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Press Statement


26 January 2022

Press Statement CSO Customer Satisfaction Survey 2022

CSO undertakes Customer Satisfaction Survey to find what we can do better

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) today launches a Customer Satisfaction Survey to find out ways in which we can improve our service and meet the needs of everyone who uses CSO information.

Commenting, Maria Hurley, Assistant Director General, CSO said: “Official statistics compiled by the CSO are available to everyone and help decision makers plan for our future. Our customers range from policy makers, government, researchers, students, businesses, media, and the general public, as well as various international press and state agencies. We are asking everyone who uses our statistics to take part in this Customer Satisfaction Survey to ensure the CSO continues to meet the needs of all our users.”

In order to help us find out what aspects of our work our customers like and what elements need improvement, the CSO has hired independent research agency Coyne Research to gather feedback on our behalf. All individual responses will remain confidential to Coyne Research and will be amalgamated with all other responses so that your privacy is fully protected. 

We want everyone to have their say. We are inviting all users of our data, whether they are expert data users or those with a casual interest in Official Statistics, to take part in the Customer Satisfaction Survey and tell us what you think of the work of the CSO, how we communicate our information and the value of independent data.

To take part, customers can click on the Have Your Say pop-up link on our website,, and on our social media channels. The survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes and is live from today until Sunday 13 February. Anyone who completes our Customer Satisfaction Survey and provides their email address will be entered into a draw with a chance to win one of two €100 One for All Vouchers. Winners will be notified by email.

This is the second time the CSO has undertaken a Customer Satisfaction Survey. The last one took place in 2016 and the feedback from that survey led to many customer-focused improvements including how we communicate official statistics to make information more accessible.

Independent, objective, and trustworthy official statistics have never been of more importance. Insights produced by the CSO over the last number of years have helped decision makers and the public understand the societal and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the work of the CSO, we know there were almost 7.6 million fewer hours worked per week in the year to Q1 2021. We know that in April 2020 life satisfaction rates in Ireland fell to lower levels than those recorded during the 2008 global financial crisis, but we also know that by November 2020, 45% of respondents reported that something in their lives had changed for the better since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. We know that as of November 2021, 90% of those aged 35-44 years who could work remotely expressed an interest to do so when all pandemic restrictions are lifted. We know all of this “Because You Told Us”.

Ensuring the CSO provides the best service possible to the public is a key priority for the National Statistics Board (NSB) whose role is to guide the broad strategic direction of the CSO. Survey results will be reviewed with the NSB and used to improve our customer service.

For further information contact:

Press Office (+353) 21 453 5028

or email

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