The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Household Survey is carried out on an annual basis in the first quarter of the year and collects data on households’ access to, and individuals’ use of, the internet. The survey covers a range of topics related to internet penetration and the use of ICT by households and individuals, and provides information on households’ and individuals’ use of the internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs).
The ICT Household Survey data is collected directly from private households. Questions about individuals' ICT activities and internet usage are asked only of persons aged 16 to 74 years. Institutional households, (e.g. nursing homes, barracks, boarding schools, hotels etc.) are not covered by the survey.
Link to publication: Information Society Statistics - Households 2019
Interactive tables: Statbank Link
In the first quarter of 2019, 91% of all households had access to the internet at home. It is estimated that 95% of households in the Dublin region had internet access in the first quarter of 2019. In contrast 84% of households in the Border region indicated they had internet access in the same time period.
In 2019, almost all households with dependent children have internet access. This compares with just 77% of households comprised of one adult with no dependent children.
Fixed broadband connection is highest in the Dublin region at 92%, compared with the Border and Midland regions, at 71% and 69% respectively.
There is a notable difference in fixed broadband connection between deprivation quintiles. Fixed broadband connection is most common for households in the Fifth quintile – very affluent deprivation quintile at 95%. For households in the First quintile - very disadvantaged deprivation quintile, 80% have fixed broadband connection, and three quarters (75%) of households in the Second quintile – disadvantaged deprivation quintile have a fixed broadband connection in their home.
Mobile broadband internet connection is most common in households with internet access in the lower deprivation quintiles, with internet access in the First quintile - very disadvantaged and Second quintile - disadvantaged deprivation quintiles both at 56%. By comparison, mobile broadband connection for households in the Fifth quintile - very affluent deprivation quintile is just 42%.
There is very little difference between the percentage of females and males who were daily internet users, 80% of females compared with 78% of males. Nearly all (97%) Students use the internet daily, compared with just 54% of Retired persons. Of the 16 to 29 years age category, most internet users (96%) accessed the internet every day while only 53% of internet users in the 60 to 74 years age group accessed it daily. By comparison, 93% of internet users in the 30 to 44 years age group accessed the internet daily.
Clothes or sports goods were the most popular online purchase in 2019, purchased by over half (51%) of internet users. The next most common types of internet purchases made by individuals in the last twelve months (prior to interview) were Holiday accommodation (47%), and Other travel arrangements (includes travel tickets, car hire, etc.) and Tickets for events, both at 45%.
There are clear differences between age groups in the types of goods and services bought online. The largest difference was for Clothes or sports goods, with 68% of individuals aged 16 to 29 years purchasing these, compared with just 23% of those aged 60 to 74.
For internet users whose principal economic status was At work, 56% purchased Holiday accomodation online with just one quarter (25%) of internet users in the Unemployed category. Over half (54%) of all persons At work who purchased online in the previous twelve months, used the internet to buy or order Other travel arrangements (such as travel tickets, car hire, etc.) online, compared with just 23% of internet users whose principal economic status was Unemployed.
There were also notable differences between deprivation quintiles in the types of goods and services bought online. Six out of every ten (60%) internet users in the Fifth quintile - very affluent deprivation quintile purchased Clothes and/or sports goods online, compared with just 42% of internet users in the deprivation quintile First quintile - very disadvantaged. Similarly, 61% of persons in the Fifth quintile - very affluent deprivation quintile purchased or ordered online Holiday accommodation, compared with 35% of internet users in the First quintile - very disadvantaged deprivation quintile. Twice as many internet users in the Fifth quintile - very affluent deprivation quintile purchased Other travel arrangements, compared with internet users in the First quintile - very disadvantaged category. Similarly, almost twice as many internet users in the Fifth quintile - very affluent deprivation quintile bought Tickets for events online compared with internet users in the First quintile - very disadvantaged deprivation quintile. More than twice as many persons in the Fifth quintile - very affluent category purchased Food and groceries, Books, magazines and newspapers and Computer hardware online, compared with internet users in the First quintile - very disadvantaged deprivation quintile.
In table 6.4, the online purchase or ordering of E-learning material was carried out by 11% of internet users in the Fifth - very affluent deprivation quintile, compared with just 3% of internet users in the First quintile - very disadvantaged deprivation category.
