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Background Notes

Background Notes

CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Census Results 2022 Branding
Census 2022 Results

This publication is part of a series of results from Census 2022. More thematic publications will be published throughout 2023 as outlined in the Census 2022 Publication Schedule.


The 26th census since 1841 was carried out on the night of Sunday, 03 April 2022 in accordance with the Statistics (Census of Population) Order 2020 and in order to facilitate the EU requirements arising from the implementing legislation associated with Regulation (EC) No. 763/2008 on population and housing censuses.

Coverage of the Census

The census population figures in this report relate to the de facto population meaning persons who were present in the State on the night of Sunday, 03 April 2022. The de facto population includes persons who do not usually live in Ireland but who were in the State on Census Night. It excludes persons who usually live in Ireland but who were temporarily absent, outside of the State, on Census Night. Persons who were present in the State were enumerated and are reported at the location where they spent Census Night. This may not have been the location where they usually live.

Conduct of the Census

The 26th census was originally scheduled to take place on the night of Sunday, 08 April 2021. Following advice from the CSO, the government decided in September 2020 to postpone the census for approximately one year owing to the ongoing difficulties arising from the Covid-19 pandemic.

For the purposes of census enumeration, the State was divided into 6 Census Liaison Areas, 46 Regions, 466 Field Districts and 5,100 Enumeration Areas. Census Enumerators were assigned to these Enumeration Areas and, during the five weeks before Census Night, delivered census questionnaires to all dwellings that were expected to be occupied on Sunday, 03 April 2022. Each address within an Enumeration Area was recorded as either occupied, unoccupied or not suitable for habitation.

The collection of completed questionnaires took place between Monday, 04 April and Friday, 06 May 2022.

The data in this report is based on the information handwritten on the census forms. After collection, the census forms were returned to CSO where they were scanned to capture and digitize the handwritten information. This digitized information was then processed to prepare it for publication.

De Facto versus Usual Residence

The date of the census was chosen to coincide with a period when as many people as possible were at their home address and consequently the figures closely approximate the normally resident population.

The de facto measure of the population represents all persons who were present in the State on Census Night, irrespective of whether they were usually resident in the State at the time of the census.

The usually resident and present measure of the population refers to all persons who usually live in Ireland and who were present in the State on Census Night. It excludes persons who were not usually resident in the State on Census Night but who were present and persons who were usually resident in the State but were outside the State on Census Night.

The usually resident and present measure is used when analysing topics such as country of citizenship and households and families.

Definitions and Additional Notes

Private Household

A private household comprises either one person living alone or a group of people (not necessarily related) living at the same address with common housekeeping arrangements - that is, sharing at least one meal a day or sharing a living room or sitting room. In order to be included in the household, a person had to be a usual resident at the time of the census. Therefore, visitors to the household on Census Night were excluded, while usual residents temporarily absent (for less than 12 months) were included. A permanent private household is a private household occupying a permanent dwelling such as a house, flat or bed-sit. A temporary private household is a private household occupying a caravan, mobile home or other temporary dwelling.

Non-private Household (Communal Establishment) 

A non-private household is a group of persons enumerated in a boarding house, hotel, guest house, hostel, barracks, hospital, nursing home, boarding school, religious institution, welfare institution, prison or ship. A non-private household may include usual residents and/or visitors. However, proprietors and managers of hotels, principals of boarding schools, persons in charge of various other types of institutions and members of staff who, with or without their families, occupy separate living accommodation on the premises are classified as private households. 

Year Built

Census 2022 reports over 93,000 new dwellings built since 2016. The CSO’s new dwelling completion (NDC) series for a comparable time period spanning Q2 2016 to Q1 2022 reported approximately 108,000 dwellings. While the data collection methodology varies significantly for both approaches, the key difference between the two figures is that the Census 2022 figure is for occupied dwellings only, whereas the NDC data is for all completed dwellings. Also, due to it being a self-completed questionnaire, there can sometimes be estimation error in gauging the age of the dwelling when householders complete the census form.

Size of Household

The number of persons in a household consists of the total number of persons usually resident there on the night of Sunday, 03 April 2022, including those absent from the household for less than 12 months. Visitors present in the household on Census Night are excluded. 

Family Units

A family unit or nucleus is defined as: 1. two persons who are married or in a same-sex civil partnership or a cohabiting couple; or 2. two married persons or a co-habiting couple together with one or more usually resident never married children (of any age); or 3. one parent together with one or more usually resident never married children (of any age). Family members have to be usual residents of the relevant household. The determination of household and family composition is based on responses to Question 4 on the census form dealing with relationships within the household.

Labour Force Participation and Unemployment

The census labour force participation rate is calculated as the proportion of persons aged 15 and over who are economically active (ie working, looking for their first regular job or unemployed) in the entire population over the age of 15.

Labour Force and Unemployment – Differences between Census and Official Figures

The results of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) provide the basis for the official series of quarterly labour force estimates. The labour force and its constituent figures shown in this report are directly based on the census. Users should be aware that information derived from identical questions in the census and LFS for the same year may show appreciable differences. The main categories affected are the constituents of the question on principal economic status and the employment estimates classified by industry and occupation.

The main reasons for the differences are:

• The LFS uses the International Labour Organisation (ILO) classification, which has a much wider range of questions on the labour force and which may have a bearing on the responses received to individual questions. Under the ILO criteria, employment, unemployment and inactive population are defined as follows:

  1. In employment: Persons who worked in the week before the survey for one hour or more for payment or profit, including work on the family farm or business and all persons who had a job but were not at work because of illness, holidays etc in the week.

