Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
Employees in professional occupations recorded the highest median hourly earnings in 2022 at €32.99 with 37.5 median paid weekly hours. Managers, directors and senior official occupations earned the next highest median hourly earnings at €30.53 with 38.9 median paid weekly hours. The lowest median hourly earnings were recorded in the elementary occupations at €13.43 with 21.8 median paid weekly hours.
Similar trends are seen in the mean hourly earnings. Managers, directors and senior official occupations recorded the highest mean hourly earnings at €42.67 with 38.3 mean paid weekly hours followed by professional occupations at €38.41 with 33.6 mean paid weekly hours. The sales and customer service occupations recorded the lowest hourly earnings at €16.22 with 26.6 mean paid weekly hours. (See Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2).
The highest median hourly earnings for full-time workers were in the professional occupations at €33.16 with 37.5 median paid weekly hours, followed by the managers, directors and senior official occupations at €31.58 with 39.3 median paid weekly hours. The lowest median hourly earnings for full-time workers were the elementary occupations at €13.87 with 38.8 median paid weekly hours. The highest median hourly earnings for part-time workers were in the professional occupations at €31.59 with 19.8 median paid weekly hours, followed by the managers, directors, and senior official occupations at €19.95 with 23.3 median paid weekly hours. The lowest median hourly earnings were recorded in the elementary occupations at €13.23 with 15.8 median paid weekly hours. (See Table 4.2).
The highest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers were in the managers, directors and senior official occupations at €43.82 with 39.7 mean paid weekly hours, the next highest mean hourly earnings were in the professional occupations at €38.59 with 36 mean paid weekly hours. The occupations with the lowest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers were the sales and customer services at €16.62 with 36.7 mean paid weekly hours. The highest mean hourly earnings for part-time workers were in the professional occupations at €37.41 with 19.9 mean paid weekly hours, followed by managers, directors and senior official occupations at €29.77 with 22.4 mean paid weekly hours. The lowest mean hourly earnings for part-time workers were recorded in the elementary occupations at €15.85 with 16.3 mean paid weekly hours. (See Table 4.1).
Employees with a doctorate (PHD) or higher recorded the highest median hourly earnings in 2022 at €39.92 with 38.8 median paid weekly hours. Post graduate diploma or degree holders earned the next highest median hourly earnings at €31.90 with 37.5 median paid weekly hours. The lowest median hourly earnings were recorded by employees with no formal education at €14.73 with 36.5 median paid weekly hours.
Trends in the mean show that doctorate (PHD) or higher holders recorded the highest mean hourly earnings at €46.29 with 35.8 mean paid weekly hours followed by post graduate diploma or degree holders at €38.44 with 34.6 mean paid weekly hours. The lower secondary group recorded the lowest mean hourly earnings at €17.67 with 28.4 mean paid weekly hours. (See Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4).
The highest median hourly earnings for full-time workers were those with a doctorate (PHD) or higher at €39.77 with 38.8 median paid weekly hours, followed by the post graduate diploma or degree holders at €32.70 with 38.0 median paid weekly hours. The lowest median hourly earnings for full-time workers were those with no formal education at €15.81 with 38.5 median paid weekly hours. The highest median hourly earnings for part-time workers were those with a doctorate (PHD) or higher at €45.12 with 16.8 median paid weekly hours, and employees with a post graduate diploma or degree at €25.48 with 19.8 median paid weekly hours. The lowest median hourly earnings were recorded by employees with no formal education at €12.98 with 19.8 median paid weekly hours. (See Table 4.4).
The highest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers were in the doctorate (PHD) or higher holder at €46.00 with 38.4 mean paid weekly hours, the next highest mean hourly earnings were in the post graduate diploma or degree group at €38.90 with 36.7 mean paid weekly hours. The educational attainment with the lowest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers were for those in the primary education group at €19.27 with 37.2 mean paid weekly hours. The highest mean hourly earnings for part-time workers were in the doctorate (PHD) or higher holder at €48.41 with 16.9 mean paid weekly hours, followed by post graduate diploma or degree holders at €35.25 with 20.1 mean paid weekly hours. The lowest mean hourly earnings for part-time workers were recorded in the lower secondary group at €15.34 with 15.8 mean paid weekly hours. (See Table 4.3).
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