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Exporting Enterprises in Ireland has been created with a view to providing a more detailed insight into the relationship between exports made by enterprises in Ireland and their turnover. It includes a new indicator, export intensity, which is the percentage of an enterprise's turnover which comes from exports. An export intensity of zero means that the enterprise does not export while an export intensity of one hundred means that an enterprise’s turnover is completely reliant on exports.
The figures in this publication were compiled using an amalgamation of data sources. The results for exports presented in this release include goods and services. Only enterprises whose value of exports exceeded €5,000 in the reference year were included. Furthermore, only enterprises with an export intensity of greater than 5% in the reference year were classified as an exporting enterprise. This threshold was chosen based on emerging European standards. It should be noted that this methodology is still under development and may be modified for future publications.
| Turnover from non-exports | Turnover from exports - Goods | Turnover from exports - Services |
2015 | 93.164 | 189.418 | 103.176 |
2016 | 97.227 | 184.173 | 117.791 |
2017 | 98.416 | 189.304 | 148.006 |
10,516 enterprises engaged in export activities in 2017
- There were 10,516 exporting enterprises in 2017. The total value of exports for these enterprises in 2017 was €337.3 billion, of which €189.3 billion was exported goods and €148.0 billion was exported services. The turnover for these exporting enterprises for 2017 was €435.7 billion meaning that 77.4% of their turnover was accounted for by exports. There were 358,525 persons engaged in these enterprises. See Figure 1.1 and Table 1.1.
- There were 8,685 enterprises which exported to the UK in 2017. For 4,096 of these enterprises, the UK was the sole export destination, see Chapter 6, Table 6.2. This means that 39% of all exporting enterprises in Ireland exported exclusively to the UK. 5,615 enterprises exported to the remaining EU member states while 1,522 enterprises exported to the US. See Chapter 2, Figure 2.1 and Table 2.1.
Exporting Enterprises | Export Intensity |
5% < 15% | 3118 |
15% < 30% | 2183 |
30% < 45% | 1258 |
45% < 60% | 867 |
60% < 75% | 613 |
75% < 90% | 491 |
90% and over | 1986 |
Exporting enterprises tended to be either not very reliant or very reliant on exports for turnover
- The distribution of export intensity (the ratio of exports to turnover) for exporting enterprises in Ireland in 2017 displayed a ‘twin peaks’ characteristic with exporting enterprises concentrated on either end of the distribution.
- There were 3,118 exporting enterprises with an export intensity of 5%<15%. The number of enterprises in each interval decreased consistently until the export intensity category of 90%+ was reached. There were 1,986 exporting enterprises in this category. This reveals that exporting enterprises tended to be either not very reliant or very reliant on exports for turnover. See Figure 1.2 and Table 1.2.
There were 124,741 persons engaged in enterprises with an export intensity greater than 75% in 2017
- There were 2,477 enterprises very reliant on exports (export intensity over 75%) in 2017 of which 561 were in the Industry sector. Their turnover was over €90.7 billion in 2017.
- The Industry sector had 70,296 persons engaged in very reliant exporting enterprises (>75%) in 2017, the highest of any sector.
- Over half (56.1%) of enterprises very reliant on exports in 2017 were in the Services sector.
- The Services sector had the highest turnover value in 2017 with €106.2 billion and the second highest persons engaged with 41,253.
- The Construction sector had the lowest number of exporting enterprises very reliant on exports (>75%) with 58 in 2017. See Figure 1.3 and Table 1.3.
For long labels below use to display on multiple lines | Persons engaged |
Industry | 70296 |
Construction | 165 |
Distribution | 11753 |
Other | 1274 |
Services | 41253 |
Size class | Turnover |
Micro | 10.911 |
Small | 10.669 |
Medium | 26.686 |
Large | 159.62 |
Over 95% of the 2,477 enterprises very reliant on exports were SMEs
- There were 36,040 persons engaged in SMEs whose export intensity was greater than 75% in 2017.
- The total turnover for SMEs very reliant on exports was €48.3 billion in 2017.
- Large enterprises with an export intensity greater than 75% had a combined turnover of €159.6 billion.
- There were 88,701 persons engaged in Large enterprises with an export intensity greater than 75% in 2017. See figure 1.4 and Table 1.4.
Dublin reported the largest number of enterprises very reliant on exports in 2017
- In 2017 Dublin had 1,220 enterprises reporting an export intensity of greater than 75%, with 56,957 persons engaged in these enterprises. Their turnover was €131.5 billion.
- The South-West region was the second largest for enterprises with an export intensity greater than 75% by turnover and persons engaged with €39.1billion and 15,803 respectively in 2017.
- The Midlands had the smallest number of enterprises whose exports accounted for more than 75% of turnover with 66. There were 2,922 persons engaged in these enterprises and their turnover was €580 million in 2017. See Figure 1.5 and Table 1.5.
| Domestic | Foreign owned |
2015 | 52.4 | 81.8 |
2016 | 53.5 | 82.3 |
2017 | 59.6 | 81.7 |
Export intensity for foreign owned enterprises was higher than domestic enterprises
- There were 9,167 domestic owned enterprises exporting in 2017 representing 87.2% of all exporting enterprises.
- Their turnover was €85.4bn in 2017 of which 59.6% came from exports.
- There were 1,349 foreign owned enterprises exporting in 2017 with a combined turnover of €350.3 billion.
- The export intensity for foreign owned enterprises was 81.7%, higher than that of domestic owned enterprises with 59.6% of turnover accounted for by exports in 2017. See Figure 1.6 and Table 1.6.
Table 1.1 Sources of turnover for exporting enterprises, 2015 - 2017
Table 1.2 Distribution of export intensity for exporting enterprises, 2017
Table 1.3 Enterprises very reliant on exports by business sector, 2017
Table 1.4 Enterprises very reliant on exports by size class, 2017
Table 1.5 Enterprises very reliant on exports by region, 2017
Table 1.6 Export intensity by domestic and foreign owned enterprises, 2015 - 2017