  2. Unemployed: Persons who, in the week before the survey, were without work and available for work within the next two weeks, and had taken specific steps, in the preceding four weeks, to find work.

  3. Inactive population (not in labour force): All other persons.

• The census form is completed by a responsible adult in each household throughout the State in respect of everyone present in the household on Census Night while the LFS is collected by in person and telephone-based survey interviews

• The census relates to all persons present in the State (including visitors from abroad) at the time of the census while the LFS covers persons usually resident in Ireland

• The census is a complete enumeration while the LFS is a sample survey. The chief difference resulting from this is that the census records an unemployment rate (based on Principal Economic Status) of 8 per cent, compared with the official rate (based on ILO criteria) of 4.6 per cent for Quarter 1 of 2022. Notwithstanding these differences, the main strength of the census-based data on employment and unemployment is the provision of data for small geographic areas, analysis on the comparisons between areas, the provision of data on unemployment blackspots, and other analysis across multiple variables such as marital status, detailed country of citizenship, etc.


The term industry used for Census of Population purposes is not confined to manufacturing industry. It is synonymous with the term 'sector of economic activity'. The basis of the industrial classification is, in the case of employees, the business or profession of their employer and in the case of self-employed persons, the nature of their own business or profession.

In Census 2022, industry is coded using NACE – the General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities. The current version, NACE Rev. 2, is a 4-digit activity classification that was first used in Census 2011 and is a revision of the version originally published by Eurostat in 1970. The previous version, NACE Rev. 1, was in use in the censuses of 2002 and 2006.

NACE Rev. 2 is a hierarchical classification, with 88 Divisions at 2-digit level, 272 Groups at 3-digit level and 615 Classes at 4-digit level. The NACE Rev.2 classification is shown below while a breakdown of the NACE Rev. 1 classification is available on the CSO website.

The industry in which a person is engaged is determined (regardless of their occupation) by the main economic activity carried out in the local unit in which he or she works. If, however, the local unit provides an ancillary service to another unit in the business (eg administration, storage, etc) then the persons in the ancillary unit are classified to the industry of the unit it services. Thus, while the occupational classification is concerned only with the particular work performed by an individual regardless of the activity carried on at the local unit, the industrial classification is concerned only with the ultimate purpose of the unit or end product regardless of the precise nature of the work performed by each individual.

A manufacturing or commercial unit may employ persons with many different occupations for the purpose of making a particular product or for giving a particular service. Conversely, there are cases in which particular occupations are largely confined to a single industry. For example, the majority of persons with agricultural occupations are in the agriculture industry and most miners are in the mining industry.


The Occupation classifications used in the census are based on the UK Standard Occupational Classification (SOC), with modifications to reflect Irish labour market conditions. The primary version of SOC used in Census 2022 is SOC2010 and was first used in Census 2011. Previously, the census used a primary classification based on the SOC90 classification, which was first used in Census 1996. The SOC classification adheres to the international occupation classification ISCO Com (88). The hierarchical structure provided within these classifications is suited to accurate automatic coding.

The code to which a person’s occupation is classified is determined by the kind of work he or she performs in earning a living, irrespective of the place in which, or the purpose for which, it is performed. The nature of the industry, business or service in which the person is working has no bearing upon the classification of the occupation. For example, the occupation clerk covers clerks employed in manufacturing industries, commerce, banking, insurance, public administration, professions and other services etc.

The SOC2010-based classification is shown below while a breakdown of the SOC90 classification is available on the CSO website.

Socio-economic Group

The entire population was classified to one of ten specific socio-economic groups (introduced in 1996). In addition, a residual group entitled 'All others gainfully occupied and unknown' was used where sufficient details were not provided. The classification aims to bring together persons with similar social and economic statuses on the basis of the level of skill or educational attainment required. In defining socio-economic group no attempt is made to rank groups in order of socio-economic importance.

The socio-economic group of persons aged 15 years and over who are at work is determined by their occupation and employment status. A break in the time series has occurred for socio-economic group between Census 2022 and previous census results. In 2022, the socio-economic group framework was rebased to incorporate the SOC2010 classification unlike previous census results published. It was possible to rebase socio-economic group using a derivation matrix developed by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER)[1] in conjunction with the Office of National Statistics (ONS). Although the categories remain the same, it is important to note the break in time series when comparing historical tables to Census 2022 results.

Unemployed or retired persons aged 15 years and over are classified according to their former occupation and employment status.

Persons looking after the home/family or at school/college, who are members of a family unit, were classified to the socio-economic group of another person in the family unit using a priority table based on the relationships within the family.

Thus, if the reference personof a family was at work, unemployed or retired, other persons were assigned to his/her socio-economic group. If the reference person was neither at work, unemployed nor retired (eg never worked, permanently disabled, etc), they were assigned to the socio-economic group of the other parent, spouse or cohabiting partner in the family unit. If there was no such spouse or partner or if the spouse, in turn, was neither at work, unemployed or retired, they were assigned to the socio-economic group of a working son/daughter. If there were no persons in the family unit with a socio-economic group, then they were assigned to the unknown socio-economic group. Other persons looking after the home/family or at school/college who were not members of a family unit, such as relatives of the reference person (eg widowed grandparents, etc) were assigned a socio-economic group using the above method. Unrelated persons or persons living alone who are looking after the home/family or at school/college were assigned to the unknown group.

