The Information & Communication sector recorded the highest median hourly earnings and the highest median weekly paid hours in 2022 at €31.97 with 39.8 median paid weekly hours. The Education sector had the next highest median hourly earnings at €31.13 with 27.3 median paid weekly hours. The sector with the lowest median hourly earnings was Accommodation & Food Service Activities at €13.59 and 23.8 median paid weekly hours.
The sector with the highest mean hourly earnings was the Information and Communication sector at €42.44 with 37.9 mean paid weekly hours followed by the Financial, Insurance & Real Estate sectors at €36.55 with 35.2 mean paid weekly hours. The sector with the lowest mean hourly earnings was in Accommodation & Food Service Activities at €16.38 with 25.6 mean paid weekly hours. (See Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2).
The highest median hourly earnings for full-time workers were in the Education sector at €34.45 with 29.8 median paid weekly hours, followed by the Information & Communication sectors at €32.70 with 39.8 median paid weekly hours. The lowest median hourly earnings for full-time workers were in Accommodation & Food Services Activities at €13.75 with 38.8 median paid weekly hours. The highest median hourly earnings for part-time workers were in Public Administration & Defence at €25.94 with 22.3 median paid weekly hours, followed by the Education sector at €20.75 with 16.8 median paid weekly hours. The lowest median part-time hourly earnings were recorded in Accommodation & Food Service Activities at €13.50 with 15.8 median paid weekly hours. (See Table 2.2).
In 2022 public sector median hourly earnings were €28.45 with 34.9 median paid weekly hours while the private sector equivalent was €17.77 with 37.5 median paid weekly hours. (See Table 2.2).
The highest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers were in the Information & Communication sectors at €43.77 with 39.3 mean paid weekly hours, the next highest mean hourly earnings were in the Education sector at €37.97 with 30.3 mean paid weekly hours. The sector with the lowest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers was the Accommodation & Food Service Activities sectors at €17.40 with 37.2 mean paid weekly hours. The highest mean hourly earnings for part-time workers were in the Financial, Insurance & Real Estate sectors at €33.43 with 19.2 mean paid weekly hours, followed by Public Administration & Defence at €31.59 with 22.1 mean paid weekly hours. The lowest mean hourly earnings for part-time workers were recorded in the Accommodation & Food Service Activities sectors at €15.58 with 16.6 mean paid weekly hours. (See Table 2.1).
Median hourly earnings were highest in enterprises with 1,000 or more employees at €26.18, with full-time workers earning €27.11 an hour and part-time workers earning €21.20 an hour. Enterprises with 1-9 employees had the lowest median earnings per hour at €15.64. (See Figure 2.3 and Table 2.4).
Enterprises with 1,000 or more employees also had the highest mean earnings per hour at €32.30 an hour, with full-time workers earning €33.07 an hour and part-time workers earning €28.71 an hour. (See Figure 2.3 and Table 2.3).
The highest median earnings were recorded in the 20-29 years of service group at €24.55 in 2022. The highest median hourly earnings for full-time workers were also recorded in the group. Full-time workers in this group earned €26.93 an hour while part-time workers in the 30 years or more group earned €18.23 an hour. (See Figure 2.5 and Table 2.6).
Employees with 20-29 years of service had the highest mean hourly earnings at €32.01. This group also had the highest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers at €34.22, part-time workers with 30 years or more service earned the highest mean hourly earnings at €23.88. (See Table 2.5).
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