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Historical Re-offending Indicators

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In 2019, the CSO released estimates of prison re-offending that combined individuals who received both fine sentence or custodial sentences into a single re-offending indicator. In this release chapters 3 - 5 now separates the data into custodial (chapter 3 and 4) and fine sentence (chapter 5) cohorts. This has been carried out so that estimates primarily relating to individuals who receive a custodial or “prison” sentence (chapters 3 and 4) can be provided.

Statistics on non-custodial re-offending such as fine sentence re-offending are presented separately. Chapter 5 in this publication provides re-offending estimates about individuals who received a fine sentence sanction by courts. The CSO publishes estimates of probation re-offending in the following publication: Probation Reoffending Statistics.

Table 6.1 and Figure 6.1 provide estimates of re-offending that combine both cohorts (custodial and fine sentences) in order that the current indicators can be related back to CSO’s previous publications on prison re-offending.

Supplementary updates in the methodology of estimating re-offending have also caused an adjustment in the combined re-offending indicators as set out in Figure 6.1. These changes are set out in the Background notes of this release.


Table 6.1 Combined prison releases and fine sentences 2011 - 2014 classified by 3-year re-offending indicator

3-year reoffending indicatorCSO historical

Go to next chapter: Prison Re-offending Frequently Asked Questions