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The Gender Pay Gap in the CSO for 2024 is 6.9%

CSO Corporate Report,

Welcome Note

Jennifer Banim Image

I am pleased to introduce the 2024 Gender Pay Gap Report for the Central Statistics Office (CSO).

The CSO recognises the fundamental importance of working in a diverse and inclusive environment where all of our staff feel valued and empowered to achieve their full potential. We are committed to building a positive workplace culture that is fully aligned with our vision and core organisational values. Our ambition is to be an employer of choice; one that attracts and retains the very best talent.

The 2024 Report finds that the CSO has a mean gender pay gap of 6.9% in favour of male employees. I am pleased to see that this is a positive improvement on last year’s finding of 8.2%, however, it is evident that closing the gender pay gap will take time and sustained effort. The existence of the gap is primarily driven by the varying percentages of males and females across all grades. We must continue to strive to achieve greater gender parity across all levels of the organisation and this requires a multifaceted approach.

The CSO is committed to continue our investment in a series of measures to embed a culture of diversity and inclusion which should by extension help reduce the gender pay gap. Details on these measures are included in this report. The requirement to report annually on progress towards reducing the gender pay gap is also very welcome. It helps us to review what measures are working, as well as to identify initiatives to bring about positive change.

I am proud to be the CSO’s first female Director General and I look forward to overseeing and monitoring the progress made arising from this report. It will be through ongoing commitment to implementing effective strategies that we can achieve a more inclusive, and supportive workplace for all our staff.


Jennifer Banim Signature

Jennifer Banim
Director General