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Median weekly earnings were highest among the 40-49 year age group in 2018

The age group with the highest median weekly earnings in 2018 was the 40-49 year olds at €718.46 which was a rise of 3.0% from €697.52 in 2017. The age group with the next highest median was the 50-59 year age group at €680.44 in 2018. The age group with the lowest median weekly earnings was the 15-24 year olds at €294.15 in 2018.

Males and females in the 40-49 year age group both had the highest median earnings at €814.04 and €619.87 respectively with the median for males in that age group 31.3% higher than for females.

The 50-59 year age group for males saw the next highest median at €807.67 while the next highest median for females was €612.05 in the 30-39 year age group.

The 40-49 year age group also recorded the highest overall mean weekly earnings at €908.39 in 2018, a 3.2% increase on 2017's figure of €880.28, followed by the 50-59 year age group at €868.68. The 15-24 year age group recorded the lowest mean weekly earnings in 2018 at €328.61.

Males in the 50-59 year age group recorded the highest mean weekly earnings at €1,059.22 in 2018 marginally higher than the 40-49 year age group at €1,056.31. Females in the 40-49 year age group recorded the highest mean weekly earnings at €758.71 which was 8.0% higher than the next highest age group which was the 30-39 year olds at €702.47. See Tables 5.1 and 5.2

X-axis labelMaleFemaleAll
15 - 24325.25263.9294.15
25 - 29567.82515.21544.42
30 - 39714612.05667.06
40 - 49814.04619.87718.46
50 - 59807.67563.13680.44
60 and over625.53408.25509.5
Table 5.1 Mean weekly earnings by age group and sex

Table 5.2 Median weekly earnings by age group and sex

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