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Household Budget

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The Household Budget Survey (HBS) is a large scale national household survey undertaken every five years.  The main purpose of the HBS is to give a comprehensive picture of household expenditure over a whole range of consumer goods and services and to update the weighting basis of the Consumer Price Index (CPI).  HBS surveys have been carried out periodically in Ireland since 1951. This chapter presents the 2015-2016 results along with comparative information from previous years. 

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X-axis label2009-20102015-2016
Alcoholic drink
and tobacco
Clothing and footwear4.948144090156393.98168307459296
Fuel and light4.360715108197274.56266565694813
non-durable goods
durable goods
Miscellaneous goods,
services and
other expenditure
9.1 Average weekly household expenditure 2009-2010 and 2015-2016

Interactive tables: Statbank link

The estimated average weekly expenditure in 2015-2016 for all households in the State was €837.47.  This was 3.3% higher than the €810.61 figure recorded five years earlier.  

The proportion of total household expenditure that related to expenditure on Food dropped from 16.2% in 2009-2010 to 14.7%  in 2015-2016, whereas the proportion related to Housing increased from 18.2% to 19.6% over this five year period.

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 9.2 Percentage distribution of average weekly household expenditure, 1980 to 2015-2016
Commodity Group198019871994-19951999-20002004-20052009-20102015-2016
Alcoholic drink and tobacco7.
Clothing and footwear8.
Fuel and light6.
Household non-durable goods1.
Household durable goods5.
Miscellaneous goods, services and other expenditure20.525.428.
Total 100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0
Source: CSO

The proportion of total expenditure on Food has shown a steady decline over the past thirty five years whereas most of the proportion increase for Housing occurred during the period 1999-2000 to 2015-2016.

The proportion of expenditure for Miscellaneous goods, services and other expenditure increased from 20.5% to 33.6% over the thirty five year period.

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9.3 Average weekly household expenditure on items included in the commodity group Miscellaneous goods, services and other expenditure by location
Expenditure categoryUrbanRuralState
Medical 40.7845.4742.14
Charitable donations 3.514.353.75
Sports and leisure activities18.4616.3817.85
Betting and lotteries3.523.623.55
Education and training20.2613.1418.19
Pension contributions 36.7139.3237.47
Childcare 11.169.4410.66
Money given to those outside of household7.9914.829.98
Reading materials7.238.137.49
1 Includes television bundle subscriptions.
2 Includes package holidays, money spent abroad on holidays and holiday accommodation (foreign and domestic).
Source: CSO

Overall Rural households spent more than Urban households on the Miscellaneous goods, services and other expenditure commodity group (€283.37 compared with €280.32).

Rural households spent more on Money given to those outside of household (€14.82), Medical (€45.47), Phone (€21.97), Pension contributions (€39.32), Charitable donations (€4.35), Betting and lotteries (€3.62) and Reading materials (€8.13).

However, Urban households spent more on Holidays (€36.34), Education and training (€20.26)Sports and leisure activities (€18.46), Television (€16.21) and Childcare (€11.16).

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9.4 Percentage of households using select household facilities and appliances, 2004-2005, 2009-2010 and 2015-2016
Household facilities   
Piped gas31.340.137.7
Telephone (fixed)85.970.265.9
Mobile phone84.396.097.4
Double glazing76.189.290.9
Triple glazing**2.8
Burglar alarm32.639.144.1
Internet access42.265.872.9
Patio doors44.557.957.6
Motor car - one only45.849.049.5
Motor car - 2 or more32.831.631.2
Motor cycle1.41.61.3
Second home5.14.23.1
Household appliances   
Vacuum cleaner95.594.594.9
Tumble dryer61.766.264.8
Washing machine95.396.397.5
Refrigerator with freezer63.479.481.6
Separate deep freeze35.435.336.1
Microwave oven86.091.091.7
Television set99.297.296.5
  One TV set only50.532.441.0
  Two or more TV sets48.764.854.5
Home computer56.277.380.8
  One home computer only**29.9
  Two or more home computers**50.9
Games console29.238.938.1
* Not included in reference year.
Source: CSO

In 2015-2016, less than two thirds (65.9%) of households had a fixed telephone compared with just under 86% ten years earlier.  Almost 73% of households reported having Internet access, up from nearly 66% in 2009-2010 and just 42.2% in 2004-2005.

In 2015-2016, nearly 81% of all households reported having at least one Home computer, compared with 77.3% and 56.2% as recorded in the 2009-2010 and 2004-2005 surveys respectively.  In 2015-2016, more than half (50.9%) of all households indicated having Two or more home computers.


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