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Summary Minutes CSO Transport Statistics Liaison Group

Offices of the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport (DTTAS), Leeson Lane, Dublin 2

10.30am, 21st June 2016


Paul J. Crowley (CSO), Maureen Delamere (CSO), Noreen Dorgan (CSO), Brendan Curtin (CSO), Clare O’Hara (CSO)
Aoife O’Grady (DTTAS), Neil Gannon (DTTAS),
Mary Holland (SEAI), Martin Howley (SEAI),
Deborah John (NTA),  Barry Colleary (NTA)
Gemma O’Reilly (EPA), Stephen Treacy (EPA)
Eoin Gillard (TII)
Dr. Brian Caulfield (TCD)


Alan Scarlett (DTTAS)


Item 1  Introduction & Welcome

Paul J. Crowley of CSO welcomed the participants and invited everyone to introduce themselves to the group, as there were a number of new members attending for the first time since the last TranSG meeting in 2013.

Item 2  Developments in the European Statistical System Transport - CSO

The group was given a comprehensive update on the latest EU requirements for transport statistics.  Across the transport domains this forms the core work of the area within the CSO, followed by the need to serve any further additional national requirements.

Paul spoke about developments in areas such as big data and intermodal calculations.  Examples were provided of estimates of air transport territorialisation and the use of an automatic identification system for calculating maritime statistics.  Topics such as safety, emissions, mobility, accidents and traffic were highlighted as research items currently being pursued.

Item 3  Developments in CSO Transport Statistics - CSO

Brendan Curtin provided an overview of the current statistical outputs from the transport section in the CSO.  Developments such as a new e-form and an updated statutory instrument for the Road Freight Survey were highlighted, along with additional analysis for vehicle licensing annual data published earlier this year.  The estimation methodology for vehicle kilometres was also discussed.  The EPA produce alternative estimates of vehicle kilometres and it was agreed that bilateral discussions would follow the meeting.

Item 4  Departmental Data Strategy - DTTAS

The new DTTAS departmental data strategy was introduced by Aoife O’Grady.  A background to the current strategy beginning in 2003 with the CSO SPAR report and coming up to the present open data and performance measurement action was provided.  Data gaps found in the consultation phase of the process were highlighted and a list of potential actions concluded the informative presentation.

The group welcomed this initiative and felt it was an ambitious project which would assist in future decision making in the transport domain.

Item 5  National Travel Survey - CSO

The National Travel Survey (NTS) is conducted as a module of the Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS).  The results of the latest NTS undertaken by the CSO were presented in detail by Maureen Delamere from the Quarterly National Household Survey Analysis and Social Modules area.  The most recent data available is in respect of the reference period 2014 with similar surveys undertaken in 2009, 2012 and 2013.  Maureen gave a detailed overview of the survey including commentary on the results.  A further survey is being carried out in Quarter 4 (October – December) 2016 on a no-change basis.

A general discussion took place on the future of the NTS and the future periodicity of the survey.  The CSO are currently undertaking a transformation programme for the Quarterly National Household Survey and CSO social surveys.  The Household Survey Development Project will go live in 2017, with a parallel run in progress at present. Maureen gave an overview of the Development Project and its implications with respect to the NTS.  The survey will be carried out on a no-change basis in Quarter 4 2016 but will not be repeated in 2017.

There are also other competing demands for possible topics and the CSO needs to review these.  DTTAS stated that a review of the micro data would be necessary before any decision could be made.  NTA noted that they had also undertaken a travel survey from September to May in which a random sample of 6,000 respondents was asked to keep travel diaries.

Item 6  Transport Emission Inventories and Projections – EPA

Stephen Treacy spoke about the different sectoral contributors to greenhouse gas emissions over time, specifically focusing on the high share of emissions from the transport sector.  The presentation went on to discuss emission projections for the future, and the significant challenges involved in meeting current targets for a low-carbon future, especially when economic growth is occurring.

Clare O’Hara explained how the CSO Environment division uses the EPA greenhouse gas emissions inventory and CSO transport survey data to provide a breakdown of residential transport emissions by NACE.  It was suggested that it may be beneficial for the EPA and CSO Environment to look into working more closely on transport emissions inventories.  Clare has applied to join a Eurostat task force on NACE allocation of road transport emissions which will begin work in October 2016.

Item 7  AOB & Conclusion

During the meeting a copy of the TranSG terms of reference document was circulated for information.  At the end of the meeting the group were invited to consider future meetings of the TranSG and to propose potential topics of interest to be presented to the group.  Paul J Crowley thanked all the attendees for their participation in the meeting, and thanked DTTAS for hosting the meeting.
