Our statistics about Ireland are independent and reliable, because you told us.
The information you give us means we can create a very accurate picture of Ireland, our lives, our economy, our health and our happiness.
Please note that online survey submissions will be unavailable after midnight on July 3rd.
Following this, a representative from the CSO will be in your area to assist you with completing the survey in person.
The Equality and Discrimination Survey (EDS) is a voluntary nationwide survey of individuals carried out by the Central Statistics Office (CSO).
The survey provides detailed information on the prevalence of discrimination based on ten grounds of discrimination.
Under Irish law, discrimination takes place when one person, or a group of persons, is treated less favourably than others.
The Equal Status Acts 2000-2015 (‘the Acts’) outline 10 grounds of discrimination, which are: Age, Civil Status, Disability, Family Status, Gender, Housing Assistance Payment (rent supplement and social welfare payments), Membership of the Traveller Community, Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation.
Why is the Equality and Discrimination Survey important?
The facts we get directly from you through EDS give us a clearer picture of the prevalence of discrimination in Ireland.
The most recent survey on this topic by the CSO is being collected in the third quarter of 2024 because it is important to get an up-to-date view of how equality and discrimination impact our lives.
As you can see, this survey is vitally important.
So, if you’re asked to take part, please do because your voice matters.
Further information on the Equality and Discrimination Survey
Learn about our data and confidentiality safeguards, and the steps we take to produce statistics that can be trusted by all.