Appendix 1 - Northern Ireland
This chapter contains data received from the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) for a number of topics.
Central Statistics Office would like to thank NISRA, for their co-operation and for the material supplied for this Statistical Yearbook.
For more Northern Ireland statistics, latest news and upcoming releases, please see the NISRA website.
- Infographic
- View Infographic Northern Ireland Summary Statistics
- People & Society
- Compare the population from 1821 to 2019, find out migration data, employment data, Civil Partnerships, recorded crime, environment taxes and examination candidates
- Business & Economy
- Learn about planning permissions granted, Public Sector Current Receipts, Goods Exports and Imports, and median earnings from 1997 to 2019.
- Transport
- Learn about vehicles registered for the first time by body type, by residence of licensed owner, by make and by fuel type. The number of road users killed or seriously injured.
- Agriculture
- Track the number of farms from 2008-2019, as well as the area under crops and livestock numbers. Learn about producer prices of agricultural products and output and input in agriculture.
All of the statistics published by the CSO are available on
The Central Statistics Office would like to thank the other Government Departments & Organisations, and NISRA, for their co-operation and the material supplied for this Yearbook.
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