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Press Statement


12 January 2021

Press Statement Vehicles licensed for the first time December and Year 2020

Number of new cars licensed in 2020 down by a quarter
  • The number of new cars licensed in 2020 fell by almost 29,000 (-25.6%) vehicles compared with 2019
  • Almost one fifth (19.7%) of all new cars licensed for the first time in 2020 were electric or hybrid
  • The combined number of new electric and hybrid cars licensed in 2020 was 15.7% greater than those licensed in 2019 (16,594 compared to 14,343)
  • There was a decrease of more than 30,000 (-27.9%) used private cars in 2020 compared with 2019
  • The number of new private cars licensed in December 2020 was 41.6% higher than December 2019

Go to release: Vehicles Licensed for the first time December and Year 2020

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (12 January 2021) published Vehicle Licensing figures for December and Year 2020. These figures are based on the National Vehicle and Driver File compiled by the Department of Transport.

Today’s publication shows that the number of new cars licensed for the first time in 2020 was 84,309 compared with 113,305 in 2019, a fall of 25.6% or 28,996 fewer cars. The number of new cars licensed in December 2020 was 1,032 compared with 729 in December 2019, an increase of 41.6%.

Commenting on the data, Noreen Dorgan, Assistant Principal, said: “Today’s figures from the CSO show the continued growth in the number of electric and hybrid vehicles licensed in Ireland. Despite the drop of 25.6% in the overall number of new cars licensed in 2020, the number of new hybrid and electric cars licensed in 2020 exceeds the number licensed in 2019 by 15.7%. The number of new electric cars licensed in 2020 grew by 14.4% from 3,443 to 3,940. There were 12,654 new hybrid cars licensed in 2020, compared with 10,900 the previous year. Furthermore, the number of used (imported) diesel private cars licensed fell by 35.0% from 78,315 in 2019 to 50,886 in 2020.”

Further commenting on the results, Noreen Dorgan, said: “The number of new cars licensed in December 2020 shows an increase of 41.6% compared with December 2019. Data for the year, shows that the number of new cars licensed was 28,996 lower than in 2019, a drop of 25.6%. This fall is due to the very low numbers licensed during the peak of the COVID-19 crisis. The number of used cars licensed in December rose by 11.5% compared with December 2019. The number of used private cars licensed in 2020 was down by 30,354 (-27.9%) vehicles when compared with 2019.”

For further information contact:

Noreen Dorgan (+353) 21 453 5260

or email

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