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The 40-49 age group had the highest median hourly earnings in 2022

Online ISSN: 2990-8221
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Employees in the 40-49 age group recorded the highest total median hourly earnings in 2022 at €22.92 with 37.5 median paid weekly hours. The 50-59 age group earned the next highest median hourly earnings at €22.41 with 37.4 median paid weekly hours. The lowest total median hourly earnings were recorded in the 15-24 age group at €14.03 with 22.8 median paid weekly hours. Similar trends are seen in the mean hourly earnings.

The 40-49 age group recorded the highest mean hourly earnings at €30.57 with 34.5 mean paid weekly hours followed by the 50-59 age group at €30.24 with 33.6 mean paid weekly hours. The 15-24 age group recorded the lowest hourly earnings at €17.56 with 25.0 mean paid weekly hours. (See Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2).

Figure 5.1 Mean and Median Earnings per Hour by Age Group and Full-time/ Part-time, 2022


The highest median hourly earnings for full-time workers were in the 40-49 age group at €25.22 with 39.0 median paid weekly hours, followed by the 50-59 age group at €24.54 with 38.9 median paid weekly hours. The lowest median hourly earnings for full-time workers were in the 15-24 age group at €13.77 with 38.8 median paid weekly hours.

The highest median hourly earnings for part-time workers were in the 60 and over age group at €16.83 and 19.3 median paid weekly hours, followed by the 40-49 age group at €16.77 with 19.8 median paid weekly hours. The lowest median hourly earnings were recorded in the 25-29 age group at €13.31 with 19.8 median paid weekly hours. (See Table 5.2).


The highest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers were in the 50-59 age group at €33.05 with 37.7 mean paid weekly hours, followed by the 40-49 age group at €32.45 with 38.1 mean paid weekly hours. The lowest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers were in the 15-24 age group at €17.00 with 37.6 mean paid weekly hours.

The highest mean hourly earnings for part-time workers were in the 40-49 age group at €23.30 with 20.9 mean paid weekly hours, followed by the 60 and over age group at €22.97 with 18.7 mean paid weekly hours. The lowest mean hourly earnings were recorded in the 15-24 age group at €17.99 with 15.1 mean paid weekly hours. (See Table 5.1).

Table 5.1 Mean Earnings per Hour and Paid Weekly Hours by Age Group and Full-time/Part-time, 2022

Figure 5.2 Mean and Median Paid Weekly Hours by Age Group and Full-time/ Part-time, 2022
Table 5.2 Median Earnings per Hour and Paid Weekly Hours by Age Group and Full-time/Part-time, 2022