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Products on the CSO Work Programme were divided into the following six main themes with twenty-six associated sub-themes. Also included are the main Corporate publications produced during the year:

People and Society

Contained within this theme are statistical products all about people and the society in which we live. This theme is further divided into eight sub-themes and covers Population and Migration; Births, Deaths and Marriages; Crime and Justice; Social Conditions; Health; Information Society; Education; Housing and Households.

Population and Migration

Head of Division: Cormac Halpin (Census Outputs); Brian Ring (Administrative Data & Governance); Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis); Kieran Culhane (Statistical System Coordination Unit) & Declan Smyth (Statistical System Coordination Unit – Horizontal Reports)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 11
Number of Products produced in 2021: 10

The Administrative Census Publication was delayed.

Product not produced:

Census 2022 Dissemination Strategy, a non-statistical product, was not produced in 2021.

Births, Deaths and Marriages

Head of Division: Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 9
Number of Products produced in 2021: 9

All products listed on the work programme in 2021 were published, though the Vital Statistics Annual Report was delayed.

Crime and Justice

Head of Division: Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 7
Number of Products published in 2021: 7

One new statistical product not listed on the work programme for 2021 was published, Review of the Quality of Recorded Crime Statistics.

Probation 2016 - Backgrounds in the community was listed on the work programme in 2021 but was not published.

Social Conditions

Head of Division: Gerard Reilly (Income, Consumption & Wealth); Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis)
Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 11
Number of Products produced in 2021: 5

One new Statistical product not listed on the work programme for 2021 was published: Poverty Insights - Income Reference Periods 2018 to 2020.

Products not produced:

SILC module on Well-being 2018

Social Impact of Covid-19 April 2020

Social Impact of Covid-19 August 2020

Social Impact of Covid-19 November 2020

SILC Module on the Integrational Transmission of Disadvantages 2019

Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) Report on Household Amenities and Access to Services 2004-2019

The Impact of Covid-19 crisis on dept sustainability indicators


Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis); Kieran Culhane (Statistical Systems Co-ordination Unit)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 7
Number of Products produced in 2021: 6

New products produced but not listed on the work programme 2021:

Covid-19 ICU and Hospital Admissions
Covid-19 Vaccination Statistics
Income, Employment and Welfare Analysis of People with a Disability 2019.

Products not produced:

HSE Funded Optical Treatments
HSE Funded GP visits
HSE Funded Dental Treatments
HSE Funded Pharmacy Claims

Information Society

Head of Division: Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis); Barra Casey (Business Statistics Analysis & Results); Kevin McCormack (Sustainable Development Goals & Indicator Reports)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 3
Number of Products published in 2021: 6

New products produced but not listed on the work programme 2021:

Household Internet Security and Information Integrity
Household Digital Consumer Behaviour
Household Coverage and Usage in Ireland


Head of Division: Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis); Kieran Culhane (Statistical System Coordination Unit)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 3
Number of Products published in 2021: 2

The publication of Higher Education Outcomes Early Learning Graduates was delayed.

Product not produced:

Higher Education Outcomes

Housing and Households

Head of Division: Brian Ring (Administrative Data & Governance Analysis); Gerard Reilly (Income, Consumption & Wealth; Kieran Culhane (Statistical Systems Co-Ordination Unit)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 5
Number of Products published in 2021: 3

Products not produced:

Household Budget Survey

Household Finance Consumption Survey

Labour Market and Earnings

Statistical Products measuring employment/unemployment, the flow of jobs and persons, industrial disputes, earnings and labour costs are included in this area. The theme is subdivided into two sub-themes Labour Market; Earnings.

Labour Market

Head of Division: Tara Davis (Labour Market & Earnings)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 10
Number of Products published in 2021: 8

New products produced but not listed on the work programme 2021:

Covid-19 Income supports – an analysis of recipients

PUP data by local electoral level

One existing product not listed on the work programme for 2021 was produced; Labour Market Insight bulletin

Publication of quarter 1 Labour Force Survey was delayed due to the introduction of I.E.S.S.

Products not produced:

Labour Force Survey - LFS Households & Family Units

Labour Force Survey – LFS Employment Series

Foreign Nationals: PPSN Allocations, Employment & Social Welfare Activity

Job Churn

Labour Force Survey – National Minimum Wage Estimates


Head of Division: Tara Davis (Labour Market & Earnings)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 7

Number of Products published in 2021: 6

Two publications were delayed:

Earnings & Labour Costs Annual
Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources

Public/Private Sector Pay Analysis was listed on the work programme in 2021 but was not published.

Business Sectors

Statistical Products measuring all aspects of the Business Economy using short term statistics and longer term structural statistics. This theme is further divided into seven sub-themes and covers Agriculture; Construction; Industry; Multisectoral; Services; Tourism and Travel; Transport.


Head of Division: Donal Kelly (Agriculture, Transport & Tourism)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 16
Number of Products published in 2021: 22

The publication of Outputs, Input & Income in Agriculture was delayed.

One product listed on the work programme for 2021 was not published; Farm Structure Survey

7 existing products not listed on the work programme for 2021 were published:

Crop Supply Balance

Quarterly National Accounts Estimates

September Forecasts of Inputs and Outputs in Agriculture for Revenue

July OIIA Analysis for Revenue

PCE-FD Table for National Accounts

Breakdown of Energy Costs for National Accounts

Breakdown of REAA by county for National Accounts


Head of Division: Barra Casey (Business Statistics Analysis & Results), Edel Flannery (Prices)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 4

Number of Products published in 2021: 4

All the statistical products scheduled to be produced in 2021 were published.


