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Respondents were asked if they had arranged any accommodation or transport service online (via website or app) in the three months prior to interview. Over one third (35%) of internet users said that they had arranged accommodation (such as a room, apartment, house, holiday cottage, etc.) from commercial accommodation providers such as hotels or travel agencies, while one in ten (10%) had arranged accommodation via website or app with a private person, such as AIRBNB.

One third (33%) of persons had arranged a transport service online via website or app from a transport enterprise, while 4% had arranged transport online (via website or app) with a private person (such as  UBER, HAILO, social networks such as Facebook, etc.). See Table 5.1 and Figure 5.1.

Note that respondents could choose more than one option.

Table 5.1 Individuals who used any website or app to arrange accommodation or transport service for private use in the last 3 months, 2020

X-axis labelFrom enterprises such as hotels or travel agenciesFrom a private person
Rented accomodation via a website or app for private use3533
Bought any transport service via a website or app for private use104

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