The socio-economic groups used in the census are as follows:

A Employers and managers
B Higher professional
C Lower professional
D Non-manual
E Manual skilled
F Semi-skilled
G Unskilled
H Own account workers
I Farmers
J Agricultural workers
Z All others gainfully occupied and unknown

2The reference person in each private household is the first person identified as a parent, spouse or cohabiting partner in the first family in the household. Where no person in the household satisfies these criteria, the first usually resident person is used as the reference person.

Social Class

The entire population is also classified into one of the following social class groups (introduced in 1996) which are defined on the basis of occupation:

1 Professional workers
2 Managerial and technical
3 Non-manual
4 Skilled manual
5 Semi-skilled
6 Unskilled
7 All others gainfully occupied and unknown

The occupations included in each of these groups have been selected in such a way as to bring together, as far as possible, people with similar levels of occupational skill. In determining social class, no account is taken of the differences between individuals on the basis of other characteristics such as education. Accordingly, social class ranks occupations by the level of skill required on a social class scale, ranging from 1 (highest) to 7 (lowest). This scale combines occupations into six groups by occupation and employment status following procedures similar to those outlined above for the allocation of socio-economic group. A residual category 'All others gainfully occupied and unknown' is used where no precise allocation is possible.

A break in the time series has occurred for social class between Census 2022 and previous census results. In 2022, the social class framework was rebased to incorporate the SOC2010 classification unlike previous census results published. It was possible to rebase social class using a derivation matrix developed by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER)[3] in conjunction with the Office of National Statistics (ONS). Although the categories remain the same, it is important to note the break in time series when comparing historical tables to Census 2022 results.

[1] and [3] ISER - University of Essex Archives


Data on disability was derived from answers to Questions 15 and 16 of the census questionnaire. Question 15 was a seven-part question that asked about the existence of the following long lasting conditions: (a) blindness or a vision impairment, (b) deafness or a hearing impairment, (c) a difficulty with basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, reaching, lifting or carrying, (d) an intellectual disability, (e) a difficulty with learning, remembering or concentrating, (f) a psychological or emotional condition or a mental health issue and (g) a difficulty with pain, breathing or any other chronic illness or condition. Respondents had the option to indicate that they did not have any of these long-lasting conditions, had one or more of them to some extent, or had one or more of them to a great extent.

Question 16 was a four-part question that asked whether an individual had a difficulty doing any of the following activities: (a) dressing, bathing or getting around inside the home (self-care disability), (b) going outside the home alone to shop or visit a doctor’s surgery (going outside the home disability), (c) working at a job or business or attending school or college (employment disability) and (d) participating in other activities, such as leisure or using transport. As with Question 15, respondents could indicate that they had no difficulty with any of these activities, that they had some difficulty or that they had a lot of difficulty.

Compared with the questions used in Census 2016, there was no filter between the two questions, meaning all persons were expected to answer Question 16 irrespective of how they responded to Question 15. Furthermore, following consultation with key stakeholders, it was decided to explicitly require difficulties caused by old age as part of Question 16 on day to day difficulties. 

Persons who ticked at least one of the boxes for 'Yes, to some extent' in Q15 or 'Yes, a little' in Q16 but did not tick any of the 'Yes to a great extent' in Q15 or 'Yes, a lot' in Q16 were used as part of the calculation of the 'disability to some extent' rate. Persons who ticked at least one of the 'Yes, to a great extent' boxes in Q15 or 'Yes, a lot' boxes in Q16 were used as part of the calculation of the 'disability to a great extent' rate. Persons who ticked any of the 'Yes' boxes in Q15 or Q16 were included in the 'disability to any extent' rate.

Country of Citizenship

A number of new dual-citizenship categories have been included in the Census 2022 data that were not present in previous censuses. As a result, only Census 2022 data is available for these categories.

These categories would have been included in 'Irish-Other' in previous census results:

- Irish-Albanian
- Irish-Argentinian
- Irish-Bangladeshi
- Irish-Kenyan
- Irish-Moldovan
- Irish-Moroccan
- Irish-Serbian
- Irish-Syrian

Citizens of Mayotte and Réunion have been included with the statistics for France. In 2016, these countries were included with Other Africa.

Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha have been included with Great Britain. In 2016, they were included with Africa.

The following have been added to the list of countries used in the Census 2022 results:

- The British Indian Ocean Territory
- Christmas Island
- Heard Island and McDonald Islands
- Cook Islands
- New Caledonia
- Norfolk Island
- Palau
- Vanuatu

Time Capsule

A time capsule was included in Census 2022 for the first time. The time capsule gave census respondents the option to complete a message of their own choosing on page 23 of their household form. Completion of the time capsule was voluntary.

The digital images of the completed time capsules were obscured during census processing and the CSO did not capture any information from the time capsules other than flagging whether something had been entered into the space or not. The CSO will not publish any information from the time capsules other than the number that were completed. The CSO will retain the time capsules in secure storage along with the completed census forms until they are ready for release to the public in 2122, in line with Article 35 of the Statistics Act, 1993.

Comparability of Data with Previous Censuses

Multiple questions that appeared on the Census 2016 form changed on the Census 2022 form following the consultation with users that took place between 2017 and 2019. These changes include alterations to text, question format and population cohorts required to respond to questions.

Changing questions can impact upon the response provided by the public. This, in turn, impacts upon the published census data. Data users should be conscious of this when comparing data between Census 2022 and previous censuses.

For some variables, CSO has drawn a direct comparison between Census 2022 data and data from previous censuses where questions have changed. This was done in order to provide context to data users, but the caveat above applies to these comparisons.

