92.951 |
United Kingdom | 39.387 |
France | 9.567 |
Germany | 9.103 |
Japan | 7.225 |
Netherlands | 6.955 |
Canada | 5.852 |
Spain | 4.738 |
Italy | 4.56 |
China | 4.155 |
Poland | 2.693 |
Brazil | 2.631 |
- Services was the dominant sector for employment in Irish multinationals abroad in 2020 accounting for 56.1% of total persons engaged
- Manufacturing affiliates accounted for 26.1% of persons engaged, while Distribution, and Other sectors employed 15.5% and 2.3% respectively
For long labels below use to display on multiple lines | Persons engaged |
Manufacturing | 26.1 |
Other | 2.3 |
Distribution | 15.5 |
Services | 56.1 |
- Almost two-thirds of the turnover generated by Irish affiliates abroad came from the Services and Distribution sectors with 33.6% and 31.7% respectively
- The Manufacturing sector accounted for 26.1% of turnover in all Irish multinationals abroad, while Other sectors were responsible for just over 8.6%
For long labels below use to display on multiple lines | Turnover |
Manufacturing | 26.1 |
Other | 8.6 |
Distribution | 31.7 |
Services | 33.6 |
7.1 Turnover and number of persons engaged in Irish multinationals abroad, 2020
7.2 Turnover and number of persons engaged in Irish multinationals abroad by sector, 2020
The following statistics relate to foreign-owned multinationals in Ireland.
- In 2020, foreign-owned enterprises accounted for 73.1% of total gross value added (GVA) in the Irish non-financial business economy, compared to 69.2% in 2019. These enterprises accounted for 71.3% of total turnover in 2020
- Despite these significant contributions to both GVA and turnover, foreign-owned multinationals accounted for just 2.9% of the total number of enterprises in the Irish business economy in 2020
- Foreign-owned multinationals accounted for more than one-quarter (28.6%) of persons engaged in the Irish business economy in 2020
| 2019 | 2020 |
Number of enterprises | 2.4 | 2.9 |
Persons engaged | 25.5 | 28.6 |
Turnover | 67.3 | 71.3 |
GVA | 69.2 | 73.1 |
- The Industry sector was dominated by foreign-owned enterprises in 2020, producing 87.6% of GVA and 86.7% of turnover, the bulk of which came from enterprises that were owned outside the EU
- There were 868 foreign-owned multinationals in the Industrial sector, which represented just 4.5% of all enterprises in the Industrial sector and accounted for almost half (46.7%) of persons engaged
| 2019 | 2020 |
Number of enterprises | 4.7 | 4.5 |
Persons engaged | 45.3 | 46.7 |
Turnover | 85.4 | 86.7 |
GVA | 87.9 | 87.6 |
- In the Distribution sector, which includes Retail & Wholesale Trade, 1,715 (3.7%) of all enterprises were foreign-owned in 2020
- These foreign-owned multinationals employed 30.5% of all persons engaged in this sector and contributed 52.0% of total GVA and 51.8% of turnover
| 2019 | 2020 |
Number of enterprises | 3.1 | 3.7 |
Persons engaged | 28.9 | 30.5 |
Turnover | 50.8 | 51.8 |
GVA | 54.2 | 52 |
- Just 3.2% of all Service sector enterprises in Ireland in 2020 were foreign-owned but they employed 26.1% of persons engaged in the sector
- These foreign-owned enterprises in the Services sector accounted for 73.4% of total turnover and 65.7% of total GVA
| 2019 | 2020 |
Number of enterprises | 2.4 | 3.2 |
Persons engaged | 21.5 | 26.1 |
Turnover | 66.7 | 73.4 |
GVA | 58.3 | 65.7 |
7.3 Structural Business Statistics by sector and nationality of ownership, 2020
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