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Information Society (Households & Individuals)

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The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) household survey covers a range of topics related to internet penetration and the use of ICT by households and individuals. The survey is conducted annually in the first quarter of the year and asks respondents about their ICT activities over the previous 12 months. It provides estimates on a range of activities such as personal internet use, online purchasing and household internet access.

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This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.
6.1 Households with connection to the internet classified by region, 2017

Interactive table: StatBank link

In the first quarter of 2017, 89% of all households had access to the internet at home, compared with 67% in the first quarter of 2009. (See StatBank link)

It is estimated that 94% of households in the Dublin region had internet access in the first quarter of 2017. In contrast 83% of households in the Border region indicated they had internet access in the same time period.

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6.2 Individuals' use of the internet classified by frequency of use, sex and age group, 2012 to 2017
% of individuals
  Used within last 3 months Used but not in the last 3 months Never used the internet
  201220132014201520162017 201220132014201520162017 201220132014201520162017
State777880808281 544333 181816171516
 Male777878798179 544333 181818181617
 Female777981818383 544433 181715151414
Age Group              
 16-29929396959695 432211 352324
 30-44899092929493 443312 765545
 45-59707674757679 656444 241920212017
 60-74404643455248 756676 534951494146
Data are subject to sampling and other survey errors, which are relatively greater in respect of smaller values.
Individuals represent all individuals aged 16-74.
Source: CSO

Interactive table: StatBank link

In 2017, an estimated 81% of individuals used the internet in the three months prior to the interview, compared with 77% five years previous in 2012.

In the first quarter of 2017, 95% of individuals aged 16 to 29 years used the internet "in the last three months". In contrast, just 48% of individuals aged 60 to 74 years used the internet during the same time period.

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Type of online purchaseType of online purchase
Clothes,sports goods43.5
Holiday accommodation36.6
Other travel arrangements36.4
Tickets for events37.1
Household goods21.4
Telecommunication services18.7
Electronic equipment17.3
Video games,software,software upgrades9.5
Food, Groceries7.7
Computer hardware3.5
E-learning material3.2
6.3 Type of purchases made online by age group 2017

Interactive table: StatBank link

Clothes or sports goods (44%), Tickets for events (37%), Holiday accommodation (37%) and Other travel arrangements (36%) were the most popular types of internet purchases made by individuals in the twelve months prior to interview during the first quarter of 2017.

6.4 Activities on the internet in the last 3 months, 2017
% of individuals 
  Finding information on goods and servicesEmailSocial networkingInternet telephoning/ video callsInternet bankingReading or downloading online newsServices related to travel Uploading self created content3Seeking health related informationSelling of goods or servicesBuying or renewing existing insurance policiesParticipating in professional networks4Looking for a job or sending a job application
Age group
Principal economic status
At work88887351816961494826242212
Home duties827471415655424449161349
Source: CSO

 Interactive tables: StatBank link

The most popular activities of individuals who accessed the internet (in the three months prior to interview) were Finding information on goods and services (86%), Email (85%), Social networking (72%) and Internet banking (71%).

This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.

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