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Resident Holdings of Foreign Portfolio Securities 2021

Investment in foreign securities rose to €4.5 trillion at end-2021

Online ISSN: 2009-6747
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

  • The value of Irish residents’ holdings of foreign securities at end-December 2021 amounted to €4,460bn, an increase of €818bn on the 2020 amount.

  • Combined investment in US-issued and UK-issued instruments (€2,473bn) accounted for 55.5% of the total stock.

  • Overall investment in US securities rose to €1,629bn.

  • Investment in UK securities rose to €845bn.

  • Total investment in investment funds increased by €595bn to €3,044bn – the corresponding total investment in money market funds increased by €50bn to €475bn.

  • Significant holdings are also shown for France (€231bn, up 4.3%) Luxembourg (€195bn, up 34.1%), the Netherlands (€141bn, up 17.8%), Germany (€139bn, up 10.2%), Japan (€136bn, up 18.3 %), and the Cayman Islands (€113bn, up 9.0 %).

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (29 September 2022) released the Resident Holdings of Foreign Portfolio Securities 2021.

 Commenting on the release, Mavo Ralazamahaleo, Statistician in the International Accounts section of the CSO, said:

“Irish resident holdings of foreign portfolio securities reached €4,460bn at end-December 2021, an increase of €818bn on the 2020 value of €3,642bn.  This was largely due to an increase in holdings of equity and bonds and notes which were up €504bn and €225bn respectively.  Investment in US-issued and UK-issued instruments remains strong and for the third consecutive year their combined investment has exceeded 50% of the total resident holdings.  

Foreign portfolio securities remain predominantly invested in Investment Funds and Money Market Funds where holdings increased by €595bn and €50bn respectively to €3,044bn and €475bn at end 2021.”

Resident Holdings of Foreign Portfolio Securities - 31 December 2021€ million
 EquityBonds and NotesMoney Market InstrumentsTotal
of which:
   United States 919,985542,941165,9431,628,869
   United Kingdom180,916544,360119,313844,589
   Luxembourg 151,80732,15611,497195,460
   Netherlands 54,80472,64713,453140,904

Investment in foreign securities increased to €4.5 trillion at end of 2021

The value of Irish residents’ holdings of foreign securities at end-December 2021 amounted to €4,460bn, up €818bn on the 2020 level of €3,642bn. The increase is largely accounted for by increases in equity assets and bonds and notes.

A total of €2,473bn were attributed to a combined investment in US-issued and UK-issued instruments. Together, they accounted for more than half of the total stock.

This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.
United States919.985542.941165.943
United Kingdom180.916544.36119.313
France 62.35199.9668.896
Luxembourg 151.80732.15611.497

Other points of note from the end-2021 results are:

  • Overall investment in US securities rose by €442bn to €1,629bn and prevails as the most attractive investment location. US investment in equity increased by €305bn and US investment in bonds and notes and money market instruments increased by €117bn and €20bn respectively (See Table 1). Investment funds accounted for 76% of US securities while investment by money market funds accounted for just 7% of the US securities total (See Table 2).
  • Investment in UK securities rose by €127bn to €845bn, holding its position as the second most popular investment location. France is still ranked in third place where investment increased by €10bn to €231bn.
  • Significant holdings are also shown for Luxembourg (€195bn, up 34.1%), the Netherlands (€141bn, up 17.8%), Germany (€139bn, up 10.2%), Japan (€136bn, up 18.3 %) and the Cayman Islands (€113bn, up 9.0 %).
  • Total investment in investment funds increased by €595bn to €3,044bn – the corresponding total investment in money market funds increased by €50bn to €475bn (See Table 2).
Debt Equity
Central Bank14.455563691970
Money Market Funds475.3534333890340
Investments Funds1339.2480361704.27688619071
Insurance & Pensions87.4972332450591246.19342339546
Other 464.25052399201478.67707464621

Central Bank: S121
Banks: S122
Money Market Funds: S123
Investment Funds: S124
Insurance & Pensions: S128/S129
Government: S13
Other: S1V/S12O

Debt Equity

This release also provides analysis by country of issuer and sector of holder (Table 2). Corresponding data for 2020 are shown including revisions resulting from more recent information. Overall, the data are compatible in form and content with the data being submitted to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as part of Ireland’s on-going participation in the IMF’s world-wide bi-annual Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey. They are also consistent with the portfolio investment stock statistics published on the 02 September 2022 in the International Accounts Quarter 2 2022 – see Background Notes. More detailed geographical analysis is available on PxStat.

Table 1 Resident Holdings of Foreign Portfolio Securities - by Country

Table 2 Resident Holdings of Foreign Portfolio Securities - by Country of Issuer and Sector of Holder

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