Type of internet purchase | Clothes or sports goods | Holiday accommodation | Other travel arrangements | Tickets for events | Household goods | Electronic equipment | Books magazines and newspapers | E-books | E-magazines/ newspapers | Telecommunication services |
Type of internet purchase | 51 | 47 | 45 | 45 | 27 | 25 | 24 | 11 | 5 | 22 |
Type of internet purchase | Films and music | Films/music downloaded or accessed from websites/apps | Video games, software and software upgrades | Computer software downloaded or accessed from websites/apps | Food and groceries | E-learning material | Computer hardware | Medicine | Other |
Type of internet purchase | 20 | 16 | 13 | 8 | 9 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 2 |
Of the internet activities carried out by individuals in 2019, the most popular activities were Finding information on goods and services and Email (sending/receiving emails), both at 84%. The next most common internet activity was Instant messaging (exchanging messages, for example, via Skype, Messenger, WhatsApp and Viber) at 75%, followed by Reading or downloading online news (includes online news sites, newspapers or magazines) and Internet banking, both at 73%.
There were notable differences in the type of internet activity between individuals in different deprivation quintiles. Online banking was used by 85% of individuals in the Fifth quintile - very affluent deprivation quintile, compared with 62% of internet users in the First quintile - very disadvantaged deprivation quintile. Similarly, 84% of persons in the Fifth quintile - very affluent deprivation quintile Reading or downloading online news in the three months prior to interview, compared with just 67% in the First quintile - very disadvantaged deprivation quintile.
Online activities analysed by age group shows that Finding information on goods and services and Email (sending/receiving emails) were the top two activities carried out by all internet users aged 30 years or older. Those aged 30 to 44 reported the highest use of Email at 90%, while 72% of the 60 to 74 years age group used Email. Over three quarters (76%) of internet users aged 60 to 74 years used the internet in the previous three months for the purposes of Finding information on goods and services.
Individuals aged 16 to 29 years were more likely to engage in online leisure or recreation activities, such as Instant messaging and Social networking (both at 90%), when compared to other age groups. Similarly, almost six in every ten (59%) of the 16 to 29 years age group used the internet in Uploading self-created content (including uploading text, photos, music, videos, software, to any website to be shared). This compares with just 23% of the 60 to 74 years age group.
2019 | |
Finding information on goods and services | 84 |
84 | |
Instant messaging | 75 |
Reading or downloading online news | 73 |
Internet banking | 73 |
Social networking | 68 |
Seeking health related information | 63 |
Listening to music | 61 |
Internet telephoning/ video calls | 48 |
Uploading self created content | 39 |
Respondents to the survey were asked about security related incidents that they experienced through using the internet. Phishing (receiving fraudulent messages) was experienced by 15% of internet users, while 9% cited Pharming (were redirected to fake websites asking for personal information) and 2% of persons experienced Online identity theft. Financial loss was experienced by 6% of individuals as a result of Phishing, Pharming and/or Online identity theft.
Children accessing inappropriate websites was experienced by 9% of individuals, while Social network or email account being hacked and Loss of documents, pictures or other data due to a virus or other infection were experienced by 3% and 2% of internet users respectively.
Security related incident | Male | Female |
Phishing | 20 | 11 |
Pharming | 12 | 7 |
Online identity theft | 2 | 1 |
Experienced financial loss resulting from identity theft phishing or pharming | 5 | 6 |
Children accessing inappropriate websites | 12 | 7 |
Your social network or e-mail account being hacked | 4 | 3 |
Loss of documents, pictures or other data due to a virus or other infection | 2 | 1 |
Misuse of your personal information available on the Internet | 2 | 1 |
In 2019, respondents were asked if they used smart technology, specific to the home, i.e., if they use the internet to interact with household equipment or appliances that are connected to the internet (such as control of heating, control of lights and other building/apartment maintenance systems; household appliances e.g. oven, washing machine, robot vacuum cleaner; security systems e.g. locks, alarms, security cameras). One eighth (12%) of internet users stated that they use home smart technology, with 15% of persons whose principal economic status was At work, using home smart technology in the three months prior to interview, compared with 8% of individuals whose principal economic status was Unemployed, Home duties or Retired.
2019 | |
Uses smart technology in the home | 12 |
Does not use smart technology in the home | 88 |
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