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    The publication by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) of Recorded Crime statistics is wholly dependent on the provision of PULSE data by An Garda Síochána (AGS). As users are aware, there has been a number of data quality issues identified in relation to PULSE data.

    The CSO recognises that the deferral of these important statistics results in an information gap and is a source of frustration to users.The CSO has taken the decision to resume publication of Recorded Crime statistics under a new category “Under Reservation”. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by the CSO.

    For further information see our Under Reservation FAQ page.

Date Last Updated: 08-10-2024

Survey Name:

Recorded Crime

Survey purpose:

To provide provisional figures for the number of crime incidents recorded by An Garda Síochána, based on the Irish Crime Classification System (ICCS) but excluding elements of Group 4 (Dangerous or Negligent Acts), and all of Groups 14 (Road and Traffic Offences (Not Elsewhere Classified or nec) and 16 (Offences Not Elsewhere Classified).

Legislative Basis National:

Garda Síochána Act 2005

Legislative Basis European:

Not applicable



Statistical Population:


Sampling Frame:


Reference Area:


Time Coverage:


Base Period:

Not applicable

Sector Coverage:

Not applicable

Survey Size:

Not applicable

Principal Variables:

Crime incident type, time period and Garda administrative area.

Principal External Users:

An Garda Síochána, Department of Justice and Equality, Houses of the Oireachtas, agencies (e.g. RCNI (Rape Crisis Network Ireland), COSC (The National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence)), general public, researchers.

Contact Organisation:

Central Statistics Office

Business Area:

Social & Demographic Statistics

Contact Person:

Jim Dalton

Contact Person Function:


Other Business Area Specialists:

Contact email:

Contact phone number:

(+353) 21 453 5000