The CSO’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) governance structure consisting of Steering Committee, EDI Working Group, Public Sector Working Group and various staff led network groups were very active in 2024 to champion EDI at all levels in the CSO. The HR EDI team delivered a successful and impactful programme of events in 2024, promoting awareness and fostering a culture of inclusion and diversity across the organisation.
The CSO also continued to raise greater EDI awareness through training, with Disability Awareness Training and Equality and Human Rights in the Public Service, required learning for all staff. Information on EDI and Well-being supports is now part of the Day 1 induction programme for new CSO staff members.
The Dignity and Respect in the Workplace Working Group set up in 2023 was very active throughout the year promoting and championing the values of dignity and respect in our organisation.
International Women’s Day was marked by the CSO, in collaboration with other departments, by the hosting of an online event featuring an external speaker.
The CSO recognises that organisations achieving a strong commitment from their leadership team are the most successful in advancing EDI.
In 2024, there continued to be a focus by Learning & Development (L&D) on increasing our Inclusive Leadership Capability. Inclusive Leadership best practice is integrated into the following CSO management training programmes delivered to staff, the Management Development Programme (MDP), the Management Development Programme Plus (MDP+) as well as the Excellence in Leadership Programme. These programmes enhance inclusive leadership capability by fostering diverse perspectives and empowering our managers and leaders with the skills to create an equitable workplace culture.
In addition, the CSO recognises that people managers play a pivotal role in engaging and supporting their staff to reach their potential. In 2024 we created a new CSO Practical Guide for Managers. This is a comprehensive resource for managers at all levels, providing easy access to information and guidance for onboarding new staff members, ongoing management, and managing work transitions when staff members depart.
The CSO hosted Interview Skills Training sessions across all grades during 2024, as well as conducting awareness sessions for all staff in relation to the new Capability Framework for Civil Service grades launched by
The CSO reviewed its Coaching and Mentoring programmes in 2024, including a focus on how coaching and mentoring can support female employees in their career plans and goals. This included encouraging the participation of senior female managers in these programmes as coaches and mentors to provide positive role models for staff. The CSO has expanded its Coaching and Mentoring programmes through collaboration in 2024 with other organisations to host pilot Cross-Agency Mentoring & Coaching Relationships.
L&D continued to develop its career supports within the CSO Learning & Resource Hub which offers learning pathways for CO/EO/HEO and AP/Statistician Grades and competition supports for all grades up to Senior Statistician/PO.
The CSO Internal Career and Development Fair, launched in 2024, showcased training supports, mobility opportunities, coaching and mentoring programmes, Well-being initiatives and EDI resources, empowering employees to thrive and grow.
2024 saw the introduction of a new recruitment management IT system which includes an intelligent writing tool that removes terminology biased against males and females. The system also permits for anonymised shortlisting by removing any personal details from the application and further reduces the possibility of bias. Our continued work on ensuring our selection boards are gender balanced and trained in unconscious bias will lessen the likelihood of gender discrimination in our recruitment and promotion campaigns.
Bespoke reports on our new system will allow us to track diversity metrics and monitor the data to identify any biases or barriers in our processes.
The CSO continued to focus in 2024 on actions to promote the CSO as an Employer of Choice in terms of both attracting and retaining employees. Members of the HR Team participated in Graduate Fairs to showcase the CSO as an attractive place to work and highlight the organisation in terms of its commitment to EDI.
The CSO’s Peer Support Programme played a vital role in 2024 to assist new or returning colleagues settle into the organisation. Recognising the importance of providing support during the transition period, the programme aims to foster a welcoming environment and contribute to the organisation’s positive culture.
The CSO continued in 2024 to offer a suite of flexible working arrangements to enable enhanced work life balance and better support women in their career progression.
The CSO is very committed to promoting and protecting the health of our staff and delivers an ambitious programme of initiatives and events each year. The CSO launched its first Menopause Policy in 2024 which was based on the Civil Service Menopause in the Workplace Policy Framework provided by DPENDR. The CSO recognises that many of our female employees will go through the menopause at some stage in their working life in the CSO and the importance of providing the right supports to help our employees through this natural transition in a positive working environment. Menopause awareness sessions were held in 2024.