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1.1   Ireland: Population distribution by age group
1.2   By country: Population
1.3   Ireland: Migration and natural increase
1.4   Ireland: Immigration and emigration by country of origin/destination
1.5   By country: Young and old age dependency ratios
1.6   By country: Total fertility rate
1.7   By country: Proportion of births outside of marriage and mean age of women at birth of first child
1.8   By country: Divorce rates
1.9   By country: At risk of poverty rates
1.10  Ireland: At risk of poverty and consistent poverty rates by age group
1.11  Ireland: At risk of poverty and consistent poverty rates by household composition
1.12  Ireland: At risk of poverty and consistent poverty rates by principle economic status
1.13  Ireland: Median weekly earnings by sex
1.14  By country: Gender pay gap
1.15  By country: Net official development assistance   
1.16  By country: Private households with internet access


2.1   Ireland: Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Income
2.2   By country: GDP and GNI at current market prices
2.3   By country: GDP growth rates
2.4   By country: GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards
2.5   By country: General Government consolidated gross debt
2.6   By country: Public balance
2.7   Ireland: General Government total expenditure
2.8   By country: Gross fixed capital formation
2.9   By country: Current account balance
2.10  By country: Exports of goods and service
2.11  By country: Imports of goods and services
2.12  By country: Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices
2.13  By country: Comparative price levels of final consumption by private households including indirect taxes
2.14  By country: Employment rates by sex
2.15  By country: GDP in PPS per hour worked
2.16  By country: Unemployment rates by sex
2.17  By country: Long-term unemployment rates by sex
2.18  By country: Population aged 18-59 living in jobless households
2.19  Ireland: Residential Property Price Index
2.20  Ireland: New Dwelling Completions 


3.1   By country: Net greenhouse gas emissions
3.2   Ireland: Greenhouse gas emissions
3.3   Ireland: Air pollutant emissions
3.4   Ireland: Particulate matter in urban areas
3.5   Ireland: Annual average fine particulate matter concentrations
3.6   By country: Energy productivity
3.7   Ireland: Municipal waste generated, recovered and landfilled
3.8   By country: Municipal waste generated and treated
3.9   By country: Passenger cars per 1,000 inhabitants
3.10  By country: Modal split of inland freight transport 
3.11  Ireland: Vehicles licensed for the first time by type 


4.1   Ireland: Real current public expenditure on education
4.2   Ireland: Number of students by level
4.3   By country: Ratio of students to teachers
4.4   By country: Persons aged 25-34 with third-level education by sex
4.5   By country: Student performance on the mathematics, reading, and science literacy scales
4.6   By country: Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex (NEET rate)
4.7   By country: Science, technology, engineering and mathematics graduates by sex


5.1   Ireland: Current public expenditure on health care
5.2   By country: Total expenditure on health as a percentage of GDP
5.3   Ireland: Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 by sex
5.4   By country: Life expectancy at birth by sex
5.5   By country: Healthy life years at birth by sex
5.6   By country: Proportion of life expectancy in poor health for males
5.7   By country: Proportion of life expectancy in poor health for females 

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