A summary of the key question changes between Census 2016 and Census 2022 is listed below. Full details of all of the changes and the rationale for them can be found at the following link which documents the user consultation process for Census 2022.

Census 2022 Question Census 2016 Question Topic Key Changes
10 10 Nationality/Country of Citizenship

2016 question asks for nationality,2022 question asks for country of citizenship.

11 11 Ethnic group

2016 question asks for ethnicity, 2022 question asks for ethnic group or background.

Response categories changed in 2022 question.

12 12 Religion

2016 question asks 'What is your religion?’'. 2022 question asks 'What is your religion, if any?'.

Response categories changed in 2022 question. 'No religion' is the first response option in 2022.

15 & 16 16 & 17 Long lasting conditions and difficulties

Two response options for each category in 2016. Increased to three response options in 2022.

Filter between questions in 2016 was removed in 2022.

Question 16 in 2022 includes instruction to include issues due to old age.

19 19 Means of travel

2022 question includes travel to place of childcare.

23 22 Carers

2022 wording changes to expand the definition of care, categories of person cared for and reasons for care.

27 25 Level of education

Several examples of educational qualifications were removed from the question text and made available online instead.

28 27 Present principal status

2016 category 'Unemployed' broken into 'Short-term unemployed' and 'Long-term unemployed' in 2022.

Statistical Disclosure Control

In line with international norms, the CSO has applied Statistical Disclosure Control techniques to the Census 2022 data. This has been done to add greater protection to the privacy of individuals and households who responded to the census.

Cork Boundaries

Following a government decision in 2019, the boundaries of both Cork City and Cork County were amended, with the previously defined city boundaries extending into land previously within the county boundaries. This change impacts upon the comparability of data for both Cork City and Cork County derived from Census 2022 and data from previous censuses.

In the Census 2022 publications and tables, the CSO cannot therefore draw a direct statistical comparison between data for the two geographies. The external boundary of County Cork however has remained unchanged which entails that census data for the entire county remains comparable between 2022 and previous censuses.

Field of Study

The Field of Study question, which had been included in both Census 2011 and Census 2016, was removed from the Census 2022 form. CSO plans to make Field of Study data from Census 2022 available through combining responses from Census 2016 and data from the Higher Education Authority and modelling responses based upon occupation and industry.

The Field of Study data will be added to PxStat in the coming months. Detailed analysis of the variable will be included in the Education and Irish Language thematic publication.

Census 2022 Household Form

Below are selected pages from the Census 2022 Household form displaying each question.

(click on the thumbnails below to view as a slideshow)

The full Census 2022 Household form in English is available in PDF format.

The full Census 2022 Household form in Irish is available in PDF format. 

NACE Rev.2 - Broad and Detailed Level of Industrial Groups


NACE Rev.2 - Broad Level of Industrial Groups
CodeIndustrial Group
 A Agriculture, forestry, and fishing 
 B Mining and quarrying 
 C Manufacturing 
 D Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply 
 E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 
 F Construction 
 G Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 
 H Transportation and storage 
 I Accommodation and food service activities 
 J Information and communication 
 K Financial and insurance activities 
 L Real estate activities 
 M Professional, scientific, and technical activities 
 N Administrative and support service activities 
 O Public Administration and Defence; Compulsory Social Security 
 P Education 
 Q Human Health and Social Work Activities
 R Arts, entertainment, and recreation 
 S Other service activities 
 T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods - and services - producing activities of households for own use 
 U  Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies 


