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Recorded Crime Victims of Assault by Age and Sex

Recorded Crime Victims of Assault by Age and Sex

Decreases in victims of Assault in Q1 2023 for most age groups

Online ISSN: 2009-5171
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Statistics Under Reservation

These statistics are categorised as Under Reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by the CSO. For further information please refer to the Under Reservation FAQ page.

This section provides a demographic breakdown of victims of Attempts/Threats to Murder, Assaults, Harassments & Related offences. Please note that the number of victims here are slightly different to the number of incidents in table 2.2 above as there can be incidents where no injured party is recorded.

The overall number of persons recorded as victims of Attempts/Threats to Murder, Assaults, Harassments & Related offences during Q1 2023 fell by 8% to 5,279 from the same period in 2022. The number of male victims fell by 8% to 3,002 while the number of female victims fell by 7% to 2,277. See Figure 5.1 and Table 5.1.

Over the period, the number of male victims of Assault who were at least 18 years when the crime incident took place were down in Q1 2023 compared to twelve months earlier. The highest rate of decrease was among victims aged 60 years or more (-15%) followed by those aged 18-29 years (-14%). The number of male victims aged 45-59 years fell by 10% and those aged 30-44 years were down by 5%. By contrast, the number of victims aged under 18 years was up by 6%. See Figure 5.1 and Table 5.1.

For female victims the picture is somewhat different. There was an increase of 54% in the number of female victims of Assault who were aged 60 years or more while the number of female victims aged under 18 years remained the same over the period. The number of victims in all other age groups fell, with the highest rate of decrease (-19%) being among those in the 18-29 years age-group. The number of victims aged 45-49 years fell by 7% while those in the 30-44 years age group were down by 6%. See Figure 5.1 and Table 5.1.

All MalesMales aged under 18Males aged 18-29Males aged 30-44Males aged 45-59Males aged years 60 and overAll FemalesFemales aged under 18Females aged 18-29Females aged 30-44Females aged 45-59Females aged 60 years and over
ICCSq Offence Group 03-86-14-5-10-15-70-19-6-754
Table 5.1 Recorded crime victims1 of Attempts/Threats to Murder, Assaults, Harassments & Related offences (ICSSq Offence Group 03) by age and sex of victim, Q1 2022 and Q1 2023
 Quarterly2 recorded crime victims of ICSSq Offence Group 03
Sex/Age of VictimQ1 2022Q1 2023Change% Change
Victims of ICSSq Offence Group 035,7115,279-432-8
of which:
Under 18451478276
60 years and over229195-34-15
of which:
Under 18298297-10
60 years and over851314654
1 These statistics are categorised as Under Reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by CSO.
2 This table presents figures for a given quarter and year on year changes for that quarter.