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For exporting enterprises in Ireland, the destination with the largest number of exporting enterprises was the United Kingdom in 2017.

NB - Note that this section describes destination export intensity, which is the percentage of an enterprise's overall turnover due to exports to a specific destination. For instance, US export intensity would be calculated at enterprise level as the enterprise's US exports to their overall turnover. The same concept holds across other destinations.

No. of EnterprisesDestination Export Intensity %
EnterprisesExport Intensity %
United Kingdom868511.3
United States152215.2
  • There were 8,685 enterprises exporting to the United Kingdom in 2017. This represents the largest export destination by number of enterprises while their destination export intensity of 11.3% was the second highest among individual destinations.
  • In 2017, 1,522 enterprises exported to the United States, where 15.2% of their turnover was accounted for by US exports. This is the largest destination export intensity for any country.
  • The third largest destination export intensity for a country was 8.5% for enterprises exporting to China.
  • There were 5,615 enterprises exporting to the 26 remaining member states of the EU in 2017, with 26.5% of their turnover attributable to EU exports.
  • 94.2% of the EU exporting enterprises exported to a country in the Eurozone, with 22.4% of their turnover coming from exports to the Eurozone.
  • Germany, Belgium and France were the countries with the largest destination export intensities within the EU with 7.4%, 5.6% and 4.3% respectively. See Figure 2.1 and Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Exporting enterprises by destination, 2017

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