Detailed list of Industries (NACE Rev.2)
Code Industry Code Industry
  Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing   Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning supply
 190 Farming (Farming of animals, mixed farming)  3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
 191 Growing of crops, fruits, plants, flowers and vegetables  3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains
 192 Other agricultural activities and agricultural activities n.e.c  3530 Steam and air conditioning supply
 200 Forestry and Logging   Water supply; Sewerage, Waste management and Remediation Activities
 300 Fishing and Aquaculture  3600 Water collection, treatment and supply
 400 Horseracing Activities  3700 Sewerage
  Mining and Quarrying   3800 Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities, materials recovery
 500 Mining and quarrying of coal and lignite   Construction
 600 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas  4110 Development of building projects
 700 Mining of metal ores  4120 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
 800 Other mining and quarrying  4200 Civil Engineering
 892 Extraction and agglomeration of peat   4310 Demolition and site preparation
 900 Mining support service activities   4321 Electrical installation
  Manufacturing  4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation
1010  Production, processing and preserving of meat, meat products and poultry  4329 Other construction installation
1020  Processing and preserving of fish and fish products   4330 Building completion and finishing
1030  Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables  4390 Other specialised construction activities
1040  Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats   Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles
1050  Manufacture of dairy products  4500 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
1060  Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products  4630 Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
1070  Manufacture of bakery and farinaceous products  4640 Wholesale of household goods
1080  Manufacture of other food products n.e.c  4673 Wholesale of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment
1090  Manufacture of prepared animal feeds  4680 All other wholesale trade and commission trade and wholesale not specified
1100  Manufacture of beverages  4710 Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating
1200  Manufacture of tobacco products  4720 Retail sale of food, beverages or tobacco in specialised stores
1300  Manufacture of textiles  4730 Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores
1400  Manufacture of clothes; dressing and dyeing of fur  4740 Retail sale of information and communication equipment in specialised stores
1500  Manufacture of leather and related products  4751 Retail sale of textiles in specialised stores
1600  Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture; Manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials  4752 Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialised stores
1700  Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products  4754 Retail sale of electrical household appliances in specialised stores
1800  Printing activities and reproduction of recorded media  4759 Retail sale of furniture, lighting equipment and household articles n.e.c.
1900  Printing activities and reproduction of recorded media  4760 Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialised stores
2000  Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products  4771 Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores
2100  Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals and botanical products  4772 Administrative and Support Service Activities
2210  Manufacture of rubber products  4795 Retail trade n.e.c.
2220  Manufacture of plastic products   Transportation and Storage
2310  Manufacture of glass and glass products  4932 Taxi Operations
2360  Manufacture of articles of concrete, plaster and cement  4935 Other Passenger land transport
2380  All other manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products  4940 Freight transport by road
2400  Manufacture of basic metals  4950 Transport via pipeline
2500  Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment  4980 Transport via railways
2610  Manufacture of electronic components and boards  5000 Water transport
2620  Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment  5100 Air transport
2690  Manufacture of other computer, electronic and optical products  5229 Activities of other transport agencies
2700  Manufacture of electrical equipment  5280 Warehousing, storage and Cargo Handling
2800  Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c  5290 Service activities related to land, water and air transportation
2900  Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers  5300 Post and courier activities
3000  Manufacture of other transport equipment   Accommodation and Food Service Activities
3100  Manufacture of furniture  5510 Hotels and similar accommodation
3250  Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies  5580 Other provision of short-stay accommodation
3280  All other manufacturing n.e.c  5610 Restaurants and mobile food service activities
3300  Repair and installation of machinery and equipment  5620 Event catering and food service activities
  Financial and Insurance Activities  5630 Beverage serving activities, including bars and coffee shops
6400  Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding   Information and Communication Activities
6500  Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security  58100 Publishing of books, newspapers, magazines and other publishing services
6610  Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding  5820 Software publishing
6620  Activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding  5900 Movie, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities
6630  Fund Management Activities  6000 Programming and broadcasting activities
  Real Estate Activities  6100 Telecommunications
6800  Real Estate Activities  6200 Computer programming, consultancy and related services
  Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities  6300 Information service activities
69100  Legal Activities  8490 All other public administration; compulsory social security
69200  Accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy   Education
7000  Activities of head offices; management consultancy services  8510 Pre-Primary Education
7110  Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy  8520 Primary Education
71200  Technical testing and analysis  8530 Secondary Education
7200  Scientific research and development  8540 Higher Education
7300  Advertising and market research  8590 Adult and Other Education not elsewhere classified
7400  Other professional, scientific and technical activities   Human Health and Social Work Activities
7500  Veterinary activities  8610 Hospital Activities
  Administrative and Support Service Activities  8623 Dental practice activities
7700  Rental and leasing activities  8629 Medical practice activities
7800  Employment activities  8690 Other human health activities
7900  Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities  8700 Residential Care activities
8000  Security and investigation activities  8800 Social work activities
8100  Services to buildings and landscape activities   Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
8200  Miscellaneous office and business activities  9000 Creative arts and entertainment activities
  Public Administration and Defence; Compulsory Social Security  9100 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
8422  Defence Activities  9200 Gambling and betting activities
8424  Garda Siochana  9300 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
8490  All other public administration; compulsory social security   Activities of Households as Employers
  Other Service Activities  9700 Private households with employed persons
9400  Activities of membership organisations   Activities of Extra-territorial organisations and bodies
9500  Repair of computers and personal and household goods  9900 Extra-territorial organisations and bodies
96010  Washing and dry-cleaning of textile and fur products  9999 Industry not stated
9602  Hairdressing and other beauty treatment    
9603  Funeral and related activities    
9604  Physical well-being activities    
9609  Other service activities n.e.c.    


