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Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart

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Households & Housing

A CSO Frontier Series Output- What is this?

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  • There are 36,471 households represented in the sample of COVID-19 confirmed cases used in this report based on where cases lived on Census night 2016, this is an average of 1.35 confirmed cases per household in the sample.

  • The average number of persons per household in these households was 3.68, there were on average 2.75 persons per household in all households in April 2016.

  • In April 2016, 44% of cases were single, while 43% of cases were married (first marriage).

  • In terms of household composition, 54% of households were in a married or cohabiting couple with children family unit on Census night 2016.
  • On Census night 2016, 67% of households were in family units with one or more children, compared with 64% of the general population.
  • In confirmed COVID-19 cases, 88% of cases were of Irish nationality and 79% were white Irish when looking at ethnicity.


  • Private houses make up 96% of the sample, with the remaining 4% living in communal establishments on Census night 2016.
    • When analysing private households only, we see that detached and semi-detached houses were the most common private homes at 42% and 31% respectively with terraced houses stated as being 17% of cases. 
  • For nature of occupancy, 49% of households own with mortgage or loan, 32% of households were owner occupied without loan / mortgage and 26% of cases were renting in April 2016.
  • Of those households who were renting, the most common landlord type was a private landlord (62%) followed by local authority (34%) and 4% of households in the COVID-19 sample stated they were renting from a voluntary / co-operative housing body.
  • In households with a confirmed COVID-19 case, 19% were in overcrowded homes, defined as over 1 person per room compared to the general population where 1 in 10 people live in overcrowded houses.
X-axis labelHousehold Composition
Married or Cohabiting Couple with Children54
Married or Cohabiting Couple without Children13
Lone parents with Children12
X-axis labelNature of Occupancy
Own with mortgage or loan40
Owner occupied without loan/mortgage32
Live rent free1
Table 2.1 COVID-19 sample and general population by marital status as of April 2016
Marital Status% COVID sample% Census 2016 population
Married (first marriage)43%46%
In a registered same-sex civil partnership0%0%
* includes population aged 15 years and over
* Census 2016 data amended on 02.12.2020 for population aged 15 years and over
Source: CSO
Table 2.2 COVID-19 sample and general population by household composition as of April 2016
Household Composition% COVID sample% Census 2016 population
Married or cohabiting Couple with children54%37%
Married or cohabiting Couple without children13%20%
Lone parents with children12%12%
Other 121%31%
Source: CSO
1 Other includes households with one person, related and unrelated households
Table 2.3 COVID-19 sample and general population by ethnicity and nationality as of April 2016
Ethnicity% COVID sample% Census 2016 population
White Irish79%82%
White Irish Traveller2%1%
Any other white background7%10%
Black or black Irish - African2%1%
Black or black Irish - Any other black background0.2%0.1%
Asian or Asian Irish - Chinese0.1%0.4%
Asian or Asian Irish - Any other Asian Background5%2%
Other incl. mixed background1%2%
Not stated 4%3%
Nationality% COVID sample% Census 2016 population
Irish 88%87%
Not stated0.4%2%
Source: CSO
Table 2.4 - COVID-19 sample and general population by household type as of April 2016
Private Household Type% COVID sample% Census 2016 population
Detached house42%45%
Semi-detached house31%29%
Terraced house17%16%
Flat or apartment in a purpose-built block8%8%
Flat or apartment in a converted house or commercial building1%1%
Caravan, mobile or other temporary structure0%0%
Not stated1%1%
Source: CSO
Table 2.5 COVID-19 sample and general population by nature of occupancy as of April 2016
Nature of Occupancy% COVID sample% Census 2016 population
Own with mortgage or loan40%39%
Owner occupied without loan / mortgage32%30%
Live rent free1%1%
Not stated1%3%
Source: CSO
Table 2.6 COVID-19 sample and general population by landlord type as of April 2016
Landlord Type% COVID sample% Census 2016 population
Private landlord62%67%
Local authority34%30%
Voluntary / Co-operative housing body4%3%
Source: CSO
Table 2.7 COVID-19 sample and general population by number of persons per room as of April 2016
Number of person per room% COVID sample% Census 2016 population
Under 1 person per room75%83%
One or more person per room19%9%
Not stated6%8%
Source: CSO