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Press Statement

Census of Population 2022 - Summary Results Kildare

CSO press statement,

Census 2022 Summary Results show Kildare’s population grew to 247,774

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (30 May 2023) released Census 2022 Summary Results, which details the population changes at a national level since April 2016.  We have also broken down the results at a county level and this press release highlights some of the main changes for Kildare. A full list of county press releases is available.

Statistician's Comment

Commenting on the results, Cormac Halpin, Senior Statistician in the Census Division, said: “Today’s Census 2022 results provide us with unique and valuable insights into the Ireland that we live in today.

Looking at the results at a county level, Census 2022 shows that the population of Kildare grew by 11% to 247,774, which means the number of people in the county rose by 25,270 between April 2016 and April 2022. Over the same period, Ireland's population grew by 8% from 4,761,865 to 5,149,139.”

Results for Kildare

Population – Males and Females

Of Kildare’s population, 124,510 were female and 123,264 were male, which means there were 99 males for every 100 females. In Ireland overall there were 2,604,590 females and 2,544,549 males or 98 males for every 100 females. 

Population by Age

The average age of Kildare’s population in April 2022 was 36.9 years, compared with 34.9 years in April 2016. Nationally, the average age of the population was 38.8, up from 37.4 in April 2016. 

The number of people aged 65 and over continues to grow.  This age group increased by 35% to 29,720 in Kildare, and by 22% to 776,315 at a national level since 2016.

Dual Irish Citizens

In Kildare, the number of dual Irish citizens increased from 5,239 to 8,685 while non-Irish citizens accounted for 11% of the county’s population. Nationally, dual Irish citizenship increased by 63% from 104,784 to 170,597 people and non-Irish citizens made up 12% of the population.


The proportion of separated and divorced people in Kildare remains steady at 6% of the population (aged 15 and over), the same as in 2016.  The national comparison was 6% in both 2022 and 2016.


In 2022, 86% of people in Kildare stated that their health was good or very good compared with 90% in 2016.  This is a similar trend to the national figures, which showed a 4% decrease in the good/very good categories, from 87% to 83%.

Irish Speakers

The number of people (aged three and over) who stated that they could speak Irish in Kildare was 95,484 compared with 85,426 in 2016.  Within this figure 2,699 said they spoke Irish daily while 5,857 spoke Irish weekly. Nationally 1,873,997 people stated that they were able to speak Irish, with 71,968 speaking Irish daily and 115,065 speaking it weekly.


There were 114,829 people (aged 15 and over) at work in Kildare, an increase of 18,882 people (+20%) between 2016 and 2022.  Nationally, there were 313,656 additional people (+16%) at work.

Working From Home

In Kildare, 40,761 people (aged 15 and over) worked from home at least one day a week in 2022.  This represented 35% of the workforce. The national figure was 32%.


This was a new question for Census 2022. There were 53,377 children aged 15 and under in Kildare in April 2022. Of these, 17,808 (33%) were in childcare, compared with 33% nationally.


In 2022, in Kildare 71% of households owned their own home, with a further 24% renting. This compared with 66% of households owning their home nationally and 28% renting.

Time Capsule

In Kildare, 20% of households wrote a message in the Time Capsule. Nationally, this figure was 19% (See Editor’s Note below).


Commenting on Census 2022 participation, Cormac Halpin, said: “The publication of Census 2022 results could not have been achieved without the overwhelmingly positive response from the public and we thank everyone who completed their census form on 03 April 2022. We would also like to thank everyone involved in the Census 2022 campaign culminating in today’s successful publication of the results.”

Editor's Note

  • Today’s Summary Report is the first in a series of reports on Census 2022. Throughout the rest of the year, we will publish eight themed reports exploring a range of topics such as housing, homelessness, and religion in greater detail.  The titles of the reports are:
    • Profile 1 - Population Distribution and Movement
    • Profile 2 - Housing in Ireland
    • Profile 3 - Households, Families and Childcare
    • Profile 4 - Disability, Health and Carers
    • Profile 5 - Diversity, Migration, Ethnicity, Irish Travellers, and Religion
    • Profile 6 - Homelessness
    • Profile 7 - Employment, Occupations and Commuting
    • Profile 8 - The Irish Language and Education
  • Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS), which are statistics produced for a range of geographical levels from State to small areas, will be published in September.  You can view the full Census 2022 Publication Schedule.
  • An infographic has been published for the Census 2022 Summary Results. Contact if you require the infographic in a particular format.
  • The CSO will only be releasing information about the number of Time Capsules that were completed in 2022.  No other information was captured from the Time Capsule section during census processing. The Time Capsules will be stored securely for 100 years in line with Article 35 of the Statistics Act, 1993, after which they will be released to the public.


Kathleen Goulding (+353) 1 895 1413
Tony Downes (+353) 1 895 1319

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