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Impact of COVID-19 & Brexit on International Sourcing

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X-axis labelCOVID-19 related issues have disrupted international sourcing plansEngaged or plan to engage in international sourcing as a result of COVID-19Moved or plan to move business function(s) back from abroad as a result of COVID-19
Yes, permanently1.555768310196273.231211105792240.646242221158449
Yes, temporarily21.13451412158933.973192915270460.93346098611776

Almost a quarter of enterprises had international sourcing plans disrupted by COVID-19 related issues

COVID-19 related issues disrupted international sourcing plans for almost a quarter (22.7%) of the 4,178 enterprises with 50 or more persons engaged. Of those, 65 firms had international sourcing plans permanently disrupted while 883 had plans temporarily disrupted. Due to COVID-19, 301 enterprises engaged or planned to engage in international sourcing while 66 firms moved or planned to move business functions back to Ireland from abroad. See Table 4.1 and Figure 4.1.

Of businesses engaged in international sourcing, 11.8% reported COVID-19 related effects as being a very important motivating factor while for 24.0% of enterprises it was not important. COVID-19 related concerns and issues was a very important barrier to international sourcing for 21.9% of enterprises. See Tables 3.1 & 3.2.

Table 4.1 Impact of COVID-19 on international sourcing of enterprises, 2020
 Number of enterprises Percentage of enterprises
 Yes, temporarily Yes, permanently No No answer Yes, temporarily Yes, permanently No No answer
 No. No. No. No. % % % %
Moved or plan to move business function(s) back from abroad as a result of COVID-1939 27 4,035 77 0.9 0.6 96.6 1.8
Engaged or plan to engage in international sourcing as a result of COVID-19166 135 3,796 81 4.0 3.2 90.9 1.9
COVID-19 related issues have disrupted international sourcing plans883 65 3,175 55 21.1 1.6 76.0 1.3
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Brexit related issues have disrupted international sourcing plansEngaged or plan to engage in international sourcing as a result of BrexitMoved or plan to move business function(s) from the UK to an alternative location outside of Ireland as a result of BrexitMoved or plan to move business function(s) back to Ireland from the UK as a result of Brexit
Yes, permanently8.6165629487793212.70943034944952.800382958353282.94399234083293
Yes, temporarily15.34226902824324.308281474389660.6941120153183340.670177118238392

As a result of Brexit, 151 enterprises moved or planned to move business functions back to Ireland

Of the 4,178 firms in the survey, 151 enterprises moved or planned to move business functions back to Ireland from the UK as a result of Brexit. Of these 151 firms, 123 reported that plans to permanently move business functions back to Ireland. Due to Brexit, a further 146 firms moved or planned to move business functions to another location outside of Ireland. Almost one in five (17.0%) enterprises planned to engage in international sourcing due to Brexit, while for 24.0% of enterprises Brexit related issues were a disruption to international sourcing plans. See Table 4.2 and Figure 4.2.

Brexit related effects was a very important motivating factor for one in five (19.8%) firms that had engaged in international sourcing. For almost a quarter (23.0%) of enterprises Brexit was not an important motivating factor for international sourcing. See Table 3.1.

Table 4.2 Impact of Brexit on international sourcing of enterprises, 2018-2020
 Number of enterprises Percentage of enterprises
 Yes, temporarily Yes, permanently No Not applicable Yes, temporarily Yes, permanently No Not applicable
 No. No. No. No. % % % %
Moved or plan to move business function(s) back to Ireland from the UK as a result of Brexit28 123 1,451 2,576 0.7 2.9 34.7 61.7
Moved or plan to move business function(s) from the UK to an altenative location outside of Ireland as a result of Brexit29 117 1,481 2,551 0.7 2.8 35.4 61.1
Engaged or plan to engage in international sourcing as a result of Brexit180 531 1,500 1,967 4.3 12.7 35.9 47.1
Brexit related issues have disrupted international sourcing plans641 360 1,383 1,794 15.3 8.6 33.1 42.9

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