SOC2010 Classification

Detailed level of occupations used in the SOC2010-based census classifications

CodeOccupation   CodeOccupation
1MANAGERS, DIRECTORS AND SENIOR OFFICIALS   117Senior Officers in Protective Services
      1171 Officers in armed forces
11CORPORATE MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS   1172 Senior police officers
      1173 Senior officers in fire, ambulance, prison and related services
111Chief Executives and Senior Officials      
1115 Chief executives      
1116 Elected officers and representatives    118Health and Social Services Managers and Directors
1118 Civil and public service Assistant Secretary and above and senior officials   1181 Health services and public health managers and directors
      1184 Social services managers and directors
112Production Managers and Directors      
1121 Production managers and directors in manufacturing   119Managers and Directors in Retail and Wholesale
1122 Production managers and directors in construction   1190 Managers and directors in retail and wholesale
1123 Production managers and directors in mining and energy      
113Functional Managers and Directors      
1131 Financial managers and directors   121Managers and Proprietors in Agriculture Related Services
1132 Marketing and sales directors   1211 Managers and proprietors in agriculture and horticulture
1133 Purchasing managers and directors   1213 Managers and proprietors in forestry, fishing and related services
1134 Advertising and public relations directors   1218 Managers and proprietors in horse-racing and related industries
1135 Human resource managers and directors      
1136 Information technology and telecommunications directors   122Managers and Proprietors in Hospitality and Leisure Services
1139 Functional managers and directors n.e.c.*   1221 Hotel and accommodation managers and proprietors
      1223 Restaurant and catering establishment managers and proprietors
115Financial Institution Managers and Directors   1224 Publicans and managers of licensed premises
1150 Financial institution managers and directors   1225 Leisure and sports managers
      1226 Travel agency managers and proprietors
116Managers and Directors in Transport and Logistics      
1161 Managers and directors in transport and distribution   124Managers and Proprietors in Health and Care Services
1162 Managers and directors in storage and warehousing   1241 Health care practice managers
      1242 Residential, day and domiciliary  care managers and proprietors
125Managers and Proprietors in Other Services   2136 Programmers and software development professionals
1252 Garage managers and proprietors   2137 Web design and development professionals
1253 Hairdressing and beauty salon managers and proprietors   2139 Information technology and telecommunications professionals n.e.c.*
1254 Shopkeepers and proprietors – wholesale and retail      
1255 Waste disposal and environmental services managers   214Conservation and Environment Professionals
1258 Civil and Public Service AP & PO and equivalent grades   2141 Conservation professionals
1259 Managers and proprietors in other services n.e.c.*   2142 Environment professionals
2PROFESSIONAL OCCUPATIONS   215Research and Development Managers 
      2150 Research and development managers
211Natural and Social Science Professionals      
2111 Chemical scientists   221Health Professionals
2112 Biological scientists and biochemists   2211 Medical practitioners
2113 Physical scientists   2212 Psychologists
2114 Social and humanities scientists   2213 Pharmacists
2119 Natural and social science professionals n.e.c*   2214 Opticians (Incl. Dispensing Opticians, old Code 3216)
      2215 Dental practitioners
212Engineering Professionals   2216 Veterinarians
2121 Civil engineers   2217 Medical radiographers
2122 Mechanical engineers   2218 Podiatrists
2123 Electrical engineers   2219 Health professionals n.e.c.*
2124 Electronics engineers      
2126 Design and development engineers   222Therapy Professionals
2127 Production and process engineers   2221 Physiotherapists
2129 Engineering professionals n.e.c.*   2222 Occupational therapists
      2223 Speech and language therapists
213Information Technology and Telecommunications Professionals   2229 Therapy professionals n.e.c.*
2133 IT specialist managers      
2134 IT project and programme managers   223Nursing and Midwifery Professionals
2135 IT business analysts, architects and systems designers   2231 Nurses and midwives (incl.midwives,old code 2232)
      2434 Chartered surveyors
231Teaching and Educational Professionals   2435 Chartered architectural technologists
2311 Further and Higher Education teaching professionals ( incl. Higher and Further Education teaching professionals old code 2312)   2436 Construction project managers and related professionals
2314 Secondary education teaching professionals      
2315 Primary and Nursery education teaching professionals   244Welfare Professionals
2317 Senior professionals of educational establishments   2442 Social workers
2318 Education advisers and school inspectors   2443 Probation officers
2319 Teaching, special needs, and other educational professionals n.e.c.* (incl. special education teaching professionals, old code 2316)   2444 Clergy
      2449 Welfare professionals n.e.c.*
      245Librarians and Related Professionals
241Legal Professionals   2451 Librarians
2412 Barristers and judges   2452 Archivists and curators
2413 Solicitors      
2419 Legal professionals n.e.c*.   246Quality and Regulatory Professionals
      2461 Quality control and planning engineers
242Business, Research and Administrative Professionals   2462 Quality assurance and regulatory professionals
2421 Chartered and certified accountants and taxation experts (Incl. Taxation Experts old code 3535)   2463 Environmental health professionals
2423 Management consultants and business analysts      
2424 Business and financial project management professionals   247Media Professionals
2425 Actuaries, economists and statisticians   2471 Journalists, newspaper and periodical editors
2426 Business and related research professionals   2472 Public relations professionals
2429 Business, research and administrative professionals n.e.c.*   2473 Advertising accounts managers and creative directors
2431 Architects and town planners (incl. Town planners, old code 2432)      
      331Protective Service Occupations
311Science, Engineering and Production Technicians   3311 NCOs and other ranks
3111 Laboratory technicians   3312 Police officers (sergeant and below)
3112 Electrical and electronics technicians   3313 Fire service officers (watch manager and below)