Head of Division: Barra Casey (Business Statistics Analysis & Results); Edel Flannery (Prices)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 8             

Number of Products published in 2021: 6

Products not produced:

Census of Industrial Production – Local Units, Regional and County Data

Provisional Yearly Structural Business Data


Head of Division: Barra Casey (Business Statistics Analysis & Results)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 13
Number of Products published in 2021: 11

The following products listed on the work programme for 2021 were not published:

High Growth Enterprises

Global Value Chains

1 statistical product, Outward Foreign Affiliate Statistics was published two weeks later than planned, due to a delay in receiving the data.


Head of Division: Paul J Crowley (Business Statistics – Data Collection & Services Outputs)

Barra Casey(Business Statistics Analysis & Results);
Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 3
Number of Products published in 2021: 5

Two new products not listed on the work programme for 2021 were published;
Monthly Services Index
Brexit in SME’s

Tourism and Travel

Head of Division: Donal Kelly (Agriculture, Transport & Tourism)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 6

Number of Products published in 2021: 5

Product not produced:

The Household Travel Survey was not produced in 2021, due to data quality issues.


Head of Division: Donal Kelly (Agriculture, Transport & Tourism); Declan Smyth 1 (Statistical Systems Coordination Unit/Horizontal Reports

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 

Number of Products published in 2021: 

Product not produced:

Same-day visits (outbound)


Statistical products measuring the economic activity of the economy. This theme is further divided into five sub-themes and covers  Balance of Payments; National Accounts; External Trade; Prices; Government Accounts

Balance of Payments

Head of Division: John Sheridan (Balance of Payments Analysis & Dissemination)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 23

Number of Products published in 2021: 22

Product not produced:

Assets & Liabilities of the Financial Sector – will be produced in 2022

Government Accounts

Head of Division: John Sheridan (Balance of Payments – Analysis & Dissemination); Norita Murphy (Government Accounts Classification); Stephen McDonagh (Government Accounts – Compilation & Outputs); Brian King (National Accounts – Data Collection & Quality) 

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 18

Number of Products published in 2021: 18

Government Accounts Classification Decisions, an existing product not listed on the work programme for 2021 was published:

National Accounts IT Project, an existing product listed on the work programme for 2021 was not published.

National Accounts

Head of Division: John Sheridan (Balance of Payments – Analysis & Dissemination; Michael Connolly (National Accounts – Analysis & Globalisation); Stephen McDonagh (Government Accounts – Compilation & Outputs); Brian King (National Accounts – Data Collection & Quality); Christopher Sibley (National Accounts – Integration & LCU)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 57

Number of Products published in 2021: 58

One new product not included on the work programme for 2021 was published; GVC on Agriculture and Food.

External Trade

Head of Division: Orla McCarthy (International Trade in Goods)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 12

Number of Products published in 2021: 9

Product not produced:

Trade by Enterprise Characteristics Publication

Irish Traders and the UK 2017 

Profile Of Trading Enterprises


Head of Division: Edel Flannery (Prices)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 11

Number of Products published in 2021: 11

All 11 statistical products due to be produced in 2021 were published as scheduled.

General Statistical Publications

Cross cutting statistical publications combining published statistics from a wide range of sources into one thematic publication.

General Statistical Publications

Head of Division: Elaine O’ Mahoney (Dissemination & Communication); Head of Division: Cormac Halpin & Diarmuid Reidy (Census): Keith McSweeney (Social Analysis); John Dunne (Secondary Data Sources & Innovation); Declan Smyth (Statistical System Coordination)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 7
Number of Products published in 2021: 8

New products produced but  not listed on the work programme 2021:

Economic Life and Covid-19 in Ireland 2020-2021

1 existing statistical product, Research Microdata Files, was not listed on the work programme but was published in 2021

Product not produced:

1 existing statistical product, Ireland: Facts & Figures, was listed on the work programme but was not published in 2021


Statistical Products covering the rapidly expanding area of environmental statistics. This theme is further divided into four sub-themes and covers Environment Accounts; Environment IndicatorsEnvironment Statistics and Climate and Energy which was established during 2021.

Environment Accounts

Head of Division: Gerry Brady (Environment & Climate)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 11

Number of Products published in 2021: 11

New product produced but not listed on the work programme 2021:

Frontier Publication - Ecosystem Accounts: Peatlands and Heathlands 2018

Frontier Publication - Ecosystem Accounts: Grasslands and Croplands 2018 (delayed)

Products not published

Forest accounts

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire

Environment Indicators

Head of Division: Gerry Brady (Environment & Climate)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 1

Number of Products published in 2021: 1

The Environmental Indicators Ireland publication was published as scheduled.

Environment Statistics

Head of Division: Gerry Brady (Environment & Climate)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 6

Number of Products published in 2021: 5

3 New products produced but not listed on the work programme 2021:

Forest Wood Removals

Wood Input Purchases by Industry

Household Survey Environment Modules

Products not published

Waste Generation Survey

Domestic Metered Public Water Consumption

Non-Domestic Metered Public Water Consumption

Census of Population from an Environment Perspective

Climate & Energy

Head of Division: Gerry Brady (Environment & Climate)

Number of Products scheduled to be produced in 2021: 11

Number of Products published in 2021: 7

New product produced but not listed on the work programme 2021:

Plant Phenology

Products not published

Fuel Movements

Climate Indicators

Car Odometer Readings

Electric Vehicle Transition Indicators

Metered Electricity Consumption

Corporate Publications

In addition to the Statistical Products produced the Central Statistics Office published one corporate publication during 2021, the National Statistics Board Support.

Return to >>> Introduction

  • Progress Report on the CSO Annual Statistical Work Programme 2021
  • Highlights of the 2021 Work Programme
  • Innovation
  • 2021 Work Programme by Theme and Sub-theme