3113 Engineering technicians   3314 Prison service officers (below principal officer)
3114 Building and civil engineering technicians   3315 Police community support officers
3115 Quality assurance technicians   3319 Protective service associate professionals n.e.c.*
3116 Planning, process and production technicians      
3119 Science, engineering and production technicians n.e.c.*   34CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORTS OCCUPATIONS
312Draughtspersons and Related Architectural Technicians   341Artistic, Literary and Media Occupations
3121 Architectural and town planning technicians   3411 Artists
3122 Draughtspersons   3412 Authors, writers and translators
      3413 Actors, entertainers and presenters
313Information Technology Technicians   3414 Dancers and choreographers
3131 IT operations technicians   3415 Musicians
3132 IT user support technicians   3416 Arts officers, producers and directors
      3417 Photographers, audio-visual and broadcasting equipment operators
      342Design Occupations
321Health Associate Professionals   3421 Graphic designers
3213 Paramedics   3422 Product, clothing and related designers
3217 Pharmaceutical technicians      
3218 Medical and dental technicians   344Sports and Fitness Occupations
3219 Health associate professionals n.e.c.*   3441 Sports players
      3442 Sports coaches, instructors and officials
323Welfare and Housing Associate Professionals   3443 Fitness instructors
3231 Youth and community workers      
3233 Child and early years officers      
3234 Housing officers      
3235 Counsellors      
3239 Welfare and housing associate professionals n.e.c.*      
35BUSINESS AND PUBLIC SERVICE ASSOCIATE PROFESSIONALS   356Public Services and Other Associate Professionals
      3561 Public services associate professionals
351Transport Associate Professionals   3562 Human resources and industrial relations officers
3511 Air traffic controllers   3563 Vocational and industrial trainers and instructors
3512 Aircraft pilots and flight engineers   3564 Careers advisers and vocational guidance specialists
3513 Ship and hovercraft officers   3565 Inspectors of standards and regulations
      3567 Health and safety officers
352Legal Associate Professionals      
3520 Legal associate professionals   4ADMINISTRATIVE AND SECRETARIAL OCCUPATIONS
353Business, Finance and Related Associate Professionals   41ADMINISTRATIVE OCCUPATIONS
3531 Estimators, valuers and assessors      
3532 Brokers   411Administrative Occupations: Government and Related Organisations
3533 Insurance underwriters   4112 National government administrative occupations
3534 Finance and investment analysts and advisers   4113 Local government administrative occupations
3536 Importers and exporters   4114 Officers of non-governmental organisations
3537 Financial and accounting technicians      
3538 Financial accounts managers   412Administrative Occupations: Finance
3539 Business and related associate professionals n.e.c.*   4121 Credit controllers
      4122 Book-keepers, payroll managers and wages clerks
354Sales, Marketing and Related Associate Professionals   4123 Bank and post office clerks
3541 Buyers and procurement officers   4124 Finance officers
3542 Business sales executives   4129 Financial administrative occupations n.e.c.*
3543 Marketing associate professionals      
3544 Estate agents and auctioneers   413Administrative Occupations: Records
3545 Sales accounts and business development managers   4131 Records clerks and assistants
3546 Conference and exhibition managers and organisers   4132 Pensions and insurance clerks and assistants
      4133 Stock control clerks and assistants
355Conservation and Environmental Associate Professionals   4134 Transport and distribution clerks and assistants
3550 Conservation and environmental associate professionals   4135 Library clerks and assistants
      4138 Human resources administrative occupations
415Other Administrative Occupations   5214 Metal plate workers, and riveters
4151 Sales administrators   5215 Welding trades
4159 Other administrative occupations n.e.c.*   5216 Pipe fitters
416Administrative Occupations: Office Managers and Supervisors   522Metal Machining, Fitting and Instrument Making Trades
4161 Office managers   5221 Metal machining setters and setter-operators
4162 Office supervisors   5222 Tool makers, tool fitters and markers-out
      5223 Metal working production and maintenance fitters
42SECRETARIAL AND RELATED OCCUPATIONS   5224 Precision instrument makers and repairers
      5225 Air-conditioning and refrigeration engineers
421 Secretarial and Related Occupations      
4215 Personal assistants and other secretaries    523Vehicle Trades
4216 Receptionists   5231 Vehicle technicians, mechanics and electricians
4217 Typists and related keyboard occupations   5232 Vehicle body builders and repairers 
      5234 Vehicle paint technicians
5SKILLED TRADES OCCUPATIONS   5235 Aircraft maintenance and related trades
      5236 Boat and ship builders and repairers
51SKILLED AGRICULTURAL AND RELATED TRADES   5237 Rail and rolling stock builders and repairers
511Agricultural and Related Trades   524Electrical and Electronic Trades
5111 Farmers   5241 Electricians and electrical fitters
5112 Horticultural trades   5242 Telecommunications engineers
5113 Gardeners and landscape gardeners   5244 TV, video and audio engineers
5114 Groundsmen and greenkeepers   5245 IT engineers
5118 Skilled workers in horse-racing and related industries   5249 Electrical and electronic trades n.e.c.*
5119 Agricultural and fishing trades n.e.c.*      
      525Skilled Metal, Electrical and Electronic Trades Supervisors
52SKILLED METAL, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC TRADES   5250 Skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades supervisors
521Metal Forming, Welding and Related Trades   53SKILLED CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING TRADES
5211 Smiths and forge workers      
5212 Moulders, core makers and die casters      
5213 Sheet metal workers      
531Construction and Building Trades   5435 Cooks
5311 Steel erectors   5436 Catering and bar managers
5312 Bricklayers and masons      
5313 Roofers, roof tilers and slaters   544Other Skilled Trades
5314 Plumbers and heating and ventilating engineers   5441 Glass and ceramics makers, decorators and finishers
5315 Carpenters and joiners   5442 Furniture makers and other craft woodworkers
5316 Glaziers, window fabricators and fitters   5443 Florists
5319 Construction and building trades n.e.c.*   5449 Other skilled trades n.e.c.*
5321 Plasterers      
5322 Floorers and wall tilers   61CARING PERSONAL SERVICE OCCUPATIONS
5323 Painters and decorators      
      612Childcare and Related Personal Services
533Construction and Building Trades Supervisors   6121 Nursery nurses and assistants and playworkers
5330 Construction and building trades supervisors   6122 Childminders and related occupations
      6125 Teaching assistants
54TEXTILES, PRINTING AND OTHER SKILLED TRADES   6126 Educational support assistants
541Textiles and Garments Trades   613Animal Care and Control Services
5411 Weavers and knitters   6131 Veterinary nurses
5412 Upholsterers   6132 Pest control officers
5413 Footwear and leather working trades   6139 Animal care services occupations n.e.c.*
5414 Tailors and dressmakers      
5419 Textiles, garments and related trades n.e.c.*   614Caring Personal Services
      6141 Nursing auxiliaries and assistants
542Printing Trades   6142 Ambulance staff (excluding paramedics)
5421 Pre-press technicians   6143 Dental nurses
5422 Printers   6144 Houseparents and residential wardens
5423 Print finishing and binding workers   6145 Care workers and home carers
      6146 Senior care workers
543Food Preparation and Hospitality Trades   6147 Care escorts
5431 Butchers   6148 Undertakers, mortuary and crematorium assistants
5432 Bakers and flour confectioners      
5433 Fishmongers and poultry dressers      
5434 Chefs      
62LEISURE, TRAVEL AND RELATED PERSONAL SERVICE OCCUPATIONS   7124 Market and street traders and assistants
      7125 Merchandisers and window dressers
621Leisure and Travel Services   7129 Sales related occupations n.e.c.*(incl. property, housing and estate managers 1251)
6211 Sports and leisure assistants      
6212 Travel agents   713Sales Supervisors
6214 Air travel assistants   7130 Sales supervisors
6215 Rail travel assistants      
6219 Leisure and travel service occupations n.e.c.*   72CUSTOMER SERVICE OCCUPATIONS
622Hairdressers and Related Services   721Customer Service Occupations
6221 Hairdressers, barbers, beauticians and related occupations (incl. Beauticians and related occupations old code 6222)   7211 Call and contact centre occupations
      7213 Telephonists
623Housekeeping and Related Services   7214 Communication operators
6231 Housekeepers and related occupations   7215 Market research interviewers
6232 Caretakers   7219 Customer service occupations n.e.c.*
624Cleaning and Housekeeping Managers and Supervisors   722Customer Service Managers and Supervisors
6240 Cleaning and housekeeping managers and supervisors   7220 Customer service managers and supervisors
711Sales Assistants and Retail Cashiers   811Process Operatives
7111 Sales and retail assistants, cashiers and checkout operators (incl. Retail cash desk and check-out operators old code 7112)   8111 Food, drink and tobacco process operatives
7113 Telephone salespersons   8112 Glass and ceramics process operatives
7114 Pharmacy and other dispensing assistants   8113 Textile process operatives
7115 Vehicle and parts salespersons and advisers   8114 Chemical and related process operatives
      8115 Rubber process operatives
712Sales Related Occupations   8116 Plastics process operatives
7121 Collector salespersons and credit agents   8117 Metal making and treating process operatives
7122 Debt, rent and other cash collectors   8118 Electroplaters
7123 Roundspersons and van salespersons   8119 Process operatives n.e.c.*
812Plant and Machine Operatives   8222 Fork-lift truck drivers
8121 Paper and wood machine operatives   8223 Agricultural machinery drivers
8122 Coal mine operatives   8229 Mobile machine drivers and operatives n.e.c.*
8123 Quarry workers and related operatives      
8124 Energy plant operatives   823Other Drivers and Transport Operatives
8125 Metal working machine operatives   8231 Train and tram drivers
8126 Water and sewerage plant operatives   8232 Marine and waterways transport operatives
8127 Printing machine assistants   8233 Air transport operatives
8129 Plant and machine operatives n.e.c.*   8234 Rail transport operatives
      8239 Other drivers and transport operatives n.e.c.*
813Assemblers and Routine Operatives      
8131 Assemblers (electrical and electronic products)   9ELEMENTARY OCCUPATIONS
8132 Assemblers (vehicles and metal goods)      
8133 Routine inspectors and testers   91ELEMENTARY TRADES AND RELATED OCCUPATIONS
8134 Weighers, graders and sorters      
8135 Tyre, exhaust and windscreen fitters   911Elementary Agricultural Occupations
8137 Sewing machinists   9111 Farm workers
8139 Assemblers and routine operatives n.e.c.*   9112 Forestry workers
      9118 Elementary occupations in horse-racing and related industries
814Construction Operatives   9119 Fishing and other elementary agriculture occupations n.e.c.*
8141 Scaffolders, stagers and riggers      
8142 Road construction operatives   912Elementary Construction Occupations
8143 Rail construction and maintenance operatives   9120 Elementary construction occupations
8149 Construction operatives n.e.c.*      
      913Elementary Process Plant Occupations
82TRANSPORT AND MOBILE MACHINE DRIVERS AND OPERATIVES   9132 Industrial cleaning process occupations
      9134 Packers, bottlers, canners and fillers
821Road Transport Drivers   9139 Elementary process plant occupations n.e.c.*
8211 Large goods vehicle drivers      
8213 Bus and coach drivers      
8214 Taxi and cab drivers and chauffeurs   921 Elementary Administration Occupations
8215 Driving instructors   9211 Postal workers, mail sorters, messengers and couriers
      9219 Elementary administration occupations n.e.c.*
822Mobile Machine Drivers and Operatives      
8221 Crane drivers   923 Elementary Cleaning Occupations 
      9231  Window cleaners 
924Elementary Security Occupations   9232  Street cleaners 
9241 Security guards and related occupations   9233  Cleaners and domestics 
9242 Parking and civil enforcement occupations   9234  Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers 
9244 School midday and crossing patrol occupations   9235  Refuse and salvage occupations 
9249 Elementary security occupations n.e.c.*   9236  Vehicle valeters and cleaners 
      9239  Elementary cleaning occupations n.e.c.* 
925Elementary Sales Occupations      
9251 Shelf fillers   926  Elementary Storage Occupations 
9259 Elementary sales occupations n.e.c.*   9260  Elementary storage occupations 
927Other Elementary Services Occupations      
9271 Hospital porters      
9272 Kitchen and catering assistants      
9273 Waiters and waitresses      
9274 Bar staff      
9275 Leisure and theme park attendants      
9279 Other elementary services occupations n.e.c.*     *n.e.c.=not